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Posts posted by Kitsune

  1. I know it because I have the data and I can see clearly you're missing the point.

    You are deluding yourself like many other fools in believing you will pick up a job as an English teacher with a "TEFAL" (like the saucepan hilarious really) and you think you know about diet because you wanted to open a vegan restaurant and worked for BUPA. You have high blood pressure and you know ALL about diet!

    Happy long arthritis, heart disease and diabete !

    • Like 2
  2. You're dam_n right I'm a scummy racist. Proud of it too. The world would be a lot better off without a lot of the disadvantaged that consume resources instead of contributing. I'm in favour of forced sterilization for drug addicts, murderers and rapists, as well as child molesters. You don't have to agree with anything I say…just use the ignore. Please! And never reply to another of my posts again or else! You are not wanted? Do you understand that?

    Hang on you're a racist that dates Thai girls?

    Am I missing something ?blink.png

    • Like 1
  3. I don't know…when we're in the club and she is wearing skin tight, mini shorts, 4" spike heels and has one leg raised on the table of drinks to make a 90 deg angle and grinding me…its not my vision of who I take home to visit my mother. In her spare time she worked at Soi 6. All my friends made the same comment.

    Nor your mother needs to witness you having sex with newly appointed Miss Normal.

    Even hookers have a life, family, kids, etc, she's just trying to make a living!

    You missed out the bit about even hookers have husbands and boyfriends, not that the dumb two week millionaire needs to know that, all he has to be fed is the buffalo shyt about Thai man no good.

    Check out Liberty apartments or On Nut to see how these girls live and who they live with.

    The sad thing is, most of their earnings go to support the "maeng da", never mind the suckers who have never ventured futher than Soi Cowboy will keep on sending the money.

    As for make a living, walked by an advert today, cleaners 15k per month, get a job in the Yam Yam factory, easily earn up to 20k per month.

    Guess the lao kao bill for khun por and the gambling bill for khum mae is more.

    Yes they are trying to make a living

    Yes they are being abused by their BF/mafia/customers pick one

    No there are not many jobs for maids at 15K

    And yes they might need more than 15K to live in BKK especially of you have to support others

  4. If we could stay within law frame that would be great thanks

    OK So far I had (beside moving out):

    - Very interesting advice about whether to sign a contract that might bind me to allow my landlord to do as he pleases.

    - Advices to invite him for lunch to negotiate the contract.

    - Advices to retain a solicitor (the law being on my side) and not to retain one (pricey + no certainty that it does lead to anything)

    Thank you for those, and keep 'em coming !


  5. For anyone interested, the topic is about legal options face to landlord that wish to come and pay uncalled visits in one's house.

    Thank you !

    and as stated on multiple occassions on this thread your legals options in the first instance is to consult a lawyer if you believe you have been wronged

    And as stated on multiple occasion here, there are millions of other ways than lawyers to solve a problem with a landlord

    tell you what give me just 10 of those millions then.. you are talking about sueing someone, so typically in cases such as this, legal representation would be required, inintially to determine if you even have case and secondly to represent you in the court.

    Several have been mentioned on this very topic, if you look carefully you will find them w00t.gif

  6. I was teaching, then last term I was told no funding now.

    Like you, I wanted something to do.

    Something to keep me busy and produce a little income.

    Couldn't find any internet work I was comfortable with.

    Being a farang, I couldn't own a business or farm anything.

    So, now my Thai wife and daughter have a small mushroom farm.

    It was inexpensive to start and not difficult to learn about.

    It's a very clean operation, no soil, no manure.

    It takes up very little room and is not very labor intensive once it is all set up.

    However, you do need to be there twice each day or have a responsible person to check, water, and harvest for you in your absence.

    It generates a some extra income and provides the family with a lot of delicious mushrooms.

    The local folks love fresh mushrooms and sometimes even order ahead!

    There is a lot of good information on growing mushrooms in Thailand on TV.

    I really enjoy it.

    If it interests you, check it out!

    I have no photos of mine, but posted one I found on google.attachicon.gif266387083-23453tyhdffsafsgdhn.jpg

    Choke Dee

    I bought one of these plastic mushroom bottle thingy once, the woman told me to spray the mushroom twice a day, but it died within 4/5 days !

  7. For anyone interested, the topic is about legal options face to landlord that wish to come and pay uncalled visits in one's house.

    Thank you !

    and as stated on multiple occassions on this thread your legals options in the first instance is to consult a lawyer if you believe you have been wronged

    And as stated on multiple occasion here, there are millions of other ways than lawyers to solve a problem with a landlord

    • Like 1
  8. For anyone interested, the topic is about legal options face to landlord that wish to come and pay uncalled visits in one's house.

    Actually I think you should open up a bit about your deep-seated anger and control issues.

    To start with, why do you think you have the right to dictate what people say in a public forum? Just because you start a thread, doesn't mean you can control it. . .

    It's called staying on topic

  9. What is THIS creature?

    The pants, the posture, the hair, the tiger skin on the wall

    Thanks that got me a laugh

    happy to entertain, fun for me too 8-)

    figured he meant butt boy anyway. . .

    For me it would be the result of an ungodly cross between a Duran Duran and Prince biggrin.png

  10. Here's a thought - maybe the neighbors have been telling him you're entertaining various male visitors and he thinks you've set up a brothel?

    Now shaming

    Not from me, I feel very strongly there's no shame in sex work.

    For anyone interested, the topic is about legal options face to landlord that wish to come and pay uncalled visits in one's house.

    Thank you !

  11. If the OP refuses to sign an agreement which calls for a 2 hour notice when what is 'reasonable' in Thailand is a 48 or 24 hour notice, then all he has to do is find a lawyer willing to take the case on terms the OP finds appropriate for the damages he can justify.

    That is why I used the word 'might'. And in the USA, if a landlord offered a new lease to a tenant in good standing which was in violation of state statute and sufficient damages could be established, you probably could find a lawyer to take the case.

    Thank youvery much JL Crab this is very helpful

  12. Fortunately the topic is not about what you "think" and your previous post shows evidently your perception as being very questionable

    Also the topic is about legal options

    I'm afraid that aspect of the topic has expired long ago, you've quite clearly gotten all the answers on that, maybe you don't like those answers.

    If you want to pursue that option, feel free I'm sure you'll find lawyers happy to take your money tilting at windmills.

    Now to return to the real topic at hand - which you don't get to dictate anymore - have you thought about getting help for your anger management and control issues?

    Fortunately you are not the judge of my topic life span

    More personal insults?

  13. You re not even coherent to yourself, last time you called me a HE, now you want me to be a "mai noi"

    Do you actually mean MIA NOI?

    Do we have anger issues or a school teacher by any chance...?.....your right...... Mia Noi...no way...whistling.gif

    What an incredibly rude person you are...

    And now personal insults

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