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Thait Spot

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Posts posted by Thait Spot

  1. It's good to see that some of the world's influential media are commenting about the disgraceful insurrectionist Suthep and his rich or gullible or paid supporters. The Washington Post headline says: "Thailand’s anti-democracy protests should provoke a harsh rebuke from the U.S."


    Waste of time when they should be highlighting the crimes and misdemeanors of the disgraceful criminals in the please Taksin party.....

    Thaksin is viewed as a statesman by the US and the 'go to man' whereas Suthep is viewed has...(enter your own description

    I remember these so called statesmen from the west when Assad was using chemical weapons. Obama had all but declared war and sent the firepower over.

    Up stepped Putin the terrible and really made Obama and friends look like novices.

    Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  2. Maybe they won't have to march after all. My family from Ubon just called and said they have received their rice payment this afternoon and their uncle in Buriram had also received it this morning. If you have family members in the North or Northeast, check with them and have them go ask at the office, most probably the payments are now ready to be claimed. Good news indeed.

    You are Thaksin and your underpants are brown

    Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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  3. You could write a dictionary on the invective aimed at Suthep on this site.

    The truth of the matter is that this little man who was written off by so many has done so much positive for Thailand already.

    Still the insults fly.

    And the awards come

    When there is a bronze statue of the man who rid Thailand of corruption and condemned the corrupt to pergatory in Dubai we will all be eternally grateful to the silver haired kamnan from the south

    Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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  4. 9mm automatic pistol for self defence I can understand....but what kind of people need 4 grenades for self defence? Sent from my GT-I9200 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    Red shirts.

    I just got done watching a half hour show about Thailand on News Asia. The red shirts should have claimed no understand. One even blamed all the countries problems on the anti government protesters. The interviewer was kind. He didn't even try to ask the guy how the protesters got all the money that was supposed to be spent on rice. A lot of them just said one man one vote. What a novel idea. I wonder if it will ever catch on. In fact I wonder how many votes he cast at the last election.

    The sad part was not a one of them said any thing about the issues. Not a word as to what Yingluck has done for them. It just reinforced in me the need for a real education here in Thailand. Who ever or when ever the next PM comes into office I hope they have the guts to make that the first thing on their to do list.

    I'm sure these esteemed toilers of the soil believe in one man one vote but I'm convinced that if you tell them that Surapong is voting for Thaksin so he's already got his vote and that woman are excluded from this game so a crisp "X" in the box marked "No" will be rewarded with a box full of crisp notes and the deeds to Chiang Mai when Thaksin returns to Bangkok

    Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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  5. This is all very well to make the gov pay for messing up to hell with them but.

    1 What about the poor farmers ?

    2 What has the EC got to do with any of it ? blink.png.pagespeed.ce.AQgCnSOpp_.png alt=blink.png pagespeed_url_hash=3007605675 width=20 height=20>

    OK OK i admit it i havnt read the mandate of the EC and all its responsibilities, I suppose i should have guessed it would have to rubber stamp any loans of finance, i mean it wouldnt be the treasury or some other financial dept of course not, its the EC i should have known that from all the dept of silly walks they have here .... rolleyes.gif.pagespeed.ce.hZ59UWKk-s.gif alt=rolleyes.gif pagespeed_url_hash=2070704717 width=20 height=20>

    The EC are not on the side of the government. It is politics. They back the Yellows and are part of the Bangkok elite.

    The EC should be all fired.

    Of course. The missing billions are all down to the EC

    Now, when less than 50% has reached the farmers, the misplaced billions are needed.

    Too late. Thaksin and that fat cats have fatter wallets and it won't come from there will it.

    Now get off daddy's PC and grow up

    Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  6. Here you see the formulation of a decision by the EC to hold a payment regardless of the fact that the payment will have to honoured and delivered, a delaying tactic to cause the government hardship, but also resulting in potential hardship to the lower income farmers, and you wonder at the reason the rural electorate vote the way they do!

    Pure Red propaganda.

    They tried to borrow for months but nobody was giving them the money anyhow. Blaming the EC for this mess is not fair. The big question is: Why do they have to borrow more if they have already borrowed THB 800,000,000,000 and when they have over 10,000,000,000 KG of rice in stock?

    Because they have not sold the 10,000,000,000 kgs..(I thought you might have worked that one out for yourself, but pleased to assist).... holding the payment to cause hardship to the farmers is not going to sell the stockpile any faster, in fact have the EC not commented that it may be illegal to do so!

    Sure. If its a new deal with the Chinese to sell a million tonnes at below market price then it should be kicked out.

    Similarly if the deal is over 12 months then its making a commitment to the next government and that's against the rules too

    Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  7. As of today the EC is blocking an attempt by the government to pay the farmers - fact

    Take note of Thai philosophy, yesterday is gone we can not change, we do not know the events of tomorrow, Today the EC is stalling our money!

    So who do you think gets the blame!

    Not blocking anything.

    There was a finite credit limit agreed by PTP to fund the scheme through the bank. It proved not to be enough. Its not something that just raised its head now and was certainly something that should have been considered in depth prior to dissolving the house. Poor governance. Piss poor governance.

    Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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  8. What has reforming the senate to make it more democratic got to do with the anti-corruption commission? The institutions set up by the military in 2006 are planning another judicial coup to make Thailand ungovernable by anyone except their boys.

    Cheating in the house.

    Its not clicket.

    Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  9. This bunch of EC commissioners had tarnished the reputation of EC. They should solve the mess they created. If they don't, legal actions should be taken against them. Perhaps, their 'masters' should come in now to bail them out.

    OK all you conspiracy theorists. All with one functioning red eye and an overworked brown one.

    28 constituencies remain unregistered

    22 have only 1 candidate registered

    A caretaker government is the best that can be hoped for.

    Several local members have resigned

    They are 140,000 volunteers short

    The main opposition party is boycotting them

    There are huge protests ongoing

    There is daily violence against the demonstrators

    Perfect conditions for an election

    Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  10. xBd--45gCUAIFSxD.jpg.pagespeed.ic.CBrB6m

    Certainly looks like they need to strengthen the protests!

    In this picture the aim is to shut the junction down. Its shut down, closed, traffic is not passing so why do they need to strength the protest? I hope the PDRC achieve a better Thailand for all the people.

    Yes well done!

    Seven intersections closed, only 367,506 to go...

    Many on the Bluesky diet of agreeable facts never learned of 'Give em enough Rope"

    Yingluck has let them do this. Keeps them and their arrogant fascist mob in the limelight. Suthep hogging the airwaves... let him. He has only made a fool of himself and distanced himself from one group after another with his blockade.

    If Bangkok sunk into a hole tomorrow, the rest of Thailand would survive and get on with small adjustments. All government functions can easily be carried out away from the offices... but at the moment there is only a caretaker Government so this is not so vital. What harm does it do to close down lost of Gov buildings that whose business is in limbo at the moment anyway until the election. Phrryic vitcory at the ver best. If they were needed to funtion properly, they would just move em. Bangkok has nothing that could not be replicated in Khon Kaen or Chaing mai by the end of next week.

    They are leaving them out there so we can all see what they are like. As there is no violence to report, the are really coming under scrutiny and cracking up or going balaistic at the very first sign of a tough question.

    Here, BKK started this, many of the people now affected put money in and backed and encouraged it. Now let them have their rewards in the form of inconvenience. lost business and soon there will be lost rents for landlords, and lost school fees for schools, lost hotel bookings etc. How are people out of work going to pay their rents and schools. Some may turn to Suthep and thank him for this... but I don't think many will.

    Looking at Thai TV tonight, seems like we have a Prime Minister starting a serious comeback and an opposition (weren't they always) disolving into chaos and anarchy before our eyes. How long before they turn on each other?

    If Bangkok sank into a hole tomorrow along with all its tax payers and businesses along with breadwinners who send money home to their families it would be very hard for most people to exist.

    No rice or rubber subsidies would compound things

    That said, the rural Thais know how to exist on nothing. Rice, chickens, veggies and eggs are largely self sufficient items.

    Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  11. Thats the problem with making promises you cant keep, I would say this is far more a problem for PTP than the mob in BKK, if you betray the electorate you will pay the price, if not sooner then certainly later. The north is ripe for a party to spring up with real policies and integrity, it dosn't need PTP like it needs them and when the people realise that itll be game over for PTP and its powerbase:)

    What is the bettingthat this new shiny party that springs up is owned and controlled by none other than.............. ???????

    Maybe yes maybe no.

    Just because the farmers are protesting dosnt mean they wont vote for PTP ...... after all who else are they going to vote for the dems who have no interest in bettering their lot ? I don't think so.

    Its a real shame these people have been rolled over forever and they arnt going to get what they need from PTP just a bad deal and they wont even get that with the dems.

    When a party shows up in the north with some real interest in helping the rural poor then they will have a real chance, until then they will be as they have always been a serf class :(

    As we all know, the can't vote for the dems.

    Wish the RS would start their own party.

    Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  12. Now look here Rich Teacher, we know you've doctored that photo! Our Dear Leader said there were over 100 million demonstrating yesterday, and He is never wrong, is He?thumbsup.gif

    Actually, I've been quite amazed at how little support there seems to be from Bangkokians. All the action seems to involve paid-for peasants and thugs from the South bussed in to cause havoc.

    Not another one with a 5 satang red plastic sense of humour.

    Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  13. The EC would have hard time nullifying the elections if PTP roll into government again and the EC were seen to have held a consultantacy role attending meetings and forums along the way!

    Keeping options open perhaps by not fully participating

    The government can't "roll into government" after the Feb 2 election. There will not be enough MPs to convene parliament, a PM won't be elected, and government can't be formed.

    Did I mention Feb 2? but thanks for your input

    Sorry. Is there some other election that I should know about?

    Well apparently according to your information there will be another one following this one, probably when the suitable position is set for the favoured party to win, I'm rather surprised that you were not capable of working this out for yourself, but pleased to assist.

    Whilst you and your idols might dream that one election will last for eternity, the real world knows that even if 2nd Feb goes ahead it will only produce another caretaker government.

    Better buy Yingluck some new mops

    Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  14. Ray Charles would had seen this coming. Now the only solution they can come up with is to use the bank's liquidity to prop the scheme up one last time. Bank runs have been propitiated by less than that.

    Thaksin/PTP is desperate, they are resorting to increasingly more desperate measures, never mind what damage they may cause to the country and its people.

    Complicated Administrative procedure, Mai mee satang krap.

    Maybe Kittirat forgot his PIN?

    Maybe madame can shake her tail feather for a few bucks

    Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  15. I hope Yingluck has packed her desert clothes

    Have you ever been to Dubai? It's the most pampered place you can imagine crawling with the world's richest hi-sos living in air conditioned luxury and not a red shirt in sight.

    Where else would you expect any champion of the poor to lead his troops from against those millions of elitist hordes from Bangkok and beyond. smile.png

    Its a bunch of buildings in the desert.

    Everything is the colour of sand

    In many ways its like Singapore with everything new and the old character gone

    Good hotels, interesting functional monument for desalination. Been up the Burj.

    Almost never see any locals. Indians and Philippinos do the grunt work

    Give me Cairo any day

    Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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