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Everything posted by daveAustin

  1. And yet you were quick enough to read it!
  2. Yes, he could'e dressed for the occasion, but nice to see folk acknowledging (not) he made the effort. Perhaps you should go yourselves to show us all how it's done.
  3. Agree with that. Runs rings around that fancy French tripe! ????
  4. Indeed, while the trade stinks, something has to be done to curtail the spread of the soi dog, surely? Nothing speaks more loudly of third world than viscous packs of feral mutts prowling the neighbourhood!
  5. Horrendous. The girl jogging past the camera! ???? Shock mostly I guess. There does seem to be a general lack of care for others in difficulty though.
  6. Bingo! Someone who understands. Most posters are talking tat or act like they just got off the boat. Thais, esp min wage, will leave at the drop of a hat in ANY field and with ANY kind of employer. Doesn’t matter how well they’re treated. I esp agree with this post; you pay them over the odds and it typically fosters laziness and to act above their station and not respect the boss. Of course, if the work is boring and in an unpleasant setting will play a huge roll in turnover. I sympathise with the op… sounds at the end of his tether. As much as I love them, I could not have a business here.
  7. Looking for a place to live? Hang in each place for at least a month. Out of those, CM wins hands down on quality food, cafes, sophisticated folk etc. Do some tours to meet folk, always be smiling and wear nice shoes. ???? How's your Thai?
  8. ^^ Not worried about that. Guess it's all about prestige... nice bit of kit.
  9. Rich coming from a government that stole a nation. Best just pipe down and do what you've always done... be mates with the winning side.
  10. Flew in April (Heathrow was alright then) with Thai and had an enjoyable flight. Don’t get the bad press. Good times and price, direct, food alright(ish), nice stewardesses. Stops in Middle East with those fancy carriers? Not anymore thanks.
  11. Op, not really a thing for obvious tourists with return flights visiting annually. However, them’s the rules and best to be prepared. I’ve always come over with cash to convert at Superrich at a decent rate.
  12. What’s this thread got to do with Awwstralia? The problem is with his ear. ????
  13. Tell your wife to not listen to friends. When they do that, the farang always ends up worse off. If she insists look for another wife. ????
  14. Idiots these shops putting it in their junk food. Perfect ammunition for the reefer madness dinosaurs and religious folk to get it all recriminalised because of the idiotic actions of a few.
  15. I'd save your breath; some on here are so mawkishly Thaier than Thai--even when totally warranted with xenophobic comments against foreigners--it's unbearable. Just put on ignore.
  16. Can't believe I just wasted 5 minutes reading this schoolboy garbage. Some of you lot need to get out.
  17. Bit dicey as you don’t have a visa. I’d just check in as normal, then if you get grief, step out of the line and book with onwardticket.
  18. It’s chiefly required by the inbound airline. Immigration wouldn’t know or care. As far as they know, it is a genuine booking (which it is) with valid PNR. In the event that one were refused entry, one would simply have to pay for that flight to be brought forward or book another…. as would be the case with an already paid for flight.
  19. If he was a nobody and had already paid the family, which he has, there’d probably be nothing more to this. Still a devious little worm but.
  20. Best read the article. “Upon the deceased appearing at the scene the first defendant reversed his vehicle and hit him causing him to fall on the ground. The second defendant then kicked him on the chin while the third defendant hit his head with an iron rod. After that the first defendant reversed his pick-up truck again and hit him for the second time. All three then fled.“
  21. So let me get this straight; you're getting friendly with a woman that doesn't want to sleep with anyone until they 'help each other financial' first? Seems to me this broad is selling herself as much as any bargirl. At least they're upfront. Who is the sucker again? Good luck with it.
  22. Dip the clutch at those speeds then temper down with rear brake.
  23. Taking the op into consideration… folk doth protesting too mutt at the incredulity of it looking around themselves and realising they’re actually a bit thick. Lol
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