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Thailand J

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Everything posted by Thailand J

  1. Goto https://ltr.boi.go.th/#contact Post your questions. Lately I have been getting replies the next day.
  2. I will buy another HItachi CV SF18 1800W bagless vacuum if my current one stopped working. I have 3m ceiling the extensions are useful to get to the spider webs. It's not small so check the dimensions before ordering one.
  3. There is another $13850 standard deduction. I have posted the spreadsheet before and still hope that I am wrong.
  4. Another good game.
  5. I am happy I can get some reliable info without having to call or have to wait for document in the mail. Website probably cost less then the bombs we send overseas in a single shipment.
  6. It is true there's very little you can do once you have a foreign address. Still, knowing my account is in good order is worth something. I've just logged in without using VPN.
  7. Anyone please. To apply for LTR visa: Do I need to submit a passport size picture print at any point? Since online application takes jpg and at the visa issuance they'll take my picture. What kinda signature is acceptable at the end of online application? With LTR visa: can I get Certification of Residence at local IO? Will I get 2 years or 5 years drivers license renewal?
  8. Any close game is a good game to me. Rogers is legendary.
  9. Good game. Worth waking up at 3 am.
  10. How do you get 35B? I only see for 5000B+ for a season. The Eagles is the only unbeaten team, 5-0.
  11. Have you tried any free live streaming sites ? any reason you prefer to pay to watch on DAZN?
  12. Eagles games replay here: https://nfl-video.com/archive/nfl_teams/philadelphia_eagles_video/39
  13. Thai gift tax exemption is 20M to married spouse. 10M to others. US gift tax exemption to non-citizen married spouse is $175,000 in 2023.
  14. I am not married. I can only transfer up to $17,000 per year to any individual without having to pay gift tax in USA.
  15. With LTR my 800,000B deposit for non-0 renewal can goto Vanguard Federal Money Market fund. The fund price always stays at $1, so no one will ever lose money. 5% return is enough to pay for yearly LTR required insurance plus more.
  16. What is the latest news regarding tax exemption for LTR wealthy pensioners? Is it true the exemption is only for income from the previous year ( not years)? If so I'll make sure my brokerage account year end statement shows enough cash. That will be where the next year's transfers are from. I have visited AXA office, I am ready to apply LTR. https://ltr.boi.go.th/documents/Royal-Decree-743.pdf
  17. I guess we know now what they meant by " past 7 days".
  18. Today is Oct 12th, Oct 1st is outside the 7 days window. Won't work. When did you take the September screenshot?
  19. It only shows entries in the pass 7 days? Today is 12th Oct, anything prior to 5th is not shown? Better save or print a screenshot within 7 days once you reported. This is nuts.
  20. more free CNN streaming sites that I have bookmarked: https://tv247.us/watch/cnn-us-free-stream/ https://ustvgo.live/cnn/ http://www.freeintertv.com/view/id-3324/1-1-0-1
  21. Free sites come and go, enjoy while they last. This one has been around for a long time: https://www.newslive.com/ Free CNN and CNBC streaming: https://www.newslive.com/american/cnn-live-free.html https://www.newslive.com/american/cnbc.html
  22. https://thetvapp.to/ https://thetvapp.to/tv/cnn-live-stream/ https://thetvapp.to/tv/cnbc-live-stream/ https://dlhd.sx/24-7-channels.php
  23. I didn't enter a check out date and the "add" was acceptable. I have no idea what the fine print at the screen bottom is saying. After 7 days I won't be able to get a screen shot?
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