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Everything posted by Emdog

  1. Any drug/alcohol test administered to her? "It just jumped right out in front of me!!!!" "Her car, on the other hand, was completely ruined by the collision." Really? looks like it is just lying on its side to me, body intact that could be seen. Maybe start a space saving trend: park your car on it's side
  2. and the ones that are vaccinated shot with near useless sinovax. And they'll soon be coming to a neighborhood near you
  3. "Yesterday they had a big PR exercise at a Central in Bangkok...." my god how they love those sorts of mass productions. And just think of all the tourists here now who weren't getting any help because all the TP's were off for the photo op
  4. Is zenophobia the fear of "one hand clapping"? Or looking into your bank account and "realizing the void"? Maybe you meant "xenophobia"? ????
  5. I guess Desantis missed the memo pointing out that the vaccines were developed while Trump was in office....
  6. How does that compare to pre-Covid? I seem to recall businesses took a hit during the epidemic
  7. That crack in the hull clearly the result of hitting an iceberg Thaitanic!
  8. I was loaned this book by Aussie postman whilst on Koh Samuii in '84, at start of 1 year trip around Asia... Thanks Frank, good prep. I could only watch the first episode of the series: it was too real, right down to table cloths at restaurants. A true evil person, "the Manson of Asia" I'd call him. On that 84 trip went by Kannit house (spell wrong i bet) just for a look This link take you to "The Life and Crimes of Charles Sobraj".... many photos of all the original people involved, etc. He should never be let out imo.Link: Life and Crimes of Charles Sobraj
  9. Jetski weekend in Jomtien, noticed a cart selling barbecue ribs. 50 grams for 100 baht. That's 1.76 ounces. It would take two + orders to make a "quarter pounder"
  10. "It took a decade and a half, but he did it." Correction THEY did it. Football is a team sport. It's not tennis. Commentators I watched (rightly) mentioned what a great team effort all Argentine players were giving, all at least rating an 8. Congrats at last to Argentina, wonderful job in a superb match
  11. He didn't "pass away": that is what happens to old people who die in their sleep. He was killed due to faulty wiring, negligence, all around incompetence & mai pen rai mentality
  12. "....investigate any and all wrongdoing in Florida with respect to COVID-19 vaccines." Given that wording, DeSantis and his nut case vaccine conspirators better watch out. Their misinformation and lies have led to deaths from covid that could have been prevented
  13. Lots of different reasons for lots of different people. I live in Jomtien now, first came to Thailand in '82, never went to Pattaya until 2003. So why do people travel? All the reasons on the survey, and all the reasons regarding availability of short time love. I started coming to Asia in large part because it is not like USA, more so than going to Europe. Alkies that come here to be bar stool jockeys of course assume everyone else is like them. Whore chasers ditto.... Jomtien is crawling with Russian families currently. Very few single Russian men chasing down Thai hookers/girl friends. My guess is part of that has to do with racism, but just my guess. Peoples reasons for travel perhaps just boil down to "I want to be somewhere else for awhile"
  14. You have not the slightest idea of what you are spouting off about. Your English composition appears you are drunk or stoned, btw. Please tell us what the heck " banalising modus." is supposed to mean. I used to teach special ed, but you lost me on that one. "Nowadays most trafic accidents with runners are caused by doped." complete BS. Cite some reputable source for that whopper of ignorance I don't drink and I don't use drugs (quit pot in 1985)...
  15. "No alcohol was found in her system by the Muang Pattaya police." Do police have ability to check for marijuana? Yaba? More than one way to be a reckless driver.. Did she ever take a drivers exam, or just pay the money?
  16. What became of that "law" that banned plastic bags at 7/11s, food stores etc that was passed a couple of years back? I still take my own bag.... I buy something at 7 & clerk getting bag out: "Oh, so Thailand saved the world from being buried in plastic bags, so now it is okay to use again!" Sadly, the public has the attention span of a quark....
  17. Should be a good match. Don't understand the slamming of France unless it was done out of habit. Do recall 4 or 5 of Frances' big name players are out injured....
  18. ""Despite no evidence of illicit drug-taking in the footage, Finland’s public broadcaster Yleisradio Oy (YLE) claimed the phrase jauhojengi – meaning “powder gang”, interpreted as alluding to cocaine – could be heard in the clip." Could be a nickname often used about women when getting into area that is traditionally mens: In US we have "powder puff football" for example. Going out on a a limb, maybe even super hero "Power puff" girls is allusion to powder puff in that men are usually super heroes. Or maybe she likes Bolivian marching powder...
  19. I disagree: Thailand rarely if ever faces "uncomfortable truths".... think of insane level of highway deaths. Think of endemic corruption without responsibility in government. More examples if anyone cares to attach
  20. only an ignorant person would say "all the same US Did give money to lran !" It's NOT all the same: it was Iranian money that had been frozen in US accounts. Big difference between "giving" and "giving back" something. You should know that much. Politics may include dirty business, but in this case it was US fulfilling part of the deal made with Iran to stop their nuclear program. ANd you seem to be under the impression that it was just some bilateral US-Iran trick. The treaty involved the United States, the United Kingdom, Russia, France, and China—plus Germany) and the European Union. SO it is absurd and willingly ignorant to act like this was some sort of back payoff from Obama. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iran_nuclear_deal_framework
  21. Pretty much leaves a blank slate, ya think? They're all corrupt: that's a given. Taksin family actually paid attention to Thais outside of Bangkok and helped them.... health insurance comes to mind
  22. Ignorance is strong in this one. If you knew anything about the "hands $$" you would know 1. It was Iranian money frozen after 1979 2. It was part of the multi nation no nukes deal Iran signed and lived up to 3. It was Trump that "aided and abetted" that terrorist gov by tearing up the treaty, so now Iran is free to make as many nukes as it want
  23. How the US won: US made a goal. Iran didn't.
  24. How about party theme of "idiots". Could be a "come as you are party"....
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