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Everything posted by actonion

  1. 22 years living in Thailand married to a Thai lady for 15 of those years, we holiday in the U.K. every 3or 4 years, and have just returned form the latest holiday of 5 weeks there. Due to the weather, the crazy prices of 1 pint of beer, and a beer shandy at 15 pounds ( not in central London) either ++++ we will not be returning any time soon, if ever.......I find it easier, & more comfortable to get cooled off in Thailand, rather than try get warmed up in England....
  2. Thailand needs to make its mind up on Bikini's .. a recently retired Thai Prime Minister said of a Farang female tourist who was Murdered, & Raped on a Thai Island some years back, that because she was wearing a Bikini she more or less asked for it..!!!.
  3. My Thai Wife accompanied me to local private Hospital to have my Cholesterol levels checked as I do every 6 months.. while we were there she asked if she could have her Cholesterol levels checked, and all her levels were found to be very high, the Doctor advised her to control her diet, & exercise, "she did neither, she never excercises".......My Wife works at a company in Pattaya that twice a year employs a local government Hospital to visit companies with their Mobile Clinic,..... 6 weeks after she had accompanied me at the hospital she had her Cholesterol levels checked again at this Mobile Clinic, all her levels were perfect... how can this be possible,? or is some Lab not testing correct..
  4. Thai's are a nation of followers, they will wait until someone else does something about it ...
  5. Who gives a monkeys what Thai people think
  6. I thought these drivers were so honest being that they return Hundreds of Thousands Baht left on their back seats so often !!!
  7. Why not raise the threshold so lower earning Thais pay income tax,... my (Thai) wife, 53 years old, has held an office job all her working life & has never paid income tax
  8. The restaurants nick 'em all ????
  9. Stopped so quickly because a car had pulled out from a side road (Floating market) and went across Sukhumvit rd. ,making 3 lanes of Sukhumvit rd. brake hard...The insurance company that I "used" to use had their own adjusters, nodding his head in agreement with the police ..
  10. Having kids for Thai's is equal to having a pension scheme in the western world, someone to take care of us / provide money ...when we are older
  11. I was rear ended, a Thai man in his pick up caused 80,000 baht damage to my pick up, no insurance, no licence on him he said, police and my insurance were called, end of the story was, I was to blame the police said, because i stopped too quick in an emergency braking situation on Sukhumvit rd .. I too had to pay for the damage caused
  12. No Road tax , No Insurance, No Licence, & No money for damages caused, are those that I have had the misfortune to come in contact with
  13. That's ok, the bloke in the next bed wants to buy your Slippers
  14. If she's a non virgin deduct 25%, .....if she has a fake, or non education, deduct 25%...if she's a divorcee deduct 25%,..... in my experience most are, ....so you are left with a reasonable 250,000b and the parents must pay for the wedding party which will cost a tidy sum with all the extended family being invited, dont forget she will want a chunk of gold bought for her to wear at the wedding.......been there, done that..
  15. My Thai brother in law was a Police constable when I met my Missus 10 years ago, today he's a Lt. Colonel, when I asked my wife how he rose to the high ranks in such a short time, she replied my brothers boss likes him, he baby sits for the boss's kids..!!
  16. Thai's and good manners? You obviously don't drive in Thailand, the most impolite people
  17. With regard to the above post Thai's deserve every bashing they get.... when you hear them saying how much they love their country, then they trash it so much ...
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