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Everything posted by Emdog

  1. Source of the chart? Essentially meaningless: of course banking uses more energy etc as billions of people use the banking system.. I could make a chart (use one you posted): instead of mining, perhaps "total gas consumption by Ferraris and Lambos per year" and replace "banking system" with "total gas consumption by Toyotas". How can some imaginary product that intentionally sucks up vast amounts of computer power and electricity be considered "eco friendly". And don't need the future to "go digital money": what do you think online shopping, atms and all that are? Chopped liver? maybe check out this article, a bit here "The process of creating Bitcoin to spend or trade consumes around 91 terawatt-hours of electricity annually, more than is used by Finland, a nation of about 5.5 million." NY Times on energy used to make bitcoins
  2. If your Mrs. anything like my ex, she would go for psychological castration... leaves no evidence
  3. Help me out here, please. This seems to be about "transactions"... does that mean buying and selling bitcoins? "Watt hour per transaction". Okay What I think I was referring to was the so-called "creation" of bit coins: the amount of power and computers required to produce a "virtual coin" aka something that doesn't exist in the world we inhabit. You cannot show me a bit coin, can you? The computers and power consumed to make these nothing burgers is real. The pollution generated to make nothing is real. Makes sense doesn't take much power to transact nothing. Like the song goes "Nothin' from nothin' leaves nothin' You gotta have somethin' if you wanna be with me Nothin' from nothin' leaves nothin' You gotta have somethin' if you wanna be with me That's right, ha, yeah Gotta have somethin' if you wanna be with me You gotta bring me somethin' girl If you wanna be with me"
  4. really? how can that be? hmmm use lots of energy to make essentially nothing... ah, that's it: nothing to go into landfills or cause ocean pollution; nothing to recycle; no hazardous waste in the product....
  5. Nothing is better than bitcoins.... no wait... bitcoins are nothing, literally. They all depend on "the greater fool" theory, hoping someone is even dumber than you and will pay more for nothing. Or maybe they are less than nothing. The amount of energy it takes to "mine" coins is insane, comparable to small countries and for what? Let's promote climate change burning up electricity to make or do.... nothing.
  6. Hate to sound like a defender of gov.... but.. 3,308 NEW jobs. How many old jobs were kept, who knows? At least they didn't buy the company, fire most of the staff and sell the parts like a wrecking yard
  7. Yeah, like that famous liberal Ronald Reagan who did all he could to suppress info, research.. Shame on you for you lazy approach to what went down and knee jerk reaction to blame it on "liberals Intentions": WTH is that supposed to mean anyway? defaulted on payments to WHO meant to fight against the disease, did not even mention AIDs in a speech until 1985. You need to wake up and smell the coffee. Signs here of severe disconnect from logic, facts, and reality. Try this article on Ronnie and AIDS (from history. com) Reagan and government response to AIDS in 1980's
  8. "Prices will not be controlled as the government believes market competition will ensure fairness and affordability." Almost spilled my coffee with that one...
  9. So Thailand gonna give the emerald Buddha back to Laos? Asking for a friend...
  10. Sandals were good enough for Jesus, so good enough for me!..... What? you're telling me he wore cross trainers?
  11. "an ultra-realistic sex doll worth £469." and how did they know the price? "Hey Louie, how much ya pay for that air TnA ya got last week?
  12. "...they came back again on Saturday with their 8-year-old daughter to negotiate with the shop owner." There is the flaw: never have an 8 year old do the negotiating, even if it is the daughter and not the spoiled son.
  13. What a moron 50 baht's worth of gas would have been enough.
  14. wind blows every direction with these clowns. Weren't they touting the massive increase in tourists due to legal pot. Did they assume the tourists would just sit and watch performers get high like at a tiger zoo? And in recent days they've been crowing about boost if psychedelic drugs were legalized. I've been deeply stoned in my youth, but never as nutso as the group in charge here....
  15. Part of being a "salary man" is going drinking with your workmates after normal work hours. I worked in Japan in the 1980's. Tokyo gas had their own bar in office so not to worry about "trade secrets" leaking out. Another guy wanted to go to gym "after work" but was told in no uncertain terms he was to go drinking. Maybe things have changed enough so company does not own your soul and body during all waking hours.
  16. "Bush's equivocations on questions about any past use of drugs -- especially cocaine -- may be undermining his insistence that he will not play the "Washington game" of responding to rumors. On Wednesday, he said he had not used recreational drugs in the past seven years. Yesterday, it was 25 years." and "In fact, the current background check for the 1,500-member presidential staff and high-level presidential appointees demands that applicants disclose drug use dating back to their 18th birthdays -- a policy that actually started in 1989, in the administration of the governor's father. When confronted with that standard in Columbus, Ohio, Bush retreated to his position that he would not comment." It is plain he is playing games just like Clinton's "depends on what 'is' is" sort of evasion. He never denied using cocaine, but did "not in last 25 years" BS. I would not say fake news, but rather evasion and dishonest by omission https://www.baltimoresun.com/news/bs-xpm-1999-08-20-9908200196-story.html
  17. Where did the money come from? My guess is pennies from heaven, or nirvana if available
  18. Wasn't his alleged tax dodging the reason given for the coup? Does this mean he'll be welcomed back to take his democratically elected position? (joking)
  19. Don't forget Geo Bush #2: plenty of alcohol and cocaine til his "come to Jesus" moment
  20. Removing those photos a fine example of institutional racism, for those here who don't believe it exists
  21. Rushdie is a brilliant author. Any of you read "The Satanic Verses"? Brilliant fantasy/magic realism tour de force. I'll bet dollars to doughnuts the Ayatollah never read even a paragraph of this wonderful book. If you're not willing to read the book (and even think about it) you shouldn't be able to issue a fatwa. Like Rushdie's friend Hitchens wrote in his book "God is not great: how religion poisons everything"
  22. "A rule that is not enforced ceases to be a rule"
  23. at least he won't have to miss his baby and feel so bad (her going to the slammer too, I assume), tho I guess his race is run
  24. I wonder why the bar flies can't just start 4 hours earlier on their drinkathon and finish it off at midnight instead of 4 am.
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