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Posts posted by joepattaya1961

  1. Although I didn't witness the accident here my 2 baht:

    The big bike was riding at high speed.

    The Thai motorbike driver swerved from utmost left to the utmost right to make a U-turn.

    The Honda City driver had to brake with force in order NOT to hit the motorbike driver.

    The big bike tried to avoid a collision with the braking Honda by swerving around it and yippie.........suddenly there is the culprit........still traveling from left to right.

    Must have been similar to a pinball game........game over.

  2. Khao Talo area?

    Apart from True you may want to try TMN.

    80 somewhat channels in their standard package (THB 300-THB 350 per month)

    Can be extended with another 14 channels (especially the sports-channels) for a one time investment of THB 6000 for a TMN-box.

    The office can be found in Soi Khao Talo near the Booze Cafe just past the entrance of Aekmongkol IV and opposite the "Khao Talo Market"

    Quality is pretty good with some HD-channels and service is quick and accurate.

    I'm not sure whether TMN offers internet, but a quick visit to the visit will give you an answer.

    Good luck with your move

  3. For the last 3-4 years Mini C's, Tesco Express, Tops's popped up along the major Soi's on the "Dark Side" of Pattaya.

    Amazingly enough, in some cases there are Tops's and Tesco's brotherly next to or opposite each other.

    Urban planning at its best.

  4. Won't be easy. Gather all possible evidence of you and your wife not having used the card at a specific time and get a lawyer.

    A bit of "mustard after the meal": Kasikorn sends me an SMS every time the debit card is is used.

    A few days ago I received 2 SMS's on one transaction. Phoned the bank and they told me: Only one time the money was withdrawn from my account. Works great.

    But again in your case........good luck.

  5. Today has been very hot in Chiang Mai, I had dinner with two different sets of Thai friends last week who said it was the hottest they could remember.

    It says a high of 38 today, it feels warmer, and the 7 day prediction is 37 / 38.

    Amazing........and Western Europe has been suffering from the coldest April of the last 90 years.

    What's going on?

  6. This is terrible. The guy looks like someone who has just been liberated from a concentration camp.

    As for the charges against him, I simply don`t believe it.

    The only conclusion I see coming out of this, is that the old man will die of stress before he is sentenced.

    Why not just deport him back to Australia and let them deal with the problem? Probably place him in an old people`s home where he belongs.

    It`s shocking and distressing to watch.

    Distressing? In Thailand?

    As long as a country is starting international disputes about Buddha's on toilets, IKEA adverts with katoeys, abuses loads of rules and regulations regarding human rights, neglect thousands of Burmeze refugees, they will not be distressed by the sight of this poor guy.

    OK, I don't know what a 93 year old is being capable of, but raping underage girls?

  7. Soi Bhuokaw was devloped as an alternative to Walking Street; at least it was the plan 10 years ago.

    Maybe in 10 years time it will actually be an alternative to Walking Street, once Walking Street has changed into a boulevard with on the land side some high rise hotels and on the seaside an expensive Marina and a Skytrain running along the stretch ending at Bali Hai Station.

    • Like 1
  8. Differences over the last 10 years?

    1. The dark side has lightened up

    2. Jomtien and Pattaya is more or less one destination now

    3. More and more bars have moved to Soi Bhuo Kowl which was in development 10 years ago.

    4. High rises have claimed their position along the shores

    5. The number of shopping malls/mega stores has increased with approx. 1,000 percent

    6. Pattaya is easier accessible with the #7 and Suvarnabuhmi Airport

    7. The number of (un-used) traffic lights has increased

    8. More family-attractions have been opened (floating market, Underwater World..........damn......that's all I can think of)

    • Like 2
  9. Bugger! I'm flying with them mid June. When is this charge introduced?

    The charge will effect MEDIUM-HAUL flights.

    The main reason for KLM to do this, is to be able to compete with low-cost carriers e.g. RyanAir, EasyJet and AirBerlin.

    It's pretty reasonable; why pay for 23 kilo if you can do with 7 kg in your cabin-luggage?

    I think that short-trip travelers will benefit.

    • Like 1
  10. Why oh why, must they always do it the hard way?

    How many expats willing to take a job here as a tour guide for a bit of pocket money. I am sure than can find EVERY language under the sun right on their own doorstep.

    The reason that TAT is going to re-invent the wheel, is that there will be a certain budget for this project.

    Using existing schools will save probably 30-40%. With the exploitation of their "own" schools, some TAT-folks will take care of 10-15% of the budget.

  11. "For all those who believe I may as well set fire to my money, I expect little or nothing from this exercise."

    Craig doesn't allow us to bash around, but with the attitude, described by the sentence above, she will not make it. That's for sure.

    A study is just a bit more than paying for the fees, books, etc.

    Support is one of the most important things.

  12. "Changing the closing time to 4am could reduce crime, particularly rape

    and robbery, because it will be morning by the time would-be burglars

    and rapists leave the bars," she said.

    I never heard a more stupid statement than that!

    Orrrrrrrr....in others words: Crime would increase because people would spend time in the bars, giving criminal elements more time to break into properties.

    Annddddd.....usually rapists and would-be burglars do not frequent 'regular-open-times-bars' , but the more sleazy backstreet karaoke joints.

  13. To "the hang them high brigade" here, at least get your facts right!

    For crying out loud, it was a tragic accident, that could have happened anywhere in the world! Yes it was coursed by recklessness and stupidity, but with no intent. And as the teachers have been named and shamed, apart from having to live with the knowledge of coursing a childs death, what good does it do to throw them in jail?? Spoiling the lives of two more families.

    @MaxLee. Your uneducated driver was one of the teachers!

    Spare your indignation for the Red Bull heir or the young Ms na Ayutthaya.

    Great response!

    Despite the fact the a young girl's death is horrible, it's Thailand.

    Higher fines, longer jail time (obviously like in the West) will do no good.

    The fact that the juridical system is so much different from the Western system attracts "us" Westerners to come here.

  14. EX-Fugitive politician, residing in Dubai EX-cellently EX-ploits the country of Thailand, and with the Baht getting stronger, of course his Pheu Thai henchmen want to IM-port, aka reep, reep, and reep, the foreign goods which from their side aka receiving end are getting cheaper.

    So the EX-port business is gonna be EX-terminated

    EX-port=doomed to EX-pire thanks to the EX-fugitive and his henchmen from Pheu Thai who are EX-ploiting the ordinary people and international businesses in Thailand

    What has this guy anything to do the the strong baht ....you have a phobia for him....read some economics...blink.png

    Haha right, some people blame the EX-fugitive for everything that goes wrong in this country. Seems to have a huge back!!

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