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Everything posted by daveAustin

  1. Charlotte’s Mix sounds good. Less chance of having one’s head blown off like some of the others. ????
  2. Hate to say it, but should have persevered with visa in UK. They might just have wanted an address in Thailand of ‘guarantor’ or hotel bookings etc. I’ve done similar in the past and wangled my way through here, but it’s typically a ball ache, where things can be done online over there.
  3. They almost deserve it, don’t they? I mean, what kind of idiot brazenly saunters around in the small hours with tat around their neck on Beach Rd Pattaya of all places. Do these show offs not gen up on the place first?
  4. Some people are stupid. If it ever gets controlled again, it’ll be because of irresponsible idiots like this bunging it in food and not being more careful.
  5. Gawd, give it a rest with the unfounded clichés! Was this tat penned by a 12 year old?
  6. Yes, but illegal to smoke in public. Certain dispensaries/sellers do pre-rolled joints, like prikpot.
  7. Not knocking Thais here, but there is a bit of a sheeple mentality throughout Asia. Ditching their masks will be a slow process. ????
  8. Just after they dropped the masks and thai pass too. ????
  9. Good effort. I did a big post once—along the lines of why the universe doesn’t need a god and life can start on any planet/moon given the conditions—but nothing of this length and usefulness. ????
  10. It will be a LONG time before locals give up their masks. I feel naked without one! ????
  11. Lol. One of these ???? normally denotes irony.
  12. Tell him to take the quick route: sentang d’wan.
  13. Yesterday op was too tight to tip; now he’s blowing money frivolously on taxis. What is the world coming to?! ????
  14. RTP message to tourists flooding back: We're gonna impress you and make you feel all fuzzy inside Just do your job is enough.
  15. So you want people to not have choice and be happy because it doesn’t fit YOUR archaic ideals? Listen to your boss and be a good little lemming, now!
  16. I would also advise a bag over her (or his) head where herpes is concerned. In fact, put one on too just in case one comes off. The old ones are always the best! ????
  17. Just hope the scumbag Phuket taxi mafia is feeling the pinch most! ????
  18. Wow; first came marijuana, then no masks. Women of the night will be paying tax next. ????
  19. Yawn. Meanwhile at least nine people went to hospital yesterday after eating somtum, cookies and coffee.
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