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Everything posted by daveAustin

  1. Gawd, I couldn't think of worse places. Iran was great in the 70s, but is a horrible place to visit now. China may have beautiful country, but..., Dubai mega hot and false, KL is alright but great food can be had anywhere. Have not done Japan yet but will get there eventually. Very appealing despite the cost. Vietnam has to also be right up there.
  2. I'm with you. Being all meek and worrying over the guy's health ahead of potential victims seems to be the way of things nowadays and his mega cringeworthy. I do not care. We all have issues, but most of us put up with it quietly and do not upset and inconvenience others. Have had the 'privilege' of sitting next to unruly aholes and it is not a nice experience. Lock the prick up.
  3. What a crock. Avoid putting them all in one box! Don't know the kind you mingle with, but some of my Thai friends are absolute diamonds and I'd do anything for them. Helps if they're on your level or above. On the op; farang strangers giving gifts to poor families... in reversed roles this probably wouldn't happen.
  4. No. Let’s not be silly now. While mushrooms should probably also be decriminalised, putting weed in the same sentence as yabba makes one look really uninformed.
  5. Yeah well nobody cares what they and other controlling individuals think. If you don’t want to do it, don’t do it. If you don’t want people smoking at your premises, make a point with clear signage etc.
  6. To make it more appealing to retirees, stop harping on about tax!
  7. I dunno, a foreigner-hating army stooge he way be, but he has a bit more nouse than current donkey and at least we wouldn’t have to look at his idiotic smiley boat race anymore. In a perfect world, it’d be Pita. But it ain’t and it isn’t, so better to have a numpty than a smiling clown numpty. 🙂
  8. No racist here, I just don't care for any one group piling into a place, including my own. And the Chinese have a knack for causing chaos and disrespecting all others. Then there are the zero dollar tours where locals do not benefit. But, yes, Chinese girls can be really cute. 😉 Likely just a fluff article anyway to make certain parties look good.
  9. Well it never was Srettha. He’s just an embarrassing mouthpiece. But if T really wanted it recriminalised, it would have been.
  10. This will probably be the best outcome; letting people have the choice (but not openly smoking) and protecting vendors’ investments etc. Would be sad to see Thailand backtrack on this. Some devilish people would have all vices banned to fit their own trivial agenda and be damned everyone else. Don’t bother with it nowadays, but nice to have that choice as it should be in a modern, normal world. Pathetic to see my own country hasn’t followed suit. This is a win for the NORMAL people.
  11. ^^^ Indeed. Hoping for their sakes they’re a troll. If not, thick as a plank. Or perhaps they’re right, everyone’s got it wrong and should be injecting it. On the ‘bringing drugs outside’, this clown probably thinks nothing of staggering down the street chain smoking with beer in hand!
  12. 😂 Good one. All a bit immature the whole, look at me I’ve got a todger, I don’t do condoms and don’t care if I spread all that junk around etc. Farangs doing all that deserve to get sick; most young Thais don’t know better.
  13. Bizarre. Suggest watch several more times because he was clearly facing backwards (against direction of travel), stepping off the thing which is why he banged his head. Highly unlikely a sawnthaew driver would drive off (at a steady rate) and not collect his fare. Reckon the unfortunate chap just didn't know how it all worked and just stepped off, as others said. That driver didn't stop after people shouted could also be a nothing... locals can often be oblivious to noise.
  14. So just give it direct to them and stop treating the citizens like children. All of the above will be purchased anyway (lottery tickets, gold etc) after these outlets get their boost.
  15. Don’t believe they did. They just cooked the books. Crematoria were apparently overrun.
  16. 😂😂😂 What f’ing job performance and who voted? Some random, totally irrelevant LINE channel which normal Thais know nothing about? What have you done, fella? You weren’t even elected. The position you occupy was stolen from another. Nobody that counts had a choice. Nobody likes you. Nobody cares about you. You are a nobody. Move along, please, and take your crafty overlord with you!
  17. Me, too. But nice to know there would be something to fall back on if this thing is legit and sticks.
  18. Thais bashing Thais? Should probably read again. And yes it is awful. Thais can have so much elegance in design, but this staid thing looks like a workman’s outfit and smacks of dinosaur governmental input.
  19. Well it was his party’s policy after all! Regardless of monies lost or made, he would be spineless and a complete numpty to agree to reclassify now. While Pita should be running things, Anutin, despite is dislike of foreigners, is probably the next best thing for Thailand. This Sretta character (even under is overlord) is a damp squib waste of space and keeps going against the majority.
  20. Possibly narcissist (most top businessmen are) but insane, nah. Mostly bravado. What is insane is the fragile little triggered souls that vehemently oppose him. If he was a little less invective, you wouldn't know the difference but would have no-one to direct your manifested hate at. I mean people actually compare this beaut who loves his country to Hitler. 🤣🤣 So funny. Weirdos that should be ignored.
  21. Your old passport stays with you, but you have to colour copy every page and it all goes back to Blighty.
  22. Loved THAI Smile. They were rarely much more than the Mickey Mouse airlines with all their annoying add-ons, and had the best times, beautiful honeys and would park up at the gate.
  23. Flown most and still enjoy Thai. Have a good connection to the West from local town. Good times, Love the staff who have to put up with miserable foreigners. Emirates, Qatar are nice but haven’t got the patience to mess about changing planes, plus they’re pricey nowadays and routinely charge silly money to pick a normal seat.
  24. 😴😴😴 All about choice, chap. Powers that be ban it here because of face / being seen to toe the line. It is conformist, controlling and has a detrimental effect on their cherished tourism. Doesn’t bother me either way but guaranteed they will also be on it like normal people… not that this government is normal.
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