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Posts posted by tomacht8

  1. Meanwhile, Education Minister Chaturon Chaisaeng made Facebook posts asserting that there are 3 problematic issues with the Constitution Court's verdict.

    Who the hell made this total incompetent an 'education minister'??

    The court may be interfering with the work of the legislative branch, because rulings on such an issue should be made by Parliament and not by the court.

    Rulings are NOT made by parliament, bills are suggested, debated and voted on. What you are saying that no matter how illegal and unconstitutional it is, and the procedures illegal, the government has absolute impunity to do what they want regardless of the constitution???.... Yo are so wrong.

    The court may also be interfering with the work of the executive branch, in making decisions about what projects should be undertaken.

    No, the decisions by the C-Courts have nothing to do with the projects and everything to do with a very dodgy 2.2 trillion loan bill.

    Finally, the court's verdict may contradict its earlier ruling that deemed the issuance of a loan bill for the Thai Khem Khaeng initiative, under the Democrat administration, constitutional.

    I think you will find that the Dems' 1.4 trillion loan bill was done with the utmost transparency, with full details of all financial disbursements and projects etc... The vote was not in the middle of the night, the bill was not to be a total secret devoid of all checks and balances and the voting MPs did not vote several times.... completely different to the way the Thaksin regime insisted on conducting business.

    This stupid little man should be impeached immediately if not for deriding the constitutional court's ruling... then for just being a total and complete incompetent idiot!

    Hey red Thaksin loving mob..... You actually throw your support behind these people?.... have you any idea???????

    I think this Education Minister is not up to Taksins standard.

  2. Talk about the courts painting themselves into a corner, hit-the-fan.gif

    The EC seem not to know what their obligations are,? blink.png

    They seem not to know if they need a royal decree to amend a royal decree, to dissolve the house of rep's which NOT their responsibility but the PM"S and they know it...whistling.gif

    The constitution requires the election to be completed on the same day,

    well we all know just WHO is responsible for blocking that from happening now DON'T WE,,, YU'P your hero Suthep, So why is he not being charged for breaching the constitution??? You yellows love to have a cry that Y/L is breaking the law, NO double standards now,,,w00t.gif

    How about they try this one on,,, SUTHEP HAS BROCKEN THE LAWS AND HIS GUARDS ARE NOT "PEACEFUL PROTESSERS". AND PEOPLE INVADING BUILDINGS ARE NOT PEACEFUL, as the precedents have been set so why have a police force at all as they have been ruled redundant if you say we are "peaceful protesters", but we can do anything we like... and the cop's can't touch us hahahaaha1zgarz5.gif

    Or How about they try this one on,

    Clean up this mess

    Put a Nuteral caretaker into power while they clean up this mess

    and hold new election

    Yingluck does not want this as it throws out the chance her her to give her brother a Get out of Jail free

    My Thai wife says that many thai people like to bury there heads so if the can not see the truth it does not exist

    My friend you have adapted well to this culture

    Or how about try this on, If your hero respected the peoples right of choice and freedom to vote, then this "mess" would not be here now, also my friend, Suthep and his "peaceful protesters" would never fly in OZ now would it, GET YOUR head out of the sand.

    You have a polarization problem.

    If some posters here criticize the government, then you bend it to:

    "Suthep is your Hero" and this with some personal Attacks.

    It may also be possible to criticize the government and not to be a Suthep fan, or not?

    This would facilitate the flow of reading in some threads.


  3. Hope to see also some videos, photos and informations from Mr. Nattawut Saikuas transport companys.

    Nattawuts Transport company is very busy to carry rice around in Thailand.

    Was there for the rice transports a public tender?
    Who signed the transfer orders? Nattawut by himself?
    How many transports were carried out?
    How much should the state pay for a transport?
    Is there about transport and bank statements?

    • Like 2
  4. Thaksin Upset By Yingluck's 'Incompetent' Aides

    Well, they all got appointed by Thaksin anyway, from Yingluck on down...

    ...but what can you expect if the talent at Pheu Thai is comprised of thugs, oafs, drunks, two-faced liars, stooges and tools. The only redeeming guy is the transport minister, imo...he at least has qualifications and really seems to care about doing a good job (all the other cabinet ministers must be feeling upstaged by him...)

    Yes that is a funny story. He has a twin brother who is PDRC Fan.

    If he has the qualifications i do not know, but he is more relaxed then the others.

    Guess he can hold a critical discussion, without hatred and destruction triads.

    Listen to other opinions and find common compromise for the country, very few politicians can appear here.


  5. So, what university did this drunken, bumbling, inbred, parasite buy his PhD from? burp.gif

    KFC university same as Dear YK

    Certainly was a degree from a takeaway university.

    With a dissertation in law it is easy to gain the title of Doctor.
    Simple titles:
    How can I get, - a person who execute a police officer with a shot into the head, in a discotheque in the presence of 50 witnesses -, that the perpetrator goes free unpunished under considering at all my disposal funds and connections.
    • Like 1
  6. Din't the PTP say there were only 3000 farmers awaiting payment?

    Or was that yet another PTP lie?

    As has been said above, behind this story is the tragedy of real hardship or people not having been paid.

    NOT Middle Men keeping the money

    NOT Rice Brokers robbing the farmers

    NOT Rice Millers paying under the stipulated rate.

    This is the PTP failing to pay the farmers - The blame starts and stops at the PTP, Puppet Prime Minster and the fugitive convicted Pup[pet Master.

    Time the grass roots of the Red Shirt movement woke up to the reality that the PTP are riding them to poverty and sent their own candidates from their own communities to Parliament.

    Assuming the sum owed is 130 billion bht as has been widely reported.

    Farmers in our village are owed between 60 and 200k bht.

    Using 200k bht per farmer means 650,000 thousand farmers are owed money.

    Some sources said there are still over 1 Million farmers unpaid.

    Hope they find a way to pay them.

    It is a shame.

    Btw: In the pic in the OP there are only one person wearing a red Shirt in the crowd.


    • Like 1
  7. Am wondering where Chalerm fits into this Thaksin master plan of high powered aides for

    poor Yingluck.... In or out ?? rolleyes.gif

    He is absolutely one of the high powered aides.
    Chalerm is funny and has humor. He likes parties, women and to drink some glasses.
    He loves coverings and surprises.
    He loves colorful luxury cars and feels safe with 10 police friends around him

    Absolutely none of the Shins and absolutely none in the PT can hand him the water.
  8. I wonder how much of the 350million baht is left?

    It seems that no one really knows where the money went.

    Even the academics and specialists do not knows.

    PS: Not 350.000.000 Baht (350 million).

    The budget is 350 Billion Baht:

    350.000.000.000 Baht. (You could build 350.000 Houses each 1 Million Baht with this Budget (It is a huge budget!!!))

    Apparently there is here no interim report how much money has been accessed a total from the Budegt.

    There is probably no overview what has been done since 2011 with the money?

    And there is probably no execution check whether was actually built for the planned measures with the money.

    "That's like a bank, which do not close there safe door and everybody has got an invention to grap in."

  9. As long as the CMPO has a big budget (10 billion Baht), transferred from Natural disaster fund, they are not interested to lift the SOE.
    What might in the future comes in (more money) through tourism, they are not interested.
    They have now this fat budget. And nobody controll them now.
    It is a Jackpot. They can use the money for what ever they want.
    So we must wait, after also this budget from Baht is
    disappeared in dark holes for nothing.

    • Like 1
  10. If the Ombudsman Office has the authority to examine the work of the EC commissioners, it should have begun to do so back in October 2013 during the events that first led to the Feb. 2nd elections. If the Court now rules that the election is invalid, then the Ombudsman Office should be charged with neglect of duty as it knew after the fact that it was negligent. This would be following the same logic with the neglect of duty brought against Yingluck in the rice program.

    The Ombudsman acts on requests only. It's only now that a petition of Kittipong Kamolthammavongse, a Thammasat University lecturer.

    So what's your logic?

    @ rubl

    You are right: The Ombudsman acts on requests only.

    @ rickirs

    You really do not know what kind of powerfull institution the ombudsman is here in Thailand.

  11. Wrong No.1

    ".......she reasserted that the government has cooperated fully with the poll agency to hold the election, without any criticism on the process."

    The Election Commission has repeatedly pointed out that a fair and peacefull election is not possible, because of the protests.

    Furthermore, her ministers have sued and threatened the election commission. The loss of 4 billion baht goes to her account!

    Wrong No.2

    "..... state of emergency, Ms Yingluck said the Center for Maintaining Peace and Order (CMPO) and the security agencies will consider it."

    She was Caretaker Primeminister and still ist Partylist candidate No.1. If the SOE is necessary she must decide. She is the leader and have the "Last" word. Should it be that she is not the responsible Party leader, then she should resign immediately!

    The damage caused by the SOE in the tourism sector is huge. The losses are billions and goes to her account too!

    Wrong No 1

    "The damage caused by the SOE in the tourism sector is huge. The losses are billions and goes to her account too!"

    If the "billions lost in the tourism sector have not been spent by the tourist's here, then how does the money (in your statement) go to her account? HAVE you statements by tourists claiming they instead of coming too Thailand for a holiday and spending, they simply make direct deposit to her account in the amount they would have spent on a holiday in Thailand???

    Wrong No 2.

    The person that is truly responsible for this is your hero Suthep, Blockading the streets of BKK, encouraging his thugs to invade and order people out of building's,

    Blocking people from voting, warning and threatening bank's against loans for paying rice farmers, threatening P/M and MP's and warning them to make arrangement s for their wives and kids, Ye'p your hero, makes me wonder just what kind of person supports this behavior.

    So now you know the difference between right and wrong, ok popitw00t.gif

    So you agree with me that Thailand is now in political chaos.


    Who was/is the prime Minister or C-PM?


    So the political chaos must have something to do with her and her perfomance in office, or not?

    Just try to separate her incompetence from Suthep (conceptually).

    For example Suthep has not given a new Passport to an condemn, eccaped criminal.

    This was under the leadership of YL.

    The ombudsman still waiting since 2 years for an answer.

    Makes me wonder, just what kind of person supports this behavior.

  12. It is a shame
    Fraudsters in public office everywhere.
    As long as that is not changed, Thailand will never have honest politicians.

    Please Thailand
    exclude from now on, all persons from electoral lists, Parlament, Government and public offices which
    a have criminal records.
    b running free on bail.
    c were already banned from parliament in the past.
    d against are corruption or crime cases opened.
    • Like 1
  13. This place is insane. Surely the government can hire and fire these appointed positions as they see fit. Abhisit copped one of these ridiculous verdicts himself in the last few days. He was ordered to re-instate a police officer he fired years ago. How the hell can he do what is asked of him by the idiotic court - remember Abhisit is currently unemployed himself. Loopy indeed.

    now, now, take a deep breath and relax, my dear unreason.

    For one the government cannot just fire or appoint these high level bureaucrats like the National Security Chief. The people are selected, have the qualifications and good reasons have to be forthcoming for their possible move upwards to an inactive position or even dismissal.

    At least in this case and as lots of posters here seem to 'know' we still have a PM, so the SAC can order the PM to re-instate the NSC. The order to Abhisit to reappoint the National Police Chief is still a puzzling one though.

    'selected' by whom dear Rubl? this guy has been on many PDRC stages voicing support for his fascist dear leader - now the 'unbiased' courts give him his 'selected' job back as SECURITY chief? I call it bizarre!

    can you imagine USA security chief or any country security chief on the stage of a movement to overthrow an elected government still in his job??? you don't think an elected Pm or president can fire him? absurd

    You mistaken here the timeline!
    The case is already over 2 years old.
    The Commission has manipulated the vote.
    As you know, 2 years ago, there were no protest stages.
    Then two years later, as a victim of a manipulation, he goes on the stage and publicly reported and informed of his case, what's wrong with that?
    Many critical people are evicted from their offices!
    What about the government official who has publicly indicated inconsistencies in the rice scheme?
    Shifted away.
    What's with the government official from the National Budget Office, which has made publicly that the emergencies country budget for natural Disasters is being plundered/misused?
    Shifted away.

    Many government officials are aware of irregularities.
    But they are afraid to express their knowledge.
    Great democracy or what?
  14. Again a grenade.

    Since violence broke out on 30 November, over 700 people have been injured and more then 20 others killed.

    How much of those crazy grenade-, pistol and rifle shooters have been catched?

    0, Zero, Nil?

    Since 3 month the clear-up rate = 0

    Everyone is free to fire his weapons here.

    People die and are injured on the streets.

    Fear must probably not, the perpetrators of violence.

    The effectiveness of the security organs are a shame.

  15. The CMPO chief said his idea needed not permission from Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra!!!
    It seems that Yingluck has lost control of her personnel.
    Also caretaker Interior Minister Charupong Ruangsuwan cook his own separatist soup together with Burning - Bangkok Ex MP Nattawut and Co.
    This is an alarming development if the country's leadership loss control of their ministers and these running amok.
    The power vacuum will now fill with self-appointed, extremist forces from there own, lower party ranks.
    The alpha female loses control of the pack.


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