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Everything posted by daveAustin

  1. No they didn’t. Many had no clue where they were going; there was no choice. Similar to the other comment wishing the death of all Russians on the actions of the few. What are you guys smoking? It is good news that the 237th has been taken apart and we all hope Ukraine prevails, but all Russian soldiers or all Russians aren’t to blame; the buck stops with one unhinged, arrogant lunatic!
  2. It was bound to happen eventually, as with YouTube thumbs-down. Similar happened with Thaivisa a few years back when + and - reactions were changed to + only. On the other hand, having dislikes cheapens overall ‘reputation’ against genuine likes, if dislikes are indeed tallied. Also, some members would automatically ’sad’ or ‘laugh’ at anything other members said to the point where it all got a bit silly. Anyway, off topic and will no doubt be deleted.
  3. How bizarre, but whatever floats your boat. FYI there are huge ones in the UK too, but what use does a standard household have for one just to say ‘we have a huge tumble drier’? The large Otteri laundromat industrial driers are gas and electric powered and are all over Thailand. Would they be big enough or do you want to dry your entire tambon’s clothes all at once because you can? ????
  4. Slightly more than 299 baht, slightly less than 301 baht. The kicker is, will they pay out if one has an accident? ????
  5. Apologies for the overly negative tone on a people but I hope the place sinks… for the betterment of the rest of us and planet earth. If we get dragged down too, then so be it!
  6. That and not wanting their citizens to die when it all kicks off.
  7. What’s that got to do with the price of fish? Easy on the guilt tripping. Look at all the European powers; everyone was at it. 2baht is on point. The Chinese do this stuff for one reason and they cannot stand foreigners.
  8. All about one feeble little man and his aspirations for empire and ‘greatness’. Cannot believe this shizer is still happening in 2022. He needs putting down just like that other little prune in the ‘40s. Pathetic.
  9. The military junta is NOT Thailand, Lavrov, you unhinged so & so. Yuck!
  10. This! Worrying as soon as Philip went. So often the case with very long marriages and especially someone with so much demands on them. Gutted, but also happy there’s no more suffering. RIP ma’am.
  11. Rare but been there, done that. Surprising how fast bills can mount when one is in a jolly mood and starts buying these drinks in the wrong places... padded with a bit of 'tax' for good measure.
  12. More like they know they'll lose money due to the drop off in revenues from the sale of (often) pointless and dangerous pharmaceuticals. They should pipe down and let the people decide what is good or bad for them.
  13. I don’t see him blaming anyone but himself.
  14. Seriously? Nice to see some decent replies elsewhere.
  15. Why isn’t the dark side of Saturn lit up by the billions of stars out there? Seriously, just wot the…. are these people on?
  16. Very few vowels? Tongue in cheek for sure but just for the cheap seats: there are many vowels, some with awkward soundings totally unfamiliar to the western ear. Vowels are long and short versions, change tone depending on the consonant class, change tone again with the addition of a tone marker, change tone again with the prefix of a high class H consonant, change tone again with the prefix of the aw ang and consonant, change length with the addition of a certain character and can appear in front, behind, in the middle, above or below the word. I agree to learn Thai it is best to learn the alphabet because all the info is there. It is not impossible to pick up with practise... the app Pocket Thai Master is very good. Neeranam's 'Let's learn one Thai word a day' thread is also worth a look. As to should expats be able to speak Thai? Totally up to them and also depends if you live in a touristy place. I would, however, say you don't really know what's going on unless you can have a basic conversation with Thai friends or strangers. I'm way off fluent but make some sort of effort to converse with the locals of my adopted country.
  17. Have you tried to decipher some of that GammaGlobulin's prattle?
  18. No problem clinking glasses, but the beard thing is a bit whack... most blokes don't realise that it just makes them look unwieldy and old. It was a craze again the in the UK recently and will no doubt come around in another generation. I'm similar to you op, don't go for all this saying and doing what others do. Hair always cropped because it's easy. Back in the UK, everyone says 'massively' and like to prefix adjectives with the word 'super'. CRINGE!
  19. Other prominent folks have gone on the record with similar announcements. Wouldn't surprise me--remember the Foo Fighters in WWII?--but then again the US (and other) govs might prefer people to think there are little green men in our skies, and thus to be ridiculed, to detract from any secret craft they may be operating.
  20. Disagree. Do you know what Buddhism is? One that speaks to others about how one should not live one’s life should not desire to look good.
  21. But you’ve got to be careful being a hero and stopping at them for fear of getting hit up the arsse!
  22. Yep. I mean why get involved? Are you just off the boat?
  23. Try having cold showers every other day, or reduce shower time, see how that helps. Showers and aircon tend to be the biggest culprits. Make sure fridge not running too cold. How much do you use that microwave grill?
  24. Major problem all over Thailand. One of the many things expected the junta to get a handle on but they went the other way. Bizarre. Nothing speaks louder than third world than packs of feral dogs on every street corner!
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