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Everything posted by daveAustin

  1. Pickups are bad but I’ve found the worst for causing accidents to be female motorcyclists wandering across the road without looking. Oftentimes cannot turn head or look in the mirror. Mind boggling.
  2. Didn’t think they were interested quantity. What happened to all the high rollers that were supposed to be piling in?
  3. “Boss” lol. What is it with Red Bull and reckless drivers?
  4. What would you tell your 18yo self? Go with your gut.
  5. Can ewe see her meat & too veggies in the g stringy?
  6. Careful what you wish for... you have ordered roads and correct parking = home countries. No thanks!
  7. What a complete waste of space. How can a kid thrive when they are being 'tutored' by angry kids themselves?
  8. I don't see them voicing much opposition to the ingesting of alcohol either. Let's ban it all, eh. I mean why not the one when the other clouds the mind even more so and also has a knack of killing on a very regular basis. I'm sure that would make Thailand's tolerant Islamic populace happy. The article is typical and basically immaterial. But if the confused government cave and roll this one back for the sake of assuaging the Islamists, doctors (and related big pharma drug pushers), the dinosaurs and irrelevant fuddy duddies, as opposed to laying down rules and regs, it will be a monumental issue for them.
  9. Maybe on the face of it but they are as susceptible to it as any person in any nation. Society and monetary system!
  10. changy? facebooky? bob smith? Suspect prose /syntax? So what was your previous nik on Thai Visa? For future ref for genuine observers, always agree price first and negotiate on silly demands.
  11. People die everyday from all sorts of things. Did you know that? That’s what we do unfortunately. Flu is a horrible killer. It’s just covid is still the in thing, keeping the tinfoil hat brigade on edge. Move on already and try to enjoy your life!
  12. Worried about their revenues as more and more people will get pain relief from weed and not need manufactured rubbish. Pharmacists are the biggest drug pushers of all!
  13. Could you not try to negotiate with them on the premise that you might be inclined to go elsewhere unless they adjust their premium?
  14. Aside from whining boomers, never an issue with BA, flown them dozens of times all over. I always go direct where possible to avoid touching down through those places. Emrats not as good as they were. This is a loss for the traveller and will push up fares.
  15. I hope you don't have kids, but thanks for the laugh. Are you a 'teacher' perchance? And, in, if you're country let's say, you could not afford the cost of several uniforms, or your son misinterpreted what the teacher said and said teacher stapled a degrading sign to your son's chest in front of EVERYBODY for whatever trivial reason, that you would be cool with that? Wind your neck in, my friend. If you are a teacher, you should be ashamed of yourself. Quite pathetic and sad really.
  16. Don't know why folk are getting bent out of shape. It's cool, you can still smoke but inevitable there'll be some eventual regulation else we'll all end up toking tat.
  17. Bit dodgy for cops to be pulling people for carrying (given the high up warnings they've had about making a fuss); I mean one can even board a plane with it in a bag. Perhaps they think they got it from a random vendor. Lighting up in public is of course illegal.
  18. You shouldn't have to make an appt for pick up, since you have the date. Just turn up with PP and wait for them to stamp it... or not.
  19. Wow, why not write it on their forehead! Will they buy a new shirt? Unbelievable how some of these local teachers carry on... cutting kids' hair off etc. Lucky they didn't mess with the wrong mf's son and get a nice slap for their efforts.
  20. I used to hate him too. This whole liberalisation thing could be a master stroke. Keep the little man happy, reduce prison population, get the drug users onto benign weed, convert some of the alcoholics, make people some money (including himself), quell the protest movement, make the government look cool, p$ss off those guys in the south.
  21. No, it cannot control the debate; there will always be narcissistic, self-centred elements of society that want to stop people from doing something. The best way forward is to 'zone' them out and keep moving along.
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