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Thait Spot

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Posts posted by Thait Spot

  1. The more the truth comes out the more it looks like a cover up by the anti government protesters and their leaders. But it seems to have failed.

    In your hardly humble and ever so slightly biased opinion.

    Sure. Anyway, over to the other English language newspaper in Thailand then. They report flatly that a 'Democrat Aide' is a suspect in the bombing (murder). But those kinds of articles you don't see in The Nation and affiliated media/forums.

    Do a google search for " democrat-aide-sought-over-blast "

    More dishonesty from you.

    His does "sought" equate to "suspect"?

    How can anyone take you seriously?

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  2. Victory will be won at the ballot box not in the streets with guns, bombs and threats of we will stop you from voting by blocking you and intimidating you from voting. The people are coming out and saying enough is enough let us make our choice, we don't like your choice.

    If you are saying that the white shirts are pro red you really should try counseling

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  3. The army and military need to keep their noses clean in this civil dispute and conflict.

    With the PDRC losing serious steam and the government more than willing to talk and work out a solution, the current slowdown of confrontation provides an opening to the mainstream leaders of all sides to sit, talk, moderate and find some common peaceful ground.

    Abhisit needs today to clearly and publically state his support of discussions by each side while himself stepping aside.

    As no Thai appears acceptable to any side or involved group, the Thais are just going to have to accept a cool head outside mediator, perhaps from Japan but certainly not from China. The United States is not acceptable because it has stated repeatedly that it supports the legitimate democratically elected government, which is a strange basis to exclude Washington, but the fact is the US is excluded.

    Perhaps the Secretary General of Asean, Le Luong Minh might be someone to consider.

    And what about the police!

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  4. Suthep is desperate to prevent Thais from voting on February 2nd, because if they do, everyone will see what a small minority he and his supporters really have. If over 10 million Thais come out and vote for Yingluck, as they did in the last election, his chances at making a power grab will be ruined and finished.

    He will do everything to bring Thailand to the brink of civil war to prevent the February 2nd election from happening.

    How can that make any sense if the Dems aren't participating?

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  5. What hardcore red shirt elements? I haven't watched the news yet tonight but I hadn't heard of any actual evidence that red shirts are involved in these horrible attacks

    The red shirt leader Ko Tee brought around 200 redshirts to Chaengwattana to attack the protesters.

    Its in the news. Not hard to find

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    "The red shirt leader Ko Tee brought around 200 redshirts to Chaengwattana to attack the protesters"...I understand they were disgruntled Van drivers whose livelihood is being affected by these protests. Whether they were sympathetic to red Shirts or not was immaterial in this instance. This was an issue between the protesters and Van drivers who are PO'ed at being deprived of income....It is obviously to the protesters benefit to blame Red Shirts...They crave an attack or fight with them in order to escalate this thing....Self-induced violence just doesn't do it for them.


  6. How about taking action against the nutjob who said he would arrest the democratically elected Prime Minister and Cabinet Members?

    Have you been living under a rock ???? When is it democratic when votes are bought !!

    Isn't it amazing - the Suthep supporters are like the party they support - DEM = no idea, nothing new, no platform, copy everything from PT - but bitching constantly about them - and think this will get them elected.

    The Thai people are not stupid - to convince them to vote for you does take a bit more initiative than to badmouth the other!

    and PLEASE PLEASE stop with the stupid vote buying thing!!! They all do it and it is established and confirmed by the deputy Leader of the Democrat party himself that they spend more money buying votes (or at least trying to buy them) - than PT in the last elections!

    Rubbish. PTP would still be herding water buffalo without the bought vote

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  7. It proves no such thing. The poster who suggests this has no understanding of the history of these protests and the events that preceded them since Thaksin came to power without ever being elected.

    So what you're saying is that the driver of the car, who throws the grenade, is hired by Thaksin?

    And Thaksin was never elected huh? Nice history revisionism there. You should update Wikipedia then, because it seems to be wrong.

    ROFLMAO, my 6 months old son can mess up with Wikipedia. I am yet to see at least ome serious article (e.g. scientific paper) that has Wiki in the references list.

    Is Wiki the best the mafia supporters can come up with to prove a point? Why am I not surprised smile.png

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    You can go on there and correct the election results if they are wrong.

    Are they?

    Funny man but you are not a serious poster or commentator. Give us the substance of it please. Just who won the elections and what were the percentages. and what was the highest percent the democrats polled ever.

    Shoot the messenger as a phrase has been around since the roman times. Isn't it about time you got a new tactic. Wiki is not perfect, but on the Thailand election results it is totally correct, and you..... you're just wrong again

    "Shoot the messenger" is from Roman times? A civilisation that had no guns?


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  8. With guns of all sorts making the headlines each day, very little is mentioned of the smoking gun. Here it is :

    " The regulations concerning the selling of rice under a G2G deal and a domestic deal are different, which led to the forging of documents whereby rice contacts were made to look like they were a deal with a foreign government, but in reality the rice was being sold domestically," he said. "

    That is what will eventually bring down the Yingluck administration. The export sale to China that never was - is really at the heart and centre of the Yingluck administration's policy of graft, never more ambitious or more brazen than with the rice scam. Among all the transgressions of the Nixon administration, what brought it down in the end was a third-rate burglary. With all the transgressions of the Yingluck administration, what will bring it down in the end is the criminal administration of rice.

    Its unbelieveable that there are still foreign red shirts supporting this government. The corruption is now proven and so obvious.

    But their mantra.. I have been elected so i can steal and rob the country blind seems to be ok even with foreigners.

    Just admit this government needs to go.. strict law changes and institutions that make sure a government can't do stuff like this again. Once in place elections. I could not care less if the government is red again as long as they are not as corrupt as this bunch.

    The moment they step over the line they should be punished, i still can't believe how that red MP lied in court about the voting (proven lying) and not even got a slap on his wrists. Lying in court should be mandatory jail-time.

    They are an abscess on the porcelain skin of democracy

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  9. It's a shame protesters have the right to block roads and bridges in the city, but normal citizens do not have the right to use those roads and bridges. And you wonder why you have violence.

    Funny how the violence came from a bunch of red scumbags from another province

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    what province was that then, maybe they are Bangkok residents wanting to go home. Guess in your home country blocking of roads closing government buildings and closing schools would be accepted and go unopposed

    If you read the news you will see.

    It was pure thuggery from idiot red shirts from Pathum Thani. Not Bangkok.

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  10. "Police told to take action against hardcore Red Shirt elements"....This headline implies a multitude, then when reading the article, it references one guy by the name of Ko Tee....These protesters really need to have an attack by Red Shirts. If they can find anything remotely connected, they will magnify it....... "More than 30 people were injured as attackers hurled bombs at protesters..."...This quote implies facts that don't match what is currently circulating on the Internet and Social media. That being video's of the so-called hurled bombs came from within the protesters procession. The video clearly shows that the so-called 'bomb' was not against Suthep's procession, but from within it...It shows a bomb being lobbed from the back of one of the pick-ups in the procession. This fact and video's that seem to be everywhere is an inconvenient reality for these coup-mongers, who need to have confrontation and to be attacked by forces outside themselves...Suthep's quick unsubstantiated finger-pointing at the Govt. is evidence of it as well....they would love to have an all-out assault by Security forces...When that is not happening, they need to create a situation themselves. I think these suspicions are just the tip of the iceberg...The protesters need to create all kinds of perceptions in order to advance their cause, and they are good at it.

    Do you have a link to this video showing the bomb being lobbed from the pick-up? I would like to see the video myself please.

    Two of them:




    Hope that works for you…Ya gotta look real quick, to see the hand appear from behind the cab and throw the thing, with the explosion thereafter.

    I can only but feel the deepest disgust at this propagandists.

    People like Fryslan Boppe have blood in their hands in this conflict, they stoke the fire by spreading lies, seeding confussion and demonizing people.

    What's in it for you Fryslan?


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  11. That cannot be true. Suthep said this would only affect the government.

    Those people in Bangkok who say their lives and businesses are being drastically affected by the shutdown must be lying, mustn't they?

    They should rejoice they have honest protestors who do not shut their business down and try to burn it down.wai.gif

    If the protesters are honest, they would not be causing all this inconvenience to innocent people for their own ends. What is the ballot box for?

    Some how I don't think they are for people to put a piece of paper in with a name on it that they were given money to write. I don't think they are boxes to be stored where people can get at them and switch pieces of paper for other pieces with other names on them.

    This is some of the practices Suthep is trying to put an end to. They will be for people to put a slip of paper in where there is a name that they believe to be the best man for the job and handled in such a way as no one can get to them until they are opened and the votes counted. These are things that will extend to all parties not just one. It is called a level playing field.

    Do you have a problem with that? If you believe it is OK to continue using them as they are now can you explain to me why you think those things are OK. I will not except that is not happening or that they are trying to put an end to Democracy. When you and I both know reform is needed. At least I hope you know it.wai.gif

    I am not into Thai politics, I don't mind protesters, but when innocent peoples livelyhoods suffer, it is wrong, and that applies to both sides. The Reds in 2010, and the protesters now. Let ordinary people go about their business in peace.

    I live in Chaengwattana. I have had zero problem with getting to and from work, school and shops.

    Given that the protesters have been there since Monday, these drivers are talking rubbish about disruption and rubbish about the timeframe

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  12. Before any investigation has taken place she up and says 'we didn't do it'

    As if she knows anything about it at all.

    How many times has she ordered investigations to be carried out without result ?

    Anyway why should she have to order an investigation, isn't it the police job to do that without her orders ?

    Usually her party is involved and they'll make some clumsy attempt to sweep it under the carpet - this gives her denial credibility.

    Ok you convinced me, just let me get it straight.

    Thaksin pays crack police hitmen squad to do what? Kill Suthep surely, why would you kill a supporter and give him what he wants? Anybody other than Suthep who is shot, risks bringing in the army.

    Why would a police hit team NOT kill Suthep if they were Thaksins hit team.

    OK OK so Thaksin sends a crack team to kill Suthep. A real crack team as he has stolen all of thailands money ever and can pay anybody he wants to do this. He is a Bilionaire. So one of the richest men in the world hires a Thai Police hit team? Not KGB, Mossad, Ex Special Forces. A thai police team.

    This crack hit squad that one of the worlds richest men has hired, then hang out near the PDRC area. But they are a crack hit team and don't want to draw the attention of the yellows. So they carry police ID. in case they are stopped by Sutheps thugs and have their bright red police training hats with them. Except not the normal khaki colour, they get bright red ones made up just so they can blend in better with the yellows.

    As nobody knows where the march is routed, they consult a Soothe Sayer who tells them to wait in this deserted house. Deserted house, so they move in with a fridge and a ton of rifles, none of which work as they are toys, BB guns or dummys. And they then lay in wait for Suthep. Again, money no object. These guys really are kitted out are they not?

    We have to be firm on this. Suthep has to be the target if it is Thaksin. As if it is supporters who are hurt, Suthep gets his coup. Please somebody say straight if they think this hitman is after a supporter... please

    So. The march happens to come via our crack hitman, paid by one of the world richest men.

    Suthep is leading and collecting money.. Difficult to spot? Well financed hitman is going to have an idea what he looks like isn't he? Our hitman sees him (he has been laying in wait for days remember) coming and waits until Suthep has walked past him by about 100 meters then acts.???? thats about 30 seconds in time he has missed him by.

    With all his guns, training and murderous intent, he decides rather than wait for a another chance later or another day do act. So with his years of training as a professional hitman he throws one of the worlds cappiest grenades at the front wheel of a pick up truck.


    Richest man in the world - money no object - hires dumb and dumber, sends them into PDRC area dressed as Police with bright red hats, name cards and a fridge.

    They have a room full of equipment that does not work and they miss the target by over 100 meters.

    Hmmmmm... and you wonder why most people with a brain smell a rat here.

    I think you missed my point, I was saying that based on Yingluck's uncharacteristic reaction, she probably wasn't involved in this.

    You'd probably have to think that she's not party to many decisions within PTP

    But she is responsible

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  13. It's a nice effort to cling to the Thaksin is the root cause of the social upheaval argument. That Thaksin didn't just "go to ground" as did his predecessors when the "calling came" is really the historical problem of Thai corruption and feeding off the opportunistic system, if you're in the right tier of society that is. That's exactly the problem. Thaksin is actually the initiator of trying to channel some of that skim back to the underclass which disenfranchised the establishment and woke them up that he is not planning to just "go to ground, but instead is actually trying to embrace them in some way. Maybe his goal was self serving, but at least he was identifying them and found his own way to make them feel part of the system as is not the case before him.

    That there is an "implicit" understanding that they "go to ground" and leave the trough when they have had more than sufficient take and skim is exactly what is at the root of the festering problem. They are at the stage of fighting over who is at the trough and who says enough is enough. Thaksin, like democracy as you put it, is but a tool of the establishment that stirs the force of movement to get them to "go to ground." You are right in stating that this will not happen in this generation of politics, but it is the press that needs to evolve in representing the truth that educates subsequent generations. Distorting the facts and censoring the history is not the right path if you want constructive change for the benefit of the underclass. Part of their frustration is the sense of participation in the truth.

    It is not a reasonable and positive evolution of Thai politics for future generations to have the people "believe" that a Suthep or Sondhi style of politics backed by a military threat and the appointment of a "people's council" designated by the fox in the chicken coup is a "democratic way." Nor is the appointment of another establishment guy who agrees to go to ground when the others say he's through. The press should make this clear and stand by the idea of one man one vote and legally elected officials and fair and equal representation and application of law. The press should place values on these characteristics and not pander to emotions and censorship by the establishment.

    Knowledge is power and the majority Thai underclass shouldn't be denied the factual information and reality of Thai politics and the Thai game as it has been and is played. Whether they gain any power will remain to be seen, but they should be armed with a proper history. With real history and facts, better education and health care, the Thai underclass will continue to get stronger. This concern is really the root of the problem. The Thai establishment eventually has to concede the truth and embrace the underclass although they look like they will be kicking and screaming a lot longer.


    The trouble with the yellow shirt protagonists on TV is they deploy a very partial western rationale to their critique of Thaksin as if comparing him with say a politician at Westminster.

    They are a bit sniffy about him and about the poor too.

    Yet they back the military, the coupists, the suspension of democracy.

    Weird. It's unravelling though.

    Rather Thaksin should be compared for all his thai faults but also with his undoubted achievements to the total inadequacy of his opponents. Turn the spyglass around and what do you see?

    They seem to have broke the mould with him but I think his sister may yet get the Nobel Peace prize.

    WHo knows.

    She's more likely to get the Bang Kwang prize

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  14. Anxiety and fear are among the silent majority of Pathum Thani over the statement of the Army through its deputy-spokesperson. Instead of asking the Police to take legal against the PDRC who violated the rights of the people there, it intimidated the police through its statement to take legal action against people who wanted the return of their rights. Already, the people do not trust the Army, and now this insensitive statement heightened their fear and anxiety. I think the Army should apologize or clarify or take back their statement in order to maintain their claim of neutrality. Any violence, the Army is responsible.

    Another thing you can think about-----The Thai people do not trust the police, ask any of them, you may not even get an answer--they are afraid of their power over them. I can see there is no respect from the ordinary person in the street.

    The police are red top to bottom and corrupt top to bottom.

    Full of Thaksins family and friends not to mention people like Chalerms sons

    That is a big problem that needs to be fixed

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    If the police are so "red", why don't they arrest Suthep since over 2 months even though there's an arrest warrant out for him and he refuses to report to court for the murder charges? And why is the police taking action against red shirts but not against the violent protesters, if they are so "red". As you can see, your statement makes no sense.

    You seem to be a bit muddled.

    The police has taken zero action against the red shirts but arrested and released around 14 students.

    They can't arrest Suthep when he's in a crowd. It will be too bloody

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  15. I would think carrying people like they are doing in the pic would be quite harmful to the victims if they are really hurt.
    Wow, that's some grenade! 36 casualties... more like a WMD. What nonsense.

    Cretins like you should be barred. There is no place in society for people who come here to mock the dead and injured

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    Cretins like you should learn to read and digest information a little more astutely. I don't see where the mockery lies, except perhaps in the mind of one so melodramatic. I've seen a lot of combat, and was querying the extent of the injuries to the 36 "victims". But thanks for the social awareness tip anyway.

    Querying it by calling it "nonsense"?

    Do me a favour!

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  16. When the Thai electorate elected the current government they did so in the clear knowledge that Yingluck was the Pheu Thau candidate for Prime Minister.

    In the previous election Abhisit was the equally clear Democrat candidate for Prime Minister. He was rejected by the electorate.That he ended up as Prime Minister was due to a process which could be at the very least be described as facilitated by groups outside the electoral or democratic process. He had no electoral mandate to be the Prime Minister.

    I rather suspect (wearily and cynically) that the current crisis will eventually end the same way, with Abhisit installed as Prime Minister. It will possibly be the least violent result, but will be no solution, and will only kick the can down the road, for how long remains to be seen.

    " When the Thai electorate elected the current government they did so in the clear knowledge that Yingluck was the Pheu Thau candidate for Prime Minister."

    Rubbish. She wasn't selected until after.

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  17. If PT win (which of course they will) then they should be the ones running the country, no question. The problem that's happened, the Government abused its position in a huge way. So reforms are needed before an election can come about again.

    What exactly are those reforms needed? Compared to decades old nepotism under the yellow rule for the Bangkok elite, the reds have not abused their position anywhere near of their level! The same group of Bangkok elite families are still running the show more or less.

    They only bitch about not being the top dog anymore and about the rural Thais having actually power to oppose them! It is so outrageous...!

    Please let me know when the Yellows did rule for decades? I need to go back till 1986 to see anything that could be remotely yellow.....





    Surly you jest???

    Errr Who was the PM before YL? that would be Mark,,, Who voted for him to be PM??? NOT THE PEOPLE by general election, Why do you think that the red shirts get so pissed off? BECAUSE every time they get their government elected, the Dem's and Suthep dont like it so again try to throw out the government and again put their unelected man in, You'd think that so-called intelligent people would understand and win the people rather that steal government from the peoplew00t.gif not that hard really...............

    Don't cheat with the facts

    Abhisit was elected by his constituents

    Yingluck was picked because of her brother.

    Democratic? My rectum!

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  18. How about taking action against the nutjob who said he would arrest the democratically elected Prime Minister and Cabinet Members?

    Just a reminder for Jackrich and his new "Respect My Vote" avatar. Jack, you can't vote, here.

    It says "Respect My Vote", wherever that may be. You should respect a Thai's right to vote just as much as you respect your right to vote in your home country.

    The red version says "how mutt?"

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