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Thait Spot

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Posts posted by Thait Spot

  1. Suthep is basically saying give me the country or I'll trash the joint.
    Wasn't that basically what the reds/Thaksin were saying in 2010? Actually, as i remember (my office was at CWT at the time) they trashed and burned the place... even after they got the elections they wanted...
    In what civilized country would you heed the demands of a maniac threatening to destroy the country if you don't hand him the keys?
    Are we talking Suthep or Thaksin? Sorry that comment could equally be placed at the feet of either men, with the exception that Suthep hasnt trashed anything (yet) where as Thaksin's lot did.
    The red shirts had reason to be livid in 2010. The army and "others" engineered a coup where a political party that hadn't won an election in 15 years and represented the interests of the Bangkok elite had been installed into power. It was the kind of thing that happens in tinpot banana republics not a modern, democratic, constitutional monarchy. The red shirts had no real choice but to resort to violence if they wanted their political rights to be respected. The elite had pulled the rug from under them. The red shirts were merely trying to restore what rightfully belonged to them. They wanted justice. The burning of buildings was a result of rage. Rage against the elite, rage against the army for fanning the flames. The yellow shirts have nothing to rage against. They're just unhappy that the government wasn't putting the interests of the Bangkok elite first and foremost. Their demands are unjust. They want an unelected ruler who represents a minority.
    Not the caseThe red shirts came out after Thaksin had been convicted of abuse of power and was fined accordinglySent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app
  2. Simple. YS declares a town meeting. Everyone can talk directly to the PM. This is also part of democracy, not to ignore the voice of the few. That means she should have no problem discussing important issues with its citizens. Is she ready to do what is necessary to move forward or pretend that she cares and put things off. All her ideas don't pan out, so why not listen to others ideas. Besides, I think people know how dis genuine this govt. thinks. Accept her.

    She won't debate with anyone

    Kermit the frog would challenge her intellectually without breaking into a sweat

    Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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  3. Almost as disturbing as Suthep himself is the fact that there are still some Thai Visa members supporting this nutcase.

    One day, when you're curled up in your kennel at the shelter for bewildered bulldogs, you will look back on this time and think how fortunate Thailand was to have been rescued from a regime worse than anyone's worst nightmare and you will say a little prayer to your doggie god that fortunately, due to human genetic flaws, every now and then there is a mutant, a genetic throwback that dons a black shirt and preaches to the masses, inspires an uprising and inadvertently saves the world as the Thais know it.

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  4. Yesterday the red muppets put a 500,000 bounty on him

    Today he upped the ante.

    If you didn't complain yesterday then I don't see how you can moan today.

    Pure logic

    Do those famous" bounty hunters" from the USA knows this already...??whistling.gifrolleyes.gifwink.png

    The problem with most on here is that they have failed to spot Suthep's master plan.

    He is clearly looking to set up a menagerie of political misfits in Surat Thani so that tourists en route to Samui can look on in awe at the relics from the bad old days of Thai politics. That black period of false democracy and cash voting. That dark era where well connected people's sons could shoot policemen and have witnesses disappear at the flash of a gun and the narrow escape from green skinned extra terrestrials in curiously fashioned shirts taking over the whole shebang

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  5. Useless dipshit.

    The Government already asked the Council of State. The Council of State already said that postponing the whole election was not allowed under the constitution. The government offers to try and do it anyway, and he snubs them.

    Am I the only one who think the EC's tactics mirror the PDRC's a bit? Demand something, then when you finally get it, ignore it and demand something else.

    "The government offers to try and do it anyway" - do what?

    • Like 1
  6. I find it very difficult to believe that the rest of the world would accept Yingluck being held accountable if "something happens". What kind of rubbish is this? Thailand would become (even more of) an international laughing stock in the event that an elected PM is held responsible for the actions of anti-democratic street thugs. That would lead to sanctions, trade embargoes, investors fleeing the country, ASEAN intervention. It's complete rubbish. Classics case of blaming the victim.

    Why is it so difficult to believe? The reds pushed for Suthep and Abhisit to accept responsibility for the results of the 2010 riots when they were in charge, so why wouldn't the current PM be held accountable for any results of actions taken now?

    There is a big difference between the situations. In one case, someone bending over backwards to avoid confrontation, in the other a direct order to use force. In any case, I do not support pursuit of those responsible in 2010, preferring amnesty as a pathway to reconciliation

    Direct order?

    Provide proof if you can.

    I'm sure you can't because it didn't happen

    Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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  7. Abhisit was never elected by democratic elected MPs, they where the MPs that where put in place after the coup in 2006, Abhisit was NEVER elected, and will never be, if you like it or not.

    OMG. You REALLY need to do some BASIC research.

    The coup was in September 2006. There was an election in December 2007. PPP formed a coalition government. PPP were disbanded, and their replacement party (PTP) were then in power with an acting PM. The acting PM went to parliament to elect a new PM, as they had done a month or so before after Samak was forced to step down for having two jobs. Abhisit was elected PM by a majority of MPs in parliament.

    Research is helped when presenting the facts in a more accurate fashion. Samak was booted because it was the only way the Dems could hope to take control of the House. It was widely described as a judicial coup because the ruling was dubious. Samak hosted a cooking show! That was grounds for removing him from office. So how did the Dems then take control: begging the army to pay the criminals in Burriram to join with them.

    The PPP was able to vote Samak back in as leader immediately but chose to replace Thaksin's mate with Thaksin's brother in law.

    Do pay attention to the facts

    Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  8. Abhisit was never elected by democratic elected MPs, they where the MPs that where put in place after the coup in 2006, Abhisit was NEVER elected, and will never be, if you like it or not.

    OMG. You REALLY need to do some BASIC research.

    The coup was in September 2006. There was an election in December 2007. PPP formed a coalition government. PPP were disbanded, and their replacement party (PTP) were then in power with an acting PM. The acting PM went to parliament to elect a new PM, as they had done a month or so before after Samak was forced to step down for having two jobs. Abhisit was elected PM by a majority of MPs in parliament.

    OMG. Did we forget the little details like a royally decreed election on Oct 15th 2006. Well it would have been (poss delayed to November) had it not been for the coup overthrowing a caretaker government. And you forgot the little detail of the Army brokering a deal to enable the defection of the Friends of Newin.

    When the PPP was dissolved the 22 MP's of the Friends of Newin (FON) Group had 60 days to either form a new political party or join a new one. Gen Anupong and others arranged a deal between the dems and the FON where the FON would join the dems as coalition partners (in exchange for a lot of money and lucrative ministries like the Interior Ministry, think Dust Free Roads corruption etc.) enabling the dems to get enough votes to form a government and make abhisit PM.

    A little detail most abhisit fanboyz are prone to omit

    So the oft repeated BS that abhisit was elected PM in the same way as Yingluck, is just that, BS.

    Do you have any links to these bribes?

    Or is it yet more invention?

    Heard it down the pub?

    Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  9. Seems to me it was the Army that ousted Thaksin in a coup. Like him or not, Thaksin was elected.

    Not really. Thanksin wasn't actually elected when he was ousted. The elections were declared invalid per the law. A small detail most seem to miss.

    Not again! Elections were held in April 2006. Thaksin was caretaker PM. The dems boycotted those elections. The elections were declared invalid. New elections were royally decreed to be held on October 15th 2006. Thaksin was caretaker PM awaiting these elections.

    A "small" detail you and others seem to overlook in your haste to "prove" that Thaksin was not elected (He was, much in the same way that Yingluck is an elected PM in a caretaker role) is that the Army staged a coup and took away every eligible Thai's right to vote for the party of their choice.

    In other words they overthrew a government, be it caretaker or otherwise doesn't matter, they trampled on democracy, much the same as suthep aims to. However, as the army rewrote the constitution while they were at it, they were covered by an amnesty clause that they wrote in.

    Thaksin wasn't even caretaker PM

    Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  10. By the way, the hold on Thailand is weaker by the ruling class than it was in the past.

    Before, there were no links and no media on the internet for the Reds.

    24 hour red station is streaming world wide and they are asking for help.

    That's why they are all joining the anti government protests and why red shirt boss Thida could only get 100 to protest today in Ayuthaya

    Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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  11. Abhisit was never elected by democratic elected MPs, they where the MPs that where put in place after the coup in 2006, Abhisit was NEVER elected, and will never be, if you like it or not.

    Abhisit was elected the same exact way as Yingluck. As a party list MP. Google can be your friend, I suggest you take advantage of it and then come back and post.

    Who are you talking to with your post?

    Certainly you are not expecting the people who live in Thailand to have forgotten the coups and the Captain and the court put in by the coup then throwing out a PM for doing a talk show and then and then and then.

    Man up and admit you do not want a democracy where the Reds can win.

    Endless games make this stuff comical.

    BUT honestly, if the Reds ever were to get full control of the nation including the army, then posting such nonsense could land one in deep trouble as a government propagandist.

    What nation would you move to?

    Maybe you're ignorant of the fact but the reds aren't a political party and therefore can't win much more than a game of skittles

    Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  12. Seems to me it was the Army that ousted Thaksin in a coup. Like him or not, Thaksin was elected.

    Not really. Thanksin wasn't actually elected when he was ousted. The elections were declared invalid per the law. A small detail most seem to miss.

    No no body missed this, the Army did a coup, changed the law , and declared the elections invalid.... not such a small detail, but a huge one most anti anti Taksins seem to miss.

    Your timeline is all buggered up.

    Courts declared fraudulent elections invalid

    Thaksin declared caretaker and asked to call elections

    Thaksin hands his resignation in and goes on holiday

    Thaksin returns and unilaterally declares himself PM

    Thaksin does nothing about elections

    Tanks roll

    Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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  13. Seems to me it was the Army that ousted Thaksin in a coup. Like him or not, Thaksin was elected.

    Not really. Thanksin wasn't actually elected when he was ousted. The elections were declared invalid per the law. A small detail most seem to miss.


    One can't expect all the red shirt huggers on here to grasp complicated notions such as that. They can just about use a hammer

    Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  14. Maybe they are meeting to discuss the low turnout?

    Who needs a big turnout when the police are doing NOTHING to stop it. I could get some boy scouts to do the same thing. The ploy is obvious - let it run it's course. They are hoping for a backlash from the public. They are hoping for unseen hands to carry out violence to put protesters off of protesting.

    No.. any violence and the army will jump at the chance to carry out the coup.

    That is why police are being kept away - avoid a confrontation at all costs. It defeats the purpose of the police strategy if 'third parties' then start violence anyway. That is why the reds are being kept at bay, they realise what the army and protesters are waiting for.

    I disagree.

    A coup helps PTP and nobody else

    Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  15. Surely not enough excuse yet to stage a coup.

    555........ I was thinking the same!

    Getting together to discuss if they should have some people fire into the crowd or toss a few grenades to get the violence going.

    Have some Dr. "university lecturer" idiot sexually insulting the PM on stage and live TV to provoke an attack?

    They have to come up with something soon. Time is running out!

    By the way what where they celebrating? "Uselessness?" 555

    They are probably getting flack from the Courts as the plan was they all coup together. The Judicial Coup is well underway as the old dodderers on there have been around far too long and have no independent thought whatsoever.

    The Army may have been exposed to some education or free thinking during their training abroad and are starting to wonder if they should be keeping this fossil collection in power. Don't forget also that after the last Coup The EU blockaded the Army's new toys (Germany witheld delivery of armaments needed to suppress farmers basically) and the Americans withheld aid.. Hence, the Dems had to give them an instant vastly inflated anual budget.

    They have all been wrong footed by Yingluck giving Suthep free reign to shit in his and the elites backyard. Much as they'd love to and it has long been in the blueprints, the Army just have enough braincells more than Suthep, which is enough to realise that this is not a popular uprising at all in the eyes of the world

    I absolutely agree with you - the judicial coup was started as a backup when the constitutional court was told how to rule and pass the case on to the NACC.

    The NACC has realized that they can not get it all wrapped up to ban the 308 MP's in time for the February 2nd election so the EC asked for an extension to hold the elections in May. Enough time for the NACC to play their game.

    Funny thing is why did the EC not simply give an extension to candidate registration at secret locations only known to candidates to avoid the venues being blocked by the demonstrators?

    Oh yes they have to buy time for the courts and the NACC!!


    I suppose that there were Dem plants in the midst of PTP to cheat at the votes, forge copies of the legislation and refuse to accept the authority of the CC

    Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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  16. Maybe they are meeting to discuss the low turnout?

    More absolute <deleted>. If you had watched Bluesky you would have known by 9:30 a.m. that there were millions on the streets in Bangkok. By mid afternoon the numbers were swelled to prove you wrong, so wrong.

    LOL. millions?

    Where? In what fantasy image. Not even the protest media supporters are claiming that.

    While it is great to have passion about one's political beliefs, one should endeavor to retain a modicum of honesty.

    The Financial Times a reputable, non partisan observer of the theatrics has reported the following;

    initial large turnouts estimated at up to 200,000 dwindle to a hard core of thousands.

    The BP has the figure for Thida's protest in Ayuthaya at a whopping 100 people. That's one hundred.

    I'm inclined to believe this because the reporter was on first name terms with them all by the end

    Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  17. Surely not enough excuse yet to stage a coup.

    555........ I was thinking the same!

    Getting together to discuss if they should have some people fire into the crowd or toss a few grenades to get the violence going.

    Have some Dr. "university lecturer" idiot sexually insulting the PM on stage and live TV to provoke an attack?

    They have to come up with something soon. Time is running out!

    By the way what where they celebrating? "Uselessness?" 555

    I take it you came to Thailand to escape being certified under the mental health act?

    Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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  18. I see the BP is reporting a massive turnout for Tida's protest in Ayutthaya.An incredible 100 people turned out.I could buy them all a Som tum without a significant dent in my wallet.Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    Come on, people have jobs up here, its sugar cane& rice cutting time.

    Sent from my i-mobile IQ 2 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    Should be pretty much burned and cut now. Nothing to do but drink the proceeds

    Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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