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Thait Spot

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Posts posted by Thait Spot

  1. Anxiety and fear are among the silent majority of Pathum Thani over the statement of the Army through its deputy-spokesperson. Instead of asking the Police to take legal against the PDRC who violated the rights of the people there, it intimidated the police through its statement to take legal action against people who wanted the return of their rights. Already, the people do not trust the Army, and now this insensitive statement heightened their fear and anxiety. I think the Army should apologize or clarify or take back their statement in order to maintain their claim of neutrality. Any violence, the Army is responsible.

    Another thing you can think about-----The Thai people do not trust the police, ask any of them, you may not even get an answer--they are afraid of their power over them. I can see there is no respect from the ordinary person in the street.

    The police are red top to bottom and corrupt top to bottom.

    Full of Thaksins family and friends not to mention people like Chalerms sons

    That is a big problem that needs to be fixed

    Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  2. " Told to ' is a nice change from ' urged ' but unfortunately the army have no right to tell the police what to do and in this particular case i would think those who can tell the police what to do won't.

    If the army knew for a fact that the black shirts in 2010 were made up of a number of police under the command of a well known villain and they saw the same pattern emerging once again of guerrilla attacks then this is how they might react

    Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  3. The protests while not 100% peaceful have been relatively peaceful. Occupying streets and making idle threats is one thing. No one dies. However, these idiot red shirts want to escalate the situation by provoking fights and we know both sides have guns. With the cowardly bombings probably going to continue, it's only right that the army and police take action and not let things get worse.

    Where is the evidence the reds are responsible for these attacks? seems like the yellow faction may be instigating these to get the army to intervene with a coup :/

    There must be a reason that those who are intellectually challenged to such a degree that they cannot see the facts are all aligned to the faction rouge

    Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    well seeing as I'm intellectually challenged, what are the facts? obviously you are the authority on Thai political matters

    The fact that 200 reds turned up with their leader is a fact - and you ask for evidence?

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  4. Red shirts?

    The way it reads is that people who's lives are being affected tried to protest against the PDRC, or is any opposition to Suthep considered red?

    Gunfire caused the so called reds to disperse so I guess they were not shooting at themselves?

    The way it reads is red shirt leader Ko Tee led a group to attack the PDRC protestors.

    He should have been arrested.

    That's right. Protesters have no right to protest the protesters facepalm.gif

    No right to attack you mean

    Apologist for violence

    Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  5. Red shirts?

    The way it reads is that people who's lives are being affected tried to protest against the PDRC, or is any opposition to Suthep considered red?

    Gunfire caused the so called reds to disperse so I guess they were not shooting at themselves?

    Funny how the red shirt leader announced the violence in advance and turned up with his thugs

    No doubt at all they were reds

    Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  6. C'mon the Farmers, turn and bite. This is more significant than any bombings in BKK. When the red tide up north turns, the game must be up for the Family Business. The timing of this is probably worrying ShinCo, it couldn't have worked out worse. It almost seems as if it is planned and executed by Govt opposition. It will be such a gloriously delicious case of 'som nom naaaa' if it is the Rice Scham which takes the Government down ..... given enough rope, they hung themselves!!!!

    After all the shootings and deaths in 2010, and after seeing these Bangkok people and Southerners spouting absolute filth and horrid remarks about Isaan in 2010 and 2013 and now 2014, there is zero chance, in my opinion, of any change in red feelings.

    As has been said, Thaksin must be very happy with Suthep and Abhisit as they have turned what could have been a sticky patch into a solid united red vote PTP hoard, in my opinion.

    Have you ever considered why YL and PTP tried to push the amnesty bill just at this moment in time, ever considered the response from the Democrats and Elite is just what they wanted and expected, and they fell into the trap and have now created a massive anti-Democrat Party feeling over most of Thailand ?

    Just my view.

    We see 2 million people turning out in Bangkok this week - many of them from Isaan - the truth today is that it has shown the depth of feeling against your puppet master who sits trying to control things from his penthouse. Massive anti democrat feeling in Bangkok? Remeber the Pheu Thai were virtually wiped out in Bangkok last election - only the red shirt Isan and Chiang Mai saved them!!

    I thought you said you were educated ? if so maths wernt part of it. My dear chap nothing hes even been close to your number and BKK is not the rest of Thailand.

    Making up numbers and pretending BKK is the be and end of all regarding peoples voting preference does not really make you very credible you know.

    I believe a survey published over the past few days has shown that 20% of Bangkokians have attended the protest.

    They font need to have all been there at the same time.

    And this discounts the support from the rest of Thailand.

    Starting Monday we will see the rice farmers get involved

    Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  7. Suthep did not hesitate to order troops to fire on Thais in 2010 and he does not care if protesters die in order for him to achieve his power grab now.

    You keep harping on about "ordering"

    One would think that after you have said it on here a million times you might have some proof?

    Personally I think you're a liar.

    Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  8. I would think carrying people like they are doing in the pic would be quite harmful to the victims if they are really hurt.

    Wow, that's some grenade! 36 casualties... more like a WMD. What nonsense.

    Cretins like you should be barred. There is no place in society for people who come here to mock the dead and injured

    Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  9. It beggars belief that some of posters continually accusing PDRC of committing acts of violence against themselves. It's absolutely laughable accusation. Why? Anyone who knows Bankokians knows well that they do not condone violence. Furthermore, Bangkokians are afraid of violence. They simply do not like it and stay away from it. Since violent acts started the numbers started dropping. A fact which is difficult to refute.

    They are probably paid to deflect blame from their idols

    Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  10. ? the turn out for the protests has diminished greatly- to the point where you've got maybe 100 people at Asoke, while other 'shut down' intersections were no more.

    Perhaps you mean 100,000 at Asoke, maybe more.... open your eyes and stop living up to your pseudonym

    unless you're living in a propaganda bubble, it's pretty well known the number of protesters reached laughable levels at times yesterday. 100,000? was that Suthep's count? lol

    as to my nick- a drunk Thai was railing on about how superior Thai's are to foreigners and kept repeating that we're ALL 'idiot farang'. i found it amusing given the source. besides, all the clever nicks were already taken...

    If my English were as poor as yours, I wouldn't be elevating my position online.

    Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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  11. Pity we didn't hear the same complaints a few years ago last time Bangkok was under siege . . .

    It's totally different. In a democracy you vote for change. But the only thing you can do in a military dictatorship is to protest. To topple a dictatorship with violence is justified. To try to do so in a democracy is not.

    This is a simple concept that all western governments understand.

    So finally you agree with us that this is all about bringing down the current dictatorship, although you would have to accept that the violence is coming from the reds, not the anti-government protesters, wouldn't you?

    An elected government can't be a dictatorship by definition. It may be a corrupt government or a government that stole the election or a group of crooked politicians that got elected but not a dictatorship. Part of a dictatorship is not having elections. You can have a red vote payoff and a yellow vote payoff and a black vote payoff but it is still an election. The person that a military coup appoints is a dictator.

    I think this government is a perfect example of an elected dictatorship.

    Despite their house majority they still ride roughshod over the opposition and ignore the electorate

    Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  12. I guess Thaksin needs that coup so bad

    Haha, you really haven't got a clue how things work here have you, regarding which institutions support which party's etc. Still, you got to mention Thaksin, so that was a result for you! Better to remain silent and be thought a fool etc etc!

    I think you're the one with no clue whatsoever.

    A coup benefits only the Shins

    Suthep wants to win on his own

    Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  13. Don't be a lying idiot. How is the Feb 2 election going to solve the political conflict? So what if you win it? People will still hate you and your brother. The only way to solve this conflict is for your government to distance itself from your idiot brother and actually try to govern this country without any interference from him. You may not be able to govern wisely because most of you are idiots but at very least, try not to come up with hare brained schemes like the rice pledging or tablets for children! bah.gif

    Obviously, you are the idiot and have no understanding of Thai politics. Name me one, just one, Thai government that has not been corrupt since 1932.

    All of these political parties, and demonstration leaders, act like special interest groups with little interest in the Thai people. As you might have noticed most of the members of parliament, the cabinet, the recent prime ministers, Suthep, Abhisit, Yingluck, Thaksin et al are Chinese (Sino-Thais) who are interested in power, prestige and money.

    The Suthep group wants to deny Thais any influence in politics. It may have not been much but Thaksin/Yingluck have done something for Thai people. This is a big difference, which is why the latter get the votes.

    Suthep, representing the Bangkok Chinese, does not like the Thai people from the north and northeast because they will not vote the way he wants. Thus, he wants to establish an oligarchy in which Bangkok Chinese rule the country, and the rural Thais are shut out from politics.

    It is far better to have democracy of the Shinawatra kind than have no democracy or an oligarchy ruling in its own interests.

    Next time think before you post!

    " Name me one, just one, Thai government that has not been corrupt since 1932."

    The current government has only been corrupt since 2011

    Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  14. You are ousting yourself Yingluck ... seems to me you have been fast tracked for a 5 year political ban

    Your lack of leadership skills and inability to answer a simple question and your continued endorsement of the rice scam will be your own undoing ... hope Thaksin has a spare room in Dubai for you

    Unmarried couples are not welcome in Dubai

    Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  15. Yingluck is clearly hanging on for the lives of her extended family as they risk being exiled along with her criminally corrupt brother on a raft of extremely similar charges. All thus talk of olive branches may well turn to willow unless she can fly a broomstick Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    Do you ever have anything constructive to add to topics other than childish rants ? whistling.gif

    In what way was that a rant?

    Is this one too?

    Or is a rant a posting that you disagree with?

    Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  16. If the election goes ahead on Feb 2nd, it has already been stated that it will be to no avail, since there will not be a vote in many constituencies thus ensuring that less than 95% of the people are represented.

    Therefore the election will be a waste of taxpayers money -estimated at 4000billion baht.

    If that is the case, can Mr Jo Public sue the caretaker government and Yingluck herself for gross mismanagement of funds?


    4000billion baht? Expensive election.

    Its factoring in another Shinful administration

    Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    No it won't in short as by-elections will be held until they make up the 95% required. Simple answer to a simple post.

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    Are you replying to my post or did you lose the thread?

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  17. But but but.... They were elected. But the Dems. But it's politically motivated.

    Maybe it's political that these charges were not probed long ago.

    It's part of the plan.The Democrats can't win elections so the choice for the old guard is either a military coup or judicial intervention.Suthep is doing the old guard's groundwork so that the country is as chaotic as possible.It's now understood a coup would be counterproductive so the chosen method of trashing an elected government is directed judicial activism.The courts have been packed with partisan yellow judges.


    I generally appreciate your posts Jayboy, but in this case, you do not feel that the likely loss of 400 billion baht ++ and total lack of accountability or failure to heed any of the many warnings and warning signs should just be brushed under the carpet?

    I agree it may seem to be picking on her, but let's bear in mind that this is a whole lot different than the trumped up DSI set up against Suthep/Abhisit where Tarit et al get off scott free, this is unquestionably corruption, the only issue is who is to blame.

    Let's not forget how Thaksin intimidated the judges in his false asset declaration, or how his wife tried to pay them off with 'donut box gate', or how his wife falsified documents and presented them in court, or how many various politicians have lied about degrees, hidden their relatives for a murder charge, run off overseas to avoid punishment - there is a total lack of respect for the judiciary from some politicians, all I can suggest is if a politician doesn't want to be sued/sent to jail....don't break the law.

    If the charges are trumped up why is Suthep repeatedly failing to appear when asked ? either you accept people are not responsible for others actions or you dont, if you do then whatever actions go on previously by others has absolutely no bearing on the present, by that I mean your reference to lets not forget blah blah is totally irrelevant to the now. Your right there is a total lack of respect for the law .. period. or Suthep would have been arrested on insurrection charges long ago.

    The whole system is corrupt and compromised to the core from top down. including the judicial system. Dubai isnt big enough to house all of them that deserve an ousting. ;)

    Say what you want about Suthep I am sure he's worthy of some of it.

    However he will always be more honourable than Thaksin for staying to face the music

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  18. The idea of taking the profits from the exporters and passing it on to the farmers seemed like a good one. This whole scenario still needs to play out and evolve with improvement and streamlining the program.

    But I don't see what the charge is. Where is the illegal action? Mismanagement? Underfunding for government programs? Mistakingly thinking that creating a shortage of rice would increase the price?

    I guess Thailand democracy is in it's infancy if these are surprises...

    The profits were taken from the exporters and given to the millers. The farmers didn't see much of it.

    Then they need to change all those headlines from "Farmer protests", to "Miller protests"...

    People ought to have passed some kind of a test before they can operate a keyboard.


    Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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