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Everything posted by tomacht8

  1. True. We have also determined with our systems the health index of the individual customers via their shopping baskets. Such data records are worth tens of millions. Insurance companies are very keen to get their hands on such consumer records with real names.
  2. Cashless mobile payment carries so many dangers and these clearly outweigh the alleged convenience benefits. I worked for years in a marketing company doing data mining and consumer profiling. If you now imagine a large supermarket chain, the best data suppliers are those customers who can be clearly identified. And these are all those who pay cashless. Then you have the individual shopping cart + personal data + bank details + brand loyalty coefficient + shop loyalty. All purchases/shopping carts can then be evaluated via the time axis. With all consumable products (detergent, coffee, toilet paper, etc.) you can then easily predict the range until a repeat purchase has to be made. This is then summed up by all consumers for each product. This then results in the purchase probability for each product in the next few days. For all products with a high purchase probability, you can then easily readjust the prices using the digital shelf labels (many small temporary price increases). The system then optimizes itself and then compares the forecast values with the actual values on a weekly basis. Gas stations and internet travel portals have been using dynamic pricing for some time. Cashless payment makes it possible.
  3. 20% of MPs in each party can not be. There are parties with only one seat in parliament. That would mean a total veto if that one MP is not present. The 20% is probably a minimum requirement and refers to those present in order to have a quorum at all.
  4. All banks are trying to jump on this train. It's also a great idea for the Banks to do data networking with the great consumer retail - data - companys.
  5. That's right. Everyone should take care of their personal information as best they can. I don't give my phone number when the 7/11 staff ask me, even if I buy chewing gum for 10 baht.
  6. It is strange that no proof / invoice of purchase can be found for the 22 luxury watches. That already smells as import tax evasion.
  7. At 61 you can easily get private Thai health insurance. The most important thing is to check that there will be no age limit for health insurance to kick you out in the future. Most health insurance policies are valid globally, with the exception of the United States. You can start with a basic health insurance without dentist and out patient service. Only for the case of a serious illness that requiring hospitalization. In order to find the best solution for you, you cannot avoid reading the fine print carefully.
  8. That does not make sense. If the seller gets cash directly in her hands, she still has her money in the fastest and most direct way that there is at all.
  9. If you want to call it like that. OK. In a cashless society, in times of economic downturn, the government could simply impose a daily limit on spending per day/month to stabilize the domestic currency, and prohibit the population from converting their bank savings into other currencies. Such a measure was recently taken for example in Turkey and Russia. Anyone can imagine what such measures would mean in a cashless society.
  10. The development is unfortunately true. It will hopefully be decades before the totally cashless society emerges. Money is power. And whoever has total control of the money has the power. Without cash, the power structure then shifts to a few selected institutions.
  11. Well, then I hope for you that there are no strokes of fate or far-reaching investment decisions in your life. Even if you don't need credit, it's good to have lines of credit for unforeseen events, like a motorcycle accident or a nasty STD, which will then also be on bank record.
  12. LoL and once the bank has an overview of what you spend your money on: bar visits, girls, drinks, condoms, casino, lottery, holiday destinations, massage, motorbike rental, etc. don't be surprised if your credit lines are terminated.
  13. Cash is also a store of value. Without cash, for example, savers can no longer avoid the low interest rates controlled by central banks and passed on by commercial banks by withdrawing their money. Citizens then only have the choice between real expropriation and forced consumption.
  14. Then you have to buy gold jewelry in small units for pay. This has been working for a long time. But that could cause trouble later when the government decides to tax gold ownership. If you bought it with QR before.
  15. The Cashless Society. Horror. Even more the transparent citizen. If every purchase can then be assigned to exactly one specific person. Then buy regular stomach or cough syrup in the supermarket with your QR code. Then you don't have to be surprised afterwards if the bank terminates your life insurance - due to the higher risk. With acceptance of the cashless society, citizens would give up a large part of their freedom.
  16. Fourth. Deputy Prime Minister Prawit insisted that the 22 luxury watches, which he did not claim as assets, were borrowed from his close but now deceased friend, although the executor claimed that his friend had no luxury watches on his inheritance list. That makes you think of Pinocchio.
  17. Prayut and his buddy Prawit has been at the helm since 2014 and failed to create a positive momentum for the country and its people. On the contrary. Standstill and regression in all areas: - Modernization of the school and education system? - Excellence in research? - Better health care for all Thais? - Set up a pension system? - Land reform? - Modernization of the authorities? - Police reform? - Reducing the national debt? - Strengthening democracy? - Investments in future technologies? - Water and sewage security? - Road safety? - Waste management? - Flood prevention? - Reduction of corruption? - Economic growth? - Better distribution of income? - Transparency in government spending? - and much more. With these results, the old power clique has no further eligibility in a future PM role.
  18. What kind of stupid definition of smartness is that? A PM who enriches himself through corruption, steals tax money and walks over dead bodies? You must have confused smartness with criminal recklessness.
  19. This Senate construction in the constitution has, beside others, the nasty disadvantage that it has been made almost impossible for changes to be made to this construction at all, without a majority approval of the Senate. The fox has been made the guardian of the chicken coop and that cannot be changed in the future.
  20. What a sweet mouth speech. But if you look closely, these are all just empty phrases. He consistently avoids naming names and parties. He is not ready to publicly analyze or present the current situation. That there is a coalition of 8 parties that represents a large majority in Parliament. Not a word from him about that. He also doesn't like the word democracy. He seems like a bad loser who's still secretly hoping for a miracle.
  21. The coalition has the majority in Parlament and they are all voted in by the people. They coalition (the majority) agreed for Pita as PM. And then we have the unelected Senators, who can block the will of the parliamentary majority with its 250 votes.
  22. These senators find it extremely difficult to explain what disadvantages other parties have suffered from what is, an on paper only itv media company that has ceased broadcasting since 2007 and has been delisted from the stock exchange since 2014. For a rationally thinking observer, the whole fuss is just ridiculous. They try desperately to inflate a mosquito into an elephant.
  23. "You have to pay the court 500,000 baht for the temporary release of the suspect. Are you convenient for that? And may I ask you straightly? Could you pay the same amount to my team?” From the original source it sounds like 500K bail money for the court + 500K pocket money for the team.
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