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Posts posted by joepattaya1961

  1. I stopped reading this thread after post #78.

    McWalen has found a way to solve one of his problems: A lack of teachers due to rapidly expanding business AND he found a way to "help" longstayers to stay legally.

    Works both ways.

    I do have some questions and I really hope for "to-the-point" answers:

    1. For approx. THB 50,000 you'll get a ALS teacher training of 120 hours and a one-year work permit. Who will be the employer on the work-permit?

    2. Does the holder of the work-permit actually have to teach at Walen? If not, where will he be teaching/working?

    3. Who is going to pay the income tax?

    4. Will the holder of the WP also be entitled to join the Thai social security system?

    Just some questions..........

  2. Change the way the swimming-areas in the sea are being used by swimmers and speedboats.

    Change the way people behave in traffic.

    Change the way Bangkok Pattaya Hospital charges her fees.

    Change the way Thais think about mutual respect.

    Change the way Thais deal with politics.

    Change the way Thailand and their Thais deal with finances.



    Change why? Isn't all those crap the reason for us being here?

    That's what Thailand makes Thailand!

  3. 'Secret' noodles? Is that maybe the cup of noodles being served as a snack?

    I think they do serve them.

    On the other hand, you could try to order a special meal for your child while booking or checking in.

  4. we take in about 10-12 kids a night here.kids don't like to stay in their homes without their parent/parents home

    sometimes i think the kids just like to stay at our house because of the aircon/an big screen tv,plus they can take a warm shower

    we go thru a lot of soap/shampoo heresmile.png

    some of them stay all night


    So the parents are out at work also I take it?I'm sure it's nice having the kids there but I imagine you have to be careful that the parents down show up and treat your house like a hotel also!blink.png

    And that's the best that can happen.........at some point one of the parents may find this a perfect opportunity for some money-pitt-activities. In my home never and I mean never a child without an adult (read: father, mother, aunt, uncle, whatever).

    I know......very bad thoughts, but that's what I've learned over the time I've been here.

  5. Next year at the earliest...

    Tuk Com City (IT Mall)

    The 5th Fl. mall is a shopping center for IT products and has computer hardware, software, gadget, mobile phone, digital camera, electronics parts for electrical appliances such as TV and washing machine, remote controls for DVDs and TV, bookstores and coffee shops. There are also a food hall downstairs & a small section for clothing vendors.



    OMG........where are we?

  6. Helmets will be worn for the police's sake, not for safety.

    Wearing a helmet may save money, but will not save lives.

    Carrying a baby on a motorbike without proper protection is just a matter of babies being exempted from the helmet-rule and has nothing to do with "not caring for them"


    You sir are nuts.

    And in civilized countries of course anyone carrying kids around like this will have their children immediately taken away from them by the government and put into foster care. Many child-custody suits have been won on this basis.

    Of course helmets save lives. That doesn't (to me) justify laws requiring their use, but there is no doubt they do save lives.

    Obviously you didn't see the sarcasm in my post.

  7. Helmets will be worn for the police's sake, not for safety.

    Wearing a helmet may save money, but will not save lives.

    Carrying a baby on a motorbike without proper protection is just a matter of babies being exempted from the helmet-rule and has nothing to do with "not caring for them"

  8. Bistro Oscar breakfast buffet- Jomtien Complex.

    Are they still open, because the link to their website does not work?


    My Avira Premium is ringing all kind of bells while trying to enter the website. smile.png

    But if you mean Oscar's in Jomtien Complex.....it's still there. Fabulous BF-buffet.

    For the Dutch breakfast lovers: Ons Moeder (map can be found here: http://www.ons-moeder-pattaya.nl/contact-10)

    Then of course there's Papa David near the Anuman Statue with a wide variety of international breakfasts.

    Of course there's a lot more on offer.

  9. I don't believe they attempted to steal money from you.

    Sometimes they are slow at giving change especially when there busy! If they were giving you your change back slowly the likelihood she was counting it again.

    I have been in a 7/11 where the lady that served me counted the money/change 4 times just to make sure it was correct.

    Why do people constantly moan about the bad things in pattaya.

    Because, checkoutcomplete, if people start moaning about the good things in Pattaya this forum would die a sudden death. Good things are not really appreciated.

    But ok........nobody understands why they want to have (steal) money of you, but it happens.......a lot.

  10. A mate of mine is high up the food chain in True, I asked him why I wasn't able to take advantage of an IPhone promotion without a work permit and Visa or MasterCard, he explained that because so many foreigners took advantage of these offers and simply left the country without formally ending the contract on subsidised phones, it was costing them a lot of money, so they became more restrictive.

    Partly true.........the reason that you can't participate in a promotion like that without a cc is that they will charge your creditcard monthly until the payment is 100%. Instead of charging the phone bill, they charge the cc-company.

    The work-permit is needed in order to get a post-paid contract. Instead of a WP, house papers, retirement visa or any other long term visa + proof of address will do.

    I once tried to end my contract with AIS.

    The outstanding bill was approx. THB 1700 and I was at TeleWiz to cancel my contract they asked me for a THB 300 deposit.

    I didn't understand the THB 300 compared with my outstanding balance of THB 1700, but they said: "Policy Misterrrrr."

    So I asked: "I pay THB 300......I leave the country and I'll never pay the bill. Is that okay with you?"

    Of course I lost the discussion. I didn't the pay the THB 300 but suspended my account for 6 months.

  11. There is absolutely no excuse in the world for this trajedy..What on earth was the driver thinking?...How hard is it to make sure and clearly see that the cab has no children left inside ...WAKE UP PEOPLE!

    It's very simple Lingba: The driver can't be blamed........he was driving the pick up and the attendant in the back of the pick-up was responsible for the passengers.

    So after his duty the driver left the car leaving the toddler in charge of the attendant........and of course the driver didn't inform the attendant about the toddler in the cabine........the attendant didn't ask for that information.

    After almost 10 years in Thailand I'm not surprised, nor shocked......it will happen again and again and again.

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