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Sticky Rice Balls

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Everything posted by Sticky Rice Balls

  1. Mine in CNX is paying and expecting rounded change back ie A bill was 65...i had 100 bill and 5 baht, so I gave her 105--expecting 40 baht change-no coins I do this often or even tough ones to avoid 1 baht coins ie 68 so I give 73 to get rid of small coins and get 5 back etc,,,,,upgrade and damn u tesco with the satang rubbish....smh The look on thais faces..even at places like 7-11 which the register will do the MATH for u...
  2. What can I say?..Mogadishu..You stole my Heart! Happy Valentines Day Gents! oxo
  3. And what does Thailand offer to bring these tourists in? Always feels so one sided in thai logic....as the Stones sang--You cant always get what you want..... I come for the scams but stay for the double pricing....
  4. Thais only want the Hiso Chinese, whom they are jealous of, and their freewheel spending..... Big Money Big face and dont look like dirty farangs...
  5. A joker-a smoker-a midnight toker---who took the money and run(ran) As for me, I always been frank and earnest with the ladies--frank in bkk and earnest in CNX
  6. No comment until Mogadishu in on that list......
  7. tried to mention that in last sentence as covid exts save me the trips to mae sai and/or laos..... ????
  8. David Carradine met his fate here if i do recall--under shady circumstances...... One night in BKK make a hard man humble..check in but dont check out
  9. Ive been coming to thai yearly since 2008 never with a visa and always one way 30 days free upon landing in bkk---shoot up to CNX and get extension--1900 bt another 30 days take bus to burma border and jump back--another free 30--extend again 1900bt=30 more days(4 mo) also could go to laos and get thai visa and extend that----luckily i got my covid extension last week(60) usually stay 4-5 months then go home to work------been working for me over a decade now-- (USA) burma border jumps are 2 allowed a year---but this way before covid blew the world up but the covid extensions are 1900 for 60 days and saves me the 11 hr bus trip RT to burma-mae sai
  10. I flew from DC to denver to LAX--on my bday!...to escape toxic USA......i went to a patient first type of shop and asked them for info and time tables before getting it----anyhoo singapore air in lax sweated me hard!! He argued it got it on 14th---the paper said the result came on the 15th---lax on 17th So he takes a pic of my paper and sends it to "someone" in bkk via Line app...who that was I have no idea....He says if bkk allows it--u can board......!!! Man i tell ya that felt like forever waiting for the reply Then the Sing guy is like dont cause any trouble in Sing during layover---I was like huh??? trouble??? anyway the plane was running late so literally ran thru sing airport to catch my transfer to bkk Never again Singapore air---also facial recog to board without and option to opt out.........smh..blah
  11. to be charged double and be "cheated" one must give their money to the "scammer"... I live in local area and am aware of the local price--always ask price first if not listed before buying goods or services...i often watch a thai in front of me to see what they pay if unsure... Shop around--I rarely go to spot that would double charge--vote with your money and choices A fun experiment I did one day was go to every pharmacy I found to ask about Viagra--555 Was amazing the prices i got--from 500 to 180 all for the exact same product....i got the 180 box! Always good to have a thai friend too...and speak minimal thai.....I own my own motorcycle and pay 3500 for my studio--same as thais in my building as im the only farang--also got stared at tonight as i sat with locals outside eating my food at mae hia market---I rarely run into farangs Im moving to a new studio next month and suspect my apt manager is skimming a bit--cases of water used to be 40--now 60..small stuff..if he tries anything with my security deposit I have already planned to go right to the owner..whom I got his contact info long ago----always cover your a$$ in LOS.....Im always polite and smile with the apt manager.....but always document our exchanges.....
  12. They need to re market pattaya to the family scene again! Kids eat free! and half off ping pong!!!
  13. Thainess 101.....The lesson is repeated until it is learned....
  14. Or could write to Penthouse-----"I never thought this would happen to me, but one day at the office..."
  15. I went to a patient first kind of place--they said they sent the tests out of state!!! Guy from labcorp comes daily to get them--then they fly! them out of state and back!!!??? Got mine within 2 days and then in LAX the guy form singapore air didnt want to let me board sayiing my testing was over 72 hrs-----i went in on 14th and was in LAX on 17th....mere hours difference... and i made SURE my test said RT-PCR..........never again singapore air...I did get on after a "debate"
  16. A book shop in CNX by thae pae gate has a shop with free books outside--whole chests of them.. saw them today.......the one I grabbed was "How to pick up trashy women"....
  17. I heard One Night in BKK can make a hard man humble........just saying...
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