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Posts posted by Kitsune

  1. So if he comes on 2hours notice without prior agreement, like today what legal option do I have?

    As a tenant, you are entitled to live in privacy. This means that during your stay at the rental premises you should not experience interruption or interference by the landlord/agent or anyone acting on the landlord's behalf.
    To ensure this occurs, the landlord/agent is required to obtain agreement from the tenants prior to visiting the property.
  2. My landlord has decided to pay me regular 'surprise visits' to "check on the house".

    He came today with only a 2 hours warning by text and said he would like to come again to do regular checks during the duration of the next contract.

    I told Thai law (I think correct me if wrong) requires a formal written with proper notification (of 2 weeks if I recall correctly?)

    He said he does not care; its HIS house and he can come around whenever he likes, and without warning.

    I think / hope he's going to write this in the contract.

    Once I have the contract, with his illegal demand in black and white, could I sue him?

  3. In France and all its territories you can:

    - If you have no income :Claim $50 a week from French government, get free medical insurance and your rent paid, and don't forget to pick your food/cigarets coupons !

    -Get FREE decent schooling for your kids

    -,pension, for the elders,

    - minimal wage at 7euros /hour.

    - Paid Holidays 5 weeks per year

    There would be A LOT of Thai/Cambodians/Malasians/Burman trying to cross the border

  4. the list is endless:

    -Thai "crepes" Sickly sweet papiermaché conistency. Not remotely resembling the real thing

    - Thai pizza with curry topping. Yuck

    - Thai Cakes especially the one that tries to resembles black forest with disgusting fake cream, saturated with sugar.

    - Thai smoothies; with MILK, really? Just call it a milkshake please !

    - Thai croissant: choice between yucky butter or gross marg

    - Thai Feta cheese totally worth spending extra 100thb to get greek one

    - Thai egg custard, Thai can now proudly be the first to not only denature Euro pastries but Chinese too, yes they managed to make this simple dessert yucky too!

    - Thai sausages, just gross

    - Thai Pain au chocolat which here is named Danish or croissant depending how stupid they think you are.


    Regrettably, they are singularly the most inept nation at desserts that I have come across.

    Sausages pizza and smooties are not desserts

    I don't believe that I said that they were. Are you just trying to get your post count up ? smile.png

    I just love those smooties, don't you ?

    Love them too

    It's just that your comment was only for half of the list.

    Quid of the other half ?

  5. the list is endless:

    -Thai "crepes" Sickly sweet papiermaché conistency. Not remotely resembling the real thing

    - Thai pizza with curry topping. Yuck

    - Thai Cakes especially the one that tries to resembles black forest with disgusting fake cream, saturated with sugar.

    - Thai smoothies; with MILK, really? Just call it a milkshake please !

    - Thai croissant: choice between yucky butter or gross marg

    - Thai Feta cheese totally worth spending extra 100thb to get greek one

    - Thai egg custard, Thai can now proudly be the first to not only denature Euro pastries but Chinese too, yes they managed to make this simple dessert yucky too!

    - Thai sausages, just gross

    - Thai Pain au chocolat which here is named Danish or croissant depending how stupid they think you are.


    Regrettably, they are singularly the most inept nation at desserts that I have come across.

    Sausages pizza, feta and smoothies are not desserts

  6. The evidence that diet is involved is pretty much overwhelming. Negros in the United States have a much higher level of colon cancer than Caucasians living there, which must be accounted for by diet rather than genetics.

    However, certain individuals are genetically susceptible to polyps leading to cancer, so however good one's diet, there's still a need to be "probed" occasionally.

    You mean the very professional NCBI "forgot" about the guy who had polyps in their very thorough survey?

    Polyps are due to diet too anyway

    Sounds like face saving ...

    Some polyps are due to diet. However, you might want to look up Familial Adenomatous Polyposis, Hereditary Non-polyposis Colorectal Cancer, Juvenile Polyposis Syndrome and Peutz Jeghers Syndrome for a start.

    That's old theories.

    Since the 80's we know heredity is responsible only for 1% of cancers.

  7. the list is endless:

    -Thai "crepes" Sickly sweet papiermaché conistency. Not remotely resembling the real thing

    - Thai pizza with curry topping. Yuck

    - Thai Cakes especially the one that tries to resembles black forest with disgusting fake cream, saturated with sugar.

    - Thai smoothies; with MILK, really? Just call it a milkshake please !

    - Thai croissant: choice between yucky butter or gross marg

    - Thai Feta cheese totally worth spending extra 100thb to get greek one

    - Thai egg custard, Thai can now proudly be the first to not only denature Euro pastries but Chinese too, yes they managed to make this simple dessert yucky too!

    - Thai sausages, just gross

    - Thai Pain au chocolat which here is named Danish or croissant depending how stupid they think you are.


  8. It used to be relaxing.

    Now they all want to claim health benefits, so they go hard on you, so it looks professional.

    Problem is no one is qualified, and girls are doing it while talking to their colleagues: so it's uncomfortable, you feel like you should not be there listening to a full blown convo, you have no idea if it's contains comment about you, it's painful and stressful.

    Just avoid it

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