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Everything posted by daveAustin

  1. Good points in theory but what has any of that got to do with non immigrants? Essentially people that have no voting rights nor cannot own land etc etc. If Thailand wants to play big brother by grabbing its visitors’ cash, it should grow up and stop taking its cake and eating it.
  2. Deserves it. Sorry, but with all the bs that goes on Thailand (yes, little one, you can be robbed in Thailand usually by Thais), he then goes on to question the safety of other countries. What an utter donkey.
  3. That is being 'green'. Rose tinted glasses is more thinking everything is awesome and not entertaining or accepting any negativity on Thais or Thailand even when it is staring them in the face. Thaier than Thai types.
  4. Former Thai Prime Minister Thaksin Recovers from Covid Former?
  5. It sucks. While the bigwig with their ridiculous income and tax dodging needs to be collared, all this will likely achieve is to just ensnare and complicate the life of the average, law-abiding joe that has already paid their just dues and just wants to live an easier life in peace. Over the last 70 years or so, post-2020 is the absolute worst time to be alive imo. Everything has become more complicated, expensive and just downright sh.itty, and the Thai government seems to be pushing through too much too quickly without any thought, rather like an erratic child on meth.
  6. To scare them and hopefully get rid of them. As you know, a certain faction of the Thai populace does not really care for us wrinkly foreigners.
  7. Because the dinosaurs in government are stupid, incompetent, unempathetic and most of all xenophobic. i.e. we tolerate you for your money but if you stay too long we’ll shaft you. All these recent grandiose schemes and this n that visa to attract foreign investment blah blah and they pull this one. Donkeys.
  8. It’s got that greasy prik from Dubai written all over it.
  9. Thailand to tax residents’ foreign income irrespective of remittance Well that’s a fine advertisement for attracting retirees as they’ve been trying to do. What a bunch of donkeys. Get this bogus government out!
  10. Who cares! Why the F don't they grow up and enjoy their country and life? Russia, a sad state of affairs, is so stuck up its own arssse, and to what end? An utterly depressing place ruled by bent, ego-fuelled little despots and depressives. Move on, give the world a break FFS!
  11. I'm sure you're trying to do good, John, and possibly recommended for older folk, but I will not be having this or any other covid vaccine again... issues with previous jabs. Garbage. Had Delta and survived so will rely on my immune system.
  12. That's horrendous. Couldn't fathom that. All the best.
  13. They won’t listen. While my country has nice, polite people that often find their way here, it also produces scummy bogun types. I’m all for turning them around or better still send them to Oz. Oh wait! 😜
  14. I’ll give him some free advice; please move along and take your overlord and bum party with you.
  15. Yuck. No thanks. Go to Malaysia instead, please.
  16. PM of a corrupt government? He needs to be heading his people not the current bunch of upstarts, if they would even let him lol. Spose it's all about keeping his face out there. 🙂
  17. Perhaps they are going for walks, massage, pool and gym when you are. But if you are confirming that they sit there and drink all day by you watching them all day, then you are more boring than them, surely? Personally couldn't do Pattaya and that life, or mop hospital floors all day for that matter lol, but hey each to their own right.
  18. No, because Putin values his life and country too much. It's all hot air. Anyone thinking he and China are the good guys and it's all on the evil West need their head read. Look at how they treat their populace for crying out loud! Duh.
  19. Absolutely not. He wants it because he is not getting anywhere and it is deeply unpopular at home. If you want peace, give back Crimea, take your army and FO!
  20. Ewell that'll make amends for the thousands that get ripped off by the things every day. 😋 Surely that journey in a shi,te spewing tut-tuk is only a few hundred baht?, or I am getting very old. ALWAYS agree price before getting in these things and visit cops if ripped off later.
  21. HE postponed the court hearing? What the actual F! Let's hope the covid infection isn't trivial. All this crying wolf is going to come back at him. But if he does actually die, then we will all know that he really was sick.
  22. Prove that you didn’t influence process! How’s about banning that stuff in Thailand until the little pipsqueak is brought to justice!?
  23. Expect it’s always been high but more people are coming forward as it’s not as stigmatised as it was. Having said that, post-2020 has been particularly SH1,T for a lot of people.
  24. It is a good idea for any country if only to get kids off their phones and out of their wrapped up little lives for a bit. Some of the uni kids in the UK are so out of touch with reality that a couple years basic training and discipline would give them real perspective.
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