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Posts posted by tomacht8

  1. Dumber as it gets.
    Their understanding of democracy clearly tends towards zero.

    "Hello PT, the power in a Democratic State is divided to rule out abuse.
    There's also courts, electoral commissions, constitutional courts, arbitrators (Ombudsman) and others."

    In any democracy (which is a functioning) gives the Constitution the way in case of dispute and the court decide if there is contention.
    The Constitutional Court as the guardians of the Constitution speaks the judgments.
    In well governed countrys the Constitutional Court has little to do.

    Perhaps the PT should explain, what is the best way to eliminate a corrupt government in a democratic way.
    At this statement I would be really interested.
    • Like 1
  2. "One officer said it did not explode because a safety pin which has been pulled out was broken while hitting the floor."

    If this officer had picked up the grenade he would have been nominated fro a "Darwin' award

    Yes, the last one who attempted to do a similar thing ended up with serious injuries to his legs. He, however was trying to save his colleagues from injury, after a grenade was thrown at them during a peaceful PDRC rally.

    A "Darwin" award would hardly be appropriate for that brave policeman, don't you think, rubl? Actually, I already know that answer.

    All violence is to be condemned.
    It does not matter which t-shirt color a murderer is wearing .
    Who throws grenades, place bombs or shooting at people should be locked up for a long long time.
    And that does not work here in this country!
  3. Serious observers of Thai politics are left stunned and shocked by the ramping up of violence that has coincided by the out-on-bail-for-terrorism-charges Jatuporn being thrust into the UDD head position. Nobody could have foreseen this happening.

    "Serious observers of Thai politics" would wait until investigations have been carried out by the relevant officials and announcements made rather than make baseless accusations influenced by their own blind prejudice and hatred.

    ..... wait until investigations have been carried out by the relevant officials and announcements made ....

    Investigations where?

    In a period of 4 months not one of these bombers was caught so far!
    • Like 1
  4. "State rice stocks strictly controlled after smuggling reported" .... in 18. March 2014

    Nice try but the cheatings has been going on from the first day!
    How about an inventory in all warehouses?
    Balance the storage and retrieval quantities from the last 2 years.
    In case of deviations then review the personal assets of those responsible.
    Finally, all the scammers then in prison and personal asset confiscation.

    • Like 1
  5. What does this Surapong CAPO do, except to order in 5 star hotels, the large plates for 100.000 - 500.000 Baht a day?
    The CMPO/CAPO/DSI lodge at the Royal Thai Police Sports Club.
    Could this be the reason why the police stop to work?

    From over 100 grenade-, bombs and firearms attacks in the last 4 months,
    the police/CMPO/CAPO/DSI cleared up Zero cases from over 100 attacks!

    All this crazy grenade-, bombs and firearms shooters still are runing free around.
    As long as the police strikes, the Army should provide security.
    • Like 1
  6. "Meanwhile, the CMPO director said that he would not attend the Election Commission’s meeting to scrutinize the center’s budget, claiming that he was not the one responsible for the budget’s disbursement."

    A director who requested 2,3 Billion Baht of funds, will be asked then for which he needs the money,
    and then he says he is not responsible for this?
    This has nuthouse level.

    Were all budget requests in the past so?
    " Hey cashier I am Mr. Big and i need 800 Billion for Rice, in with the dough pronto!"
    " Pack it in my suitcase here."
    " Bye bye"

  7. I do not know who and how the UDD appointed Jatuporn as the new leader, but I guess that was not by Thaksin,
    coz this Jatuporn guy is sure not up to Thaksins standard.
    His mental flexibility extends only to violence and hatred.
    This is not enough to form a broad basis.
    Many of the moderate forces are now turning away from the red shirt movement.
    The UDD must be careful that they do not degenerate into a purely terrorist organization,
    that only preaches violence, and has otherwise not any offer for other social solutions.
  8. In the last 4 months over 100 grenade-, bombs and firearms attacks have taken place,
    with over 20 people death and over 700 people injured.
    How many cases have been cleared up yet?
    How much of this crazy murderers – shooters were caught until today?
    0, Zero from over 100 attacks?!!!!
    The police leadership include CMPO and DSI should immediately resign for incompetence.
    • Like 1
  9. "I wouldn't ba at all surprised if the support is dropping..." (for UDD/Red Shirts)

    Why would you say that? What possible evidence is there to support such a conclusion, when exactly the opposite is happening, in the wake of Amart anti-democrats trying to steal another election....Again.

    Scratch below the media down-playing and diminishing of yesterday's Ayuthaya thing, and reality will set in, believe me.

    Nothing has done more to galvanize support for the pro-Democrats, in the face of street violence, gratuitous explosions and current attempts to advance coup-mongering via their agencies and judiciary. Their obvious attempts to avoid Parliament where the voters have put them in their place, is well-known.

    PAD-Dem's repetitious mantra and agenda of hopeful rhetoric in this regard, flying in the face of reality, seems obvious to me.....It smacks of desperate "Please let it be so" bleatings, and then another electoral results smacks them.

    Reality always trumps agenized rhetoric.

    "What possible evidence is there to support such a conclusion, when exactly the opposite is happening,"

    Where is the evidence to support that "exactly the opposite is happening"?

    Wouldn't it be great if there was an election and we could really see what the current state of affairs is regarding red vs yellow supporter numbers.

    Then again, maybe we can just assume that the side with the least support is the side most afraid of elections.

    Wonder who that could be?

    Yes elections are good, with some little changes:
    They must urgently change the law that exclude all persons from the Parliament, from electoral lists and from civil servant posts, which
    a have criminal records.
    b running free on bail (mandatory suspension until the sentence in the last instance is present)
    c were already banned from parliament in the past.
    d against are corruption / crime cases opened (mandatory suspension until the sentence in the last instance is present)
    No criminals and/or corrupt people in government, parliament or as a civil servant!
    Like for all future budgeting processes they make it compulsory for all future governments, that
    - the use of money for project proposals are accurately represented in detail and coherent on the last baht.
    - the use of money for project proposals is described in detail for all people publicly documented and visible
    - Public monthly or quarterly reports on Finance and project progresses.
    - Public invitation for project proposals and at least three competitive compare offers.
    - Project completion reports including all expenses with receipts.
    - a strong supervisory committee composed of members is formed by all parties,
    to control the entire investment process without disabilities and time delay restrictions.
    The results of the process and progress checks are presented to the parliament.
    The members of the supervisory body should rotate so that corruption is impossible or more difficult.
    When public funds are used, then the public has the right to see what the representatives of the people plan to do with the money and how it was used.
    It must be prevented that a country can be completely plundered by a few unethical people just because they are currently in power.
    - Strengthen the independent monitoring bodies.
    - Decentralization of authorities, including the police
    - Introduction of a independent tax police, which checks all unexplained asset increases.
    - Change in the bail system.
    - Fast processing of 25.000 open corruption cases
    - Abolition of the immunity of Members of Parliament
    - Fixed periods for court proceedings. (Indictment to judgment within 90 days)
    - All political parties need to write a manifesto and it must be published.
    - Political parties must be accountable to report on their financial (accounting, sources of funds, use of funds)
    These I-IV are basic standards within a democracy.
  10. Says: party spokesman Prompong Nopparit
    This is a very good example of why the enforcement of democracy does not work in this country.
    Prompong Nopparit was sentenced twice already, and ought to be in jail actually.
    The court granted him bail for 3 times. This is laughable, because he has not spent a single day in prison until today.
    Here the courts ought now to quickly speak the final judgment.
    It sucks here that condemned criminals leads the words in politics.
    If the corrupt and criminals need to go immediately into the prison, then the other politicians would be more accurate to consider their words and deeds.
    It is quite incredible that the farmers for months are being lied to about the date for payment.
    It is quite incredible that the Chairwoman of the Rice Committee denied any help to uncover the facts.
    As long as politicians (the representatives of the people) can here with impunity:
    lie, deceive, conceal, hide, scam, fraud, scam, cheat, aka allowed to enrich themselfs,
    so long Thailand will never get honest politicians who work for the good of the people and for the country.
    • Like 1
  11. Funny Pichit Chuenban, the cake box lawyer of former Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra is now
    whining that everything goes so quick. But he self could not wait until his 5 year ban was expired and tried
    previously to be elected as an MP.
    The extension of 15 days is fair. It's all about just to a hearing on the matter, and not the preparation for a court trial.
  12. As representatives of the people give the voting rights out of hand!

    Absolutely unworthy to sit in a parliament.

    Vote with the electoral rights of third, strangers parties/people is

    electoral fraud, abuse of electoral power.

    Is there perhaps even money flowed and voting rights were bought?

    These are not representative of the people of a democracy, these are simple criminal scammers.

    A life long ban from Parliament and from all public offices must be ordered here.

    If Thailand wants to have honest politicians in parliament, then they have to eliminate first all the fraudsters!

    • Like 2
  13. State of emergency costing millions of baht a day in food, other expenses

    The Nation

    The budget for maintaining the state of emergency is running into the millions of baht per day.

    BANGKOK: -- The food bill alone for providing meals catered by a five-star hotel to caretaker Cabinet members and administrators of the Centre for Maintaining Peace and Order range from Bt100,000-Bt500,000 per day.


    Previous report related to the OP


    guess many taxpayers are pissed to read that.

    And what will an unpaid farmer think about that daily orgys?

    Think there must be also some hello- and catering girls include.

    The total bill is still a lot higher than in this hiso Gentelmen Clubs.

    No wonder, with such a party budget, that there are no more responsible police officers on the streets.

  14. Good that the EC made the numbers public.
    Just like to see now some policemen talking.

    A: "Have you attend the demos?"
    B: "Yes"
    A: "How many days?"
    B: "10 Days"
    A: " Oh nice, then you got 7.000 Baht extra"
    B: " What, Where, When, Why????"
    A: " Everybody from us have to get 700 Baht per day extra"
    B: " Where is my <deleted>&$%ing money"

    May some unpaid policemen will now join the protesters from the other side of the fence.

  15. I seem to remember a certain ex-democrat/Democrat who has been making a few speeches on Bluesky.

    Hello, that is a state TV Channel, payed with the tax money from all taxpayers.

    Bluesky is a private Channel.

    Taksin have also many private Channels.

    We are talking here of 100% state-owned TV stations!

    Big difference.

    In Europe there exists a comprehensive media law regarding the public state broadcasters!

  16. The Election Commission confirms no CMPO budget holdup

    BANGKOK: -- Mr. Supachai Somcharoen the Election Commission Chairman has noted that the house hasn’t yet approved the central budget of 23.9 billion baht for the CMPO, stating that some expenses documents needed to be reviewed.

    -- NNT 2014-03-14

    Or how to go from 2 Billion to 23,9 Billion in 26 posts.

    There are indeed 2 NNT news files.

    One with 2,3 Billion Baht (2.300.000.000)


    And another one with: 23.9 Billion Baht (23.900.000.000)


    I think the Formica table, wherever the three cucumbers faces holding there press conferences,

    with the plywood wall in the background and with the CMPO posters on it,

    with broadcasting equipment costs in the best case 30,000 Baht per day.

    So for what needs these CAPO - CMPO - DSI construct so much money?

    For over four months, not a single grenade launcher, pistol or rifle shooter was caught!

    inefficient and useless to the highest grade.

    It is better to exclaim a bounty of 10 million baht for any advice that will lead to the capture of this crazy grenade launcher,

    pistol or rifle shooter murderers.

    That would bring very quickly results and not cost much.


  17. It is good that the NACC has given her an additional 15 days instead of 45. Yingluck left her credibility at the door some time ago, and she has been dodging the committee from the get go. And let's not forget, not only is the UDD placing pressure on the NACC but Yingluck herself is trying to impeach one of the NACC committee members ( in addition to trying to impeach six judges of the Constitutional Court ). The NACC has worked on this case since December, 2012, so Pheu Thai's assertions are found-less. Yingluck clearly doesn't realize how serious this is. But the NACC do, and they are fulfilling their constitutional duty to pursue this investigation - as it uncovers the worse fiscal scandal in the country's history.

    Bangkok Pundit wrote a brilliant piece on the charges today. Have a look.


    Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

    I have read the article, he is informativ but not brilliant.

    The article neglected unfortunately many facts of the specific case,

    and is very general in terms of the responsibility of a state or committee leader.

    It's not about the error behavior in a private company but about the misconduct in the trust duty in the administration and assistance of public money.

    Right here is up to the leader / manager of public funds for special participation and information requirements.

    And I hope Thailand can check and present the entire money flow of transmitters and receivers.

    Maybe the greatest theft of tax funds in Thailands history!?

    I didn't say he was brilliant (although he might be), but rather that the article was brilliant.

    He explains that the criminal charges don't relate to the "misconduct in the trust duty in the administration of public money" nor whether she directly participated in the corruption or not, but rather that there were rumors that she heard that corruption was taking place and by not following up on these rumors, she is as guilty as those that took the money. If the charges were malfeasance or dereliction of duty carrying charges of Impeachment and banning I would easily agree with you, but putting someone in jail for not acting on rumors when everyone knows YL was most probably out shopping anyway, is a bit over the top.

    It reminds me of just a few days ago, when Sukhumbhand was yellow carded by the EC because of statements made by some of his people, despite his not being involved.

    Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

    "If the charges were malfeasance or dereliction of duty carrying charges of Impeachment and banning I would easily agree with you,"

    "but putting someone in jail for not acting on rumors when everyone knows YL was most probably out shopping anyway, is a bit over the top."

    Remains the jail question.

    I understand this 15 days more, as a warning.

    The NACC has already shown that they probably has more than 200 billion Baht evidence of misappropriated funds!

    Now I wonder how it is with her duty to cooperate?

    200 Billion from 800 Billion in dark cannels.

    This are not private funds from YL, this is the money from many many tax payers.

    She is the chairwoman from the rice committee, EX PM now C-PM.

    She is responsible, who else?

    Does she help to procure the missing money?

    Does she actively helps to limit the damage?

    When she sued the members of the NACC, this helps little!

    If she hinders investigations, provides no information and does not support the entire investigation, - in her function as chairwoman and CPM -,

    then that is obfuscation.

    Then jail without bail.

    Sorry for my bad english.

    • Like 1
  18. It is good that the NACC has given her an additional 15 days instead of 45. Yingluck left her credibility at the door some time ago, and she has been dodging the committee from the get go. And let's not forget, not only is the UDD placing pressure on the NACC but Yingluck herself is trying to impeach one of the NACC committee members ( in addition to trying to impeach six judges of the Constitutional Court ). The NACC has worked on this case since December, 2012, so Pheu Thai's assertions are found-less. Yingluck clearly doesn't realize how serious this is. But the NACC do, and they are fulfilling their constitutional duty to pursue this investigation - as it uncovers the worse fiscal scandal in the country's history.

    Bangkok Pundit wrote a brilliant piece on the charges today. Have a look.


    Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

    I have read the article, he is informativ but not brilliant.

    The article neglected unfortunately many facts of the specific case,

    and is very general in terms of the responsibility of a state or committee leader.

    It's not about the error behavior in a private company but about the misconduct in the trust duty in the administration and assistance of public money.

    Right here is up to the leader / manager of public funds for special participation and information requirements.

    And I hope Thailand can check and present the entire money flow of transmitters and receivers.

    Maybe the greatest theft of tax funds in Thailands history!?

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