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Posts posted by Kitsune

  1. Nothing wrong with good steak dipped in a no of home made sauce.

    My mother was great cook and she always told me that it was shame to put sauce on a good steak. It was probably the wisest piece of advice that she ever gave me.

    I do understand the reasoning UG, as a paid up member of the meatatarian society.

    In just not as purist about it, and the Thai Jim Jam sauce does go remarkably well with some good tender meat.

    On the smelly cheese side if things, having lived in the UK, a good grilled steak with melted Stilton on the top. Heaven.

    I love having the spicy Thai sauce the GF makes with my steak...yum yum yum,

    Wow you GF already has an article ?

  2. Wife bought that gooey stuff sometimes from Siam Paragon Supermarket.

    Yes imported I know

    Every mall has it

    I am in search of a local producer


    Good news, (if you like natto, that is..)

    In Fuji Super , soi 39, they sell the locally produced natto for B10 a tub. From what I could make out on the container was the only ingredients are the beans and the bacteria culture

    Locally produced ?

    That's great, I will check it out

    Cheers !


  3. The incidence of colon cancer varies by nation but there is no nation or culture completely without it.

    Diet is one risk factor but there are others, including genetics.

    In black Africa it's a rarity they have less than 1 out of 100 000, and it's proven to be due to diet.

    here is the data published by very serious US organization NCBI http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/10235221

    I follow these dietary recommendations. So no camera up my bum, thank you very much !

    The evidence that diet is involved is pretty much overwhelming. Negros in the United States have a much higher level of colon cancer than Caucasians living there, which must be accounted for by diet rather than genetics.

    However, certain individuals are genetically susceptible to polyps leading to cancer, so however good one's diet, there's still a need to be "probed" occasionally.

    You mean the very professional NCBI "forgot" about the guy who had polyps in their very thorough survey?

    Polyps are due to diet too anyway

    Sounds like face saving ...

  4. Ok, my wife is starting to realized she has been cheated after I could show her clear prove (related to the strange behavior of the guys telephone line and internet usage).

    I also went to her close friends for advice.

    She is like 50/50% now.

    She gave me more information now.

    I have the address of the conman and the owner of the building confirms he really lives there.

    All assets of my wife are blocked (with her approval). She can't make anymore mistake right now.

    She was indoctrinated for days in meditation exercises that very much looked like what we would call hypnosis. If you're open for this kind of thing it's easy to be cheated.

    In few days she'll fully understand she has been cheated. I'll forgive her.

    We have been together for 13 years and this is the first problem we had in 13 years which was entirely caused by her.

    We will go for practical solutions to prevent problems like this in the future.

    She's not sick but really has been brainwashed in a very intensive manner.

    I have met a few dangerous people before, manipulators with real skills can do real damages.

    Most of my friends view me as a skeptic, I question things and people a lot but I did fell for a couple of very dark and crafty people.

    Did not lose 200 000B but got shit scared of how much power these people could have over me and how they make you believe stuffs,you thought you'd never fall for.

    Your wife sounds like an easy target but she might also have encounter one of these crafty manipulators. Temples is probably their preying ground.

    This can be very traumatic, you feel violated and helpless.

    I found that learning and reading books about ways they manipulated me, the techniques, the skills they use, how to recognize these types of people, helped me to overcome this horrible experience. May be you could direct her to learn more about this, so it won't happen again ?

    • Like 1
  5. The incidence of colon cancer varies by nation but there is no nation or culture completely without it.

    Diet is one risk factor but there are others, including genetics.

    In black Africa it's a rarity they have less than 1 out of 100 000, and it's proven to be due to diet.

    here is the data published by very serious US organization NCBI http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/10235221

    I follow these dietary recommendations. So no camera up my bum, thank you very much !

  6. I lived in UK.

    As a woman, I have queued in restrooms of IKEA, malls, supermarkets, restaurants,bars, night clubs and so forth.

    I have noticed that

    in UK you queue 3 times : for the toilet cubicle, for the sink, and the dryer.

    Here you only queue once, for cubicle because people spend much more time using the mirror than the sink, and I have never queued for hand dryer here, as NO ONE ever uses them

    • Like 2
  7. They sell it red and white I think, dry not sure if pre-scrubbed/washed. I have used it for a week and have to say it tastes good.

    Ive been trying to up my protein.

    Only problem is it isnt exactly cheap



    Did not see quinoa

    WOW your stuff is really expensive !

    I get my chickpeas (non organic) at 40B for 500g / your shop is 125B !! day light robbery !

    Red lentils same around 50B a kilo (Makro) your shop online 90B

    EDIT: OOPS sorry did not realize it was all organic!

    makes sense I guess, still it's pricey I think you can find cheaper

  8. Surely you have a good fresh food market near you. They all have fresh soy products, - much better than 7/11


    But hang on Kitsune might tell us in a minute that tofu may contain an industrial chemical, called calcium sulfate, a coagulant that is also used for making gypsum. w00t.gif

    No but it's not what nutritionists call a class 1 food as such (whole food/ vegetables) which should be our prime source of food.

    It's a class 2 food as it is processed after all even though, some companies are reducing the process, it's still a good product but also the fact remains that a vast majority of soy beans in the world are GMO. And I am not sure what the stance is here, but I do know they import soy bean from the US where 80% of the crops are GMO.

  9. Thank you, i found protein kaset, but are you sure that they are bad? fat and msg?

    I think only the "J festival type" ready-meal are not very healthy.

    A meal made from raw protein kaset will be as good/ bad as you make.


    Raw protein kaset !

    Beautiful oxymoron : it's like saying hot snow or dry water

    Protein kaset or TVP is by definition COOKED at 200 DEGREES

    What did you call me ? ill-informed?

    Morakot you're so funny!

    • Like 1
  10. A few foodstall operators are the "Thai economy"?

    Good laugh.

    Thailand and the Thai economy are THE loosers of this protests.

    And its not only the huge losses in the Tourist industry,

    Thai macro economy, like any capitalist model is getting real good at making a few rich richer and a lot of poor people poorer.

    For once the balance is tiling slightly the other way

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