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Thait Spot

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Posts posted by Thait Spot

  1. The ministry late last year asked for permission from the EC to sell rice, and the EC appeared to give it the nod in a written response last week. However, Commerce Minister Niwatthumrong Boonsongpaisan said yesterday that the reply did not specify the prices and periods of shipment

    It appears Boonsongpaisan is caught in yet another lie about a finalized rice deal.

    The EC gives vague guidance (a "nod"?) when the administration needs specific approval as to prices and periods of shipment. If the EC doesn't need to provide such specifics, why doesn't it just say so. But the EC seems very unsure of its own authority all the while it demands to be an integral part of any administration decision. Where is the lie in all this?

    I would imagine that what he is saying is that if a deal had been done - as the PTP Government publically stated - then a contract would have been signed and the caretaker government would not need to make any new commitments and hence would stay within the law.

    However, if the PTP was embellishing the facts, then, once again, it is caught with its collective pants down and the anger of the rice farmers will be there for all to witness

  2. "Government buildings will be completely shut down in the next few days. I will take the lead," said Suthep.

    He's taking the lead of terrorism at all time, and this is what he's up to after the government would be down,"the lead"

    Followers still not understand that he is dangerous for mankind, let's hope the special forces, troops that protect this government buildings will get a hand on him.

    I f this is indeed "terrorism" - and I really don't want some US definition of that brandished under my nose as it has a much use as a Shinawatra in a paddy field - then what happened in 2010 was equally the same.

    Punish those who are first in the queue, then the next batch.

  3. The EC are doing their job, they are taking in all sides and issuing their concerns and solutions, trouble is it doesnt suit thaksin or the ptp/reds and they hate the fact that the EC are not doing their bidding but remaining independant. Must really hurt to know you cant buy everyone in Thailand.

    The EC's job is to run the election and not to dictate to the government. You can look at their mandate if you want to. Unfortunately the EC is controlled by the traditional elite and will do anything their paymasters tell them to do. Corruption in Thailand is not the sole domain of TS.

    Summed up perfectly the ~EC have been doing some pretty incompetent things lately and making some very strange statements for a legit and competent Election Commission. Then again It shouldnt be a surprise I was told way back in the early 2000s the EC took bribes from both sides depending who was in the EC seat at the time, since then ive come to realise they probably do just that, like all the rest.

    Cheap shot.

    Only to be expected

  4. Almost unbelievable what Issaan people say and do for 2,000 Baht.

    2,000 Baht is what the PDRC is paying all the people from Issaan to join the protests.

    I would sooner listen to the opinions of real people from Isaan - as I do every day.

    Listening to you and you gangrenous views is quite nauseating.

    If you have some proof of this - then feel free to post it

    If not, then kindly stick to the facts

    • Like 2
  5. Disrupting International AeroThai Radio would be an "Act of International Terrorisim" and surely should and would be met with Internationally and UN approved appropriate force to include Lethal Force.

    A Terrorist Act as planned by STR could even encounter "International Support" to pre-emt or stop the stated "Terrorist Act".

    Such an Act as threatened by STR would stir International opinion "Against" All the Protesters who would be "Blamed" for International Terrorisim.

    Indeed. Saviours of the world. I'm sure I saw Rambo coming through Don Muang last night

  6. Over 1500 Japanese businesses located in Thailand have signed a document last night saying they will leave Thailand if the country is run by Suthep's mob rule according to BBC news this morning. They say this will potentially effect over 1.3 million jobs for business workers large and small. The Japanese are now looking to Indonesia where they already have vehicle plants and Malaysia where they have electronic and computer manufacturing plants they can move to quickly. Today 20% of all manufacturing by Japanese companies are located in Thailand. The Japanese are afraid this is the end of democracy in Thailand and are ready to move.

    I haven't seen that at all. Nor is it online

  7. Two days into the Big Flop and by all accounts traffic in Bangkok is coping quite well. Less than to weeks now until the election and not even the Thai generals would be dumb enough to stage a coup so soon before a democratic election. Game over!

    Traffic is coping well because no one is driving.

    Sent from my phone ...

    This is true, then again there arnt really many protesters either, spread far to thin and people have lives to get on with like the day job.

    The novelty has worn off and hes made far too many normal people uneasy with this no negotiation ever, no power to the people until we sort it with our choice sales pitch.

    I cannot see people with daily lives to lead paying day after day to come protest when they just dont have the time and cant afford the bill. weekend maybe if they have nothing better to do but again the novelty has worn off and if they have a 3 hr trip to work during the week or worse forget them coming to help on the weekends.

    Plus since the frozen accounts numbers have dropped off too, maybe a coincidence maybe not, stuff and people cost money though. I did hear that some protesters are actively asking for donations now too, seems either there is a cashflow issue or some are trying to make a fast buck no idea which but the source is honest, had been to the first few marches and was a little bit shocked when asked to contribute in Asoke today the asking amount was 1000 baht, maybe that was due to the Merc she drives and seemed a little steep but i got to admit its mainly 1000 baht notes that seem to be thrust at Suthep so maybe thats the standard now.

    Time to wrap things up and go home before things get desperate if they havnt already

    Youo've got to hand it to Suthep.

    None of Thaksin's incarnations ever managed to get close to solving Bangkok's traffic problems despite all his empty promises.

    Suthep, holder of the Asia "person of the year" award, managed it at the first attempt

  8. Indeed they should be charged with terrorism. Some of these people think they can interfere with air traffic control with impunity?. Think again...they will lose (the very little remaining) support in the international community. This is an idiotic but not surprising move by this nasty fringe group of thugs.

    What is The Nation not telling you? The story says staff from the National Economic and Social Development Board walked out of the office to the applause of protesters. That part might be true . What we are NOT told by The Nation is that those same staff were told by the protesters to leave the building or be dragged out ( as reported in other Thai and foreign media).

    The Nation's selective reporting of the facts goes on and on

    Should suthep and his thugs be stupid enough to overtake the ATC system and harm came to any passenger as a result of it, then the ICAO could bring charges against suthep at the international criminal court in the Hague wink.png Come to think of it, as weak as the Thai judicial system is against Thais (especially corrupt highly placed Thais) perhaps this is the only way that suthep could likely be imprisoned for the remainder of his life whistling.gif

    Before you start flapping about with aviation, you need to understand a few things.

    If ATC and all it's back ups and redundancy were compromised, all aircraft carry sufficient fuel to divert to an alternative airport. Inconvenient for sure but not in itself any more of a danger than a power cut (already happened) or fog or snow.

    Secondly, this is not Suthep - this is the students.

    The rest of your post isn't worth any comments

    • Like 2
  9. The Great Leader has finally come up with something even the Red Shirts at their prime in 2010 wouldn't dare imagine.

    Now that creates a bit of a problem for the anti-Government supporters in this forum because each time when the Great Leader came up with something unacceptable, their would be "legal precedents" that they could rely upon, with compliments of the Red Shirts, to deflect the wrongfulness of the conduct.

    Now the Great Leader is simply on a frolic of his own.

    no problem for me its just same as people in eastern europe finally having enough and capturing their oppressors although I doubt it would go as far as stringing them up which is what they deserve

    These are vile criminals in my book and if system wont bring them to justice then its perfectly reasonable for others to do so and I support it 100%

    The problem for you is the lack of willpower or patience to do what needs to be done by an opposition in a legal manner namely elections and electable policies.

    You really dont think the whole political system isnt full on all sides with criminal behaviour do you ? If you support violence or criminal means to an end you cannot decry it when turned on you.

    This protest leader is now threatening criminal action of a serious kind. Legitimacy long gone, integrity long gone, honesty long gone, promises broken consistently and you really think this is the best Thailand can do ? cheesy.gif amazing Thailand

    If i were Abhisit id be making distance rapidly now, if he wants a political future, Every day the democrats still hang about with this nut makes their careers more tenuous.

    It would be Ironic if they have killed any chance of being electable for the next ten years when it should be so very very easy played the right way. I think this is a very real possibility, I have not heard ONE proposal on anything as a solution to anything from the Dems... not one. Plenty of shouting but not one solution, not even a peoples council because thats not a list with names on after 2 1/2 months they should be able to come up with a few at least...where are the proposals for real solutions ? come on give us some ...

    just what is going to be fixed and how ?

    That is called identifying a problem, a plan of action, finally leading to solution, yknow A B C . ie a policy

    This movement has nothing but problems with nothing past moaning about A there is no B and they dont even know there is supposed to be a C

    I think if we played cricket with one run for politician with no pending legal action or convictions and minus one run if you do, PTP would lose by around 600 runs

    Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  10. Can this guy say and do whatever he wants or is the government/military going to step in? Kidnap government officials, seriously?

    A couple of days ago a red lunatic threatened to kidnap the 2 girls of the army chief "dead or alive".

    Yesterday the reds put a 500,000B bounty on Suthep's head

    Ask yourself the same question

    Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    This guy is the leader of this party, the reds are not. If the PM said this, then you would have a leg to stand on.

    Suthep is not a leader of any party

    Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  11. It was not Yingluck who said she would not resign

    It was Thaksin who said she would not resign

    Poor now even allowed to make her own decisions about her own life ..

    YS ...... "Thaksin is it ok if I go potty now"

    Pure speculation. Why do people even bother posting this kind of knee jerk BS. Stick to the facts that we know. Not the ones you make up in your head - and by the way, I'm not denying it's possible. But we don't know if it's true or not.

    Plus, nobody likes to think that someone on the opposite side of the political divide has positive qualities. But isn't that a mark of this whole conflict? No red will admit that Suthep is a rousing public speaker and no yellow that Yingluck is dignified and composed.

    Us lucky ones who have a roughly equal disdain for both Thaksin (no. 1 corrupt failed politician) and Suthep (no. 2 corrupt failed politician) have the luxury of perspective. The rest of you are sheep blinded by propoganda and refusal to understand the other side. Keep this up and Thailand's a goner and reds and yellows will share the blame equally for her demise (but of course will continue to blame the 'other' even as the ship keels over and sinks to the bottom).

    Sad for you but nothing I write here will stop you bleating.

    And on the pedestal these words appear:

    “My name is Ozymandias, king of kings:

    Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!”

    Nothing beside remains. Round the decay

    Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare

    The lone and level sands stretch far away.

    Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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  12. Can this guy say and do whatever he wants or is the government/military going to step in? Kidnap government officials, seriously?

    A couple of days ago a red lunatic threatened to kidnap the 2 girls of the army chief "dead or alive".

    Yesterday the reds put a 500,000B bounty on Suthep's head

    Ask yourself the same question

    Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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