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Thait Spot

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Posts posted by Thait Spot

  1. Regarding the slavery thing, I am not saying that you are for slavery. If you look at the constitution, when they posed the question of "All men are equal..." some people saw slave as property, so they were not free men. So they don't fit that definition. So in a sense it was not at all illegal. That is why the civil war was such a tragedy in US history. They couldn't talk it out, because it was so contentious. So they fought instead. But that is what I was trying to point out, that there can be flaw too, and depends who holds power will abuse the flaw. But do we keep quite and let it continue to run and take the nation to ruins? Again it's up to one ideology. And as you say, we each have our views.

    But thanks for the debate. Moving on.

    That brings up a good point. Simply because a majority of voters elects a party into office, doesn't mean that gives them carte blanche to do whatever they want. I.E. pardoning your brother of all crimes. They tried to pull the wool over the people's eyes at 5 am and now they're paying for it. Now little sis acts all shocked with tears in her eyes wondering why this is happening.

    Well actually, it pretty much does give them carte blanche, if they win the vote, up to them.

    Sent from my LG-P880 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    So the winning party can commandeer all the peoples money if they want?

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  2. The EC needs to use this opportunity to demand from the Government verifiable proof of where did all the money go. And require it to provide proof and receipt as such, of the spending if they receive more funds from either a loan or a sale from the stocks. As I read earlier they had requested and received funds for the new election. It seems to me that those funds need to be used to pay their Bill that is 5 MONTHS OLD, not allow them to borrow more money to just satisfy the rice farmers to cling to power.

    The role of the EC is not to be an accounting agency.

    That's an interesting point.

    If the EC had jumped in at the last election and stated that the rice scheme was effectively vote buying then that would have been overstepping the mark.

    Now, with the policy clearly failing (the price of rice on the market did not rice due to Thailand withholding the commodity) and clearly harming the Thai economy, this may not be so black and white.

    The policy is not in the best interests of the country

    Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  3. Yingluck has offered already so many opportunities to Suthep (and the Dems) to dialogue.

    Each and everyone of these offers has been immediately rejected by her opponents.

    And after so many attempts she is still offering more opportunities to reach a solution together... while Suthep and his thugs continue to make Thailand fall into chaos.

    Wow rolleyes.gif

    She really should be nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize !!!

    Sent from my HTC One using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    You can´t be serious you must be trolling? If not you must be in love "with that woman", poor you.

    Serious or not, it would be difficult to deny that Yingluck constantly offers opportunities for dialogue...

    Suthep may not hear it because he is barking to loud at all times :lol:

    Sent from my HTC One using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    I thought she'd run away to Isaan cos there ain't no love in the heart of the city.

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  4. The judges have made a serious mistake if indeed the judgement does state:-

    "tantamount to an attempt to overthrow the current political system"

    Such an uncalled for 'judgement' as this when the referral to the court did not seek it suggests that the Judges are honoring a commitment to persons unknown.

    A piece of legislation that would allow the PTP government to sell tracts of land to Cambodia for example or oil and gas rights in the Gulf of Thailand without a house vote?

    You think that it should be passed?

    Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  5. The PM makes a request for dialogue and discussion before the situation gets worse, is trying to calm the situation and invites cooperation and dialogue to diffuse the bomb that could seriously damage the country and the nutters on here ridicule her for her commonsense, statesmanship and concern for what can happen.

    Difficult to credit that there are expat fools on here who seem to want more bloodshed.

    Why all the hyperbole?

    Peaceful protests expected at 7 locations in Bangkok on Monday.

    Public and government officials given plenty of notice.

    Planning for it can't really be that complicated can it?

    Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  6. Yingluck to stand down would be useless.

    Just after she would stand down, Suthep would "upgrade" his protests again to demand that all ministers stand down, all PT politicians be banned from politics forever, Thaksin's family be sent away, all their friends muzzled, police to hand back their guns and badges, red color be banned from being used, all northern people banned from voting or even speaking, ... , ... , and me banned from criticizing him biggrin.png

    Yingluck better stay where she is.

    It is Suthep who should be (...) down!

    Sent from my HTC One using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    you really do enjoy making it up as you go along........

  7. Every time he opens his mouth now he is trying to incite violence both directly and indirectly. Just imagine the paranoia he is stirring up among the remaining diehards with his reds under the beds tactic.

    Stop him, please!

    If there is one thing I cannot stand on here it's a bare faced lie.

    Please tell me where "Every time he opens his mouth now he is trying to incite violence both directly and indirectly"

  8. no doubt there will be hardcore elements of the yellow shirt anti goverment protesters popping up to instigate violence.

    the unspoken goal of sutheps movement is to bring the country to a dead(literally) end, and to "force" a coup.

    a 3rd party will create those conditions.

    "no doubt" - why do you say that? 2 months into the protests and most of the violence has come from students, police

    Which is it - "hardcore elements of the yellow shirts" or "a 3rd party will create those conditions." - you're contradicting yourself

  9. Stealing a car is illegal, drafting/passing a bill is not. In the US, there are bills drafted every year that deal with restrictions on abortion, restrictions on gun rights, restrictions on speech. These bills are sometimes found to be partially or completely unconstitutional (Obamacare was deemed partially unconstitutional, so I guess Obama and the legal team and the congresspersons who passed it should be "punished"). Writing bills and amending the constitution are the only jobs our representatives have, our representatives are not legal scholars. The representatives write and vote on bills, the courts determine legality of said bills.

    "They knew it was wrong..." They knew what was wrong? Please be specific as to their wrongdoing, because drafting/voting/passing/signing an amendment is their job.

    They were supposed to pass a bill already approved...

    They changed it at the last minute for a totally different one and voted on the fake, un-approved one, that is what was wrong..

    "ninja-ing" a total fake bill to serve their master and voting it at 04.25 am when all oppositions were gone already..

    Short term memory lose or you were not here last month?

    It is you who have memory loss...the amnesty bill was passed at 4:25 am. Here we are discussing the constitutional amendment regarding the composition of the senate, please do keep up.

    He is correct.

    Read the news articles on the illegal passage of both the paperwork and the vote

    Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  10. This is exactly why she seldom attends parliament - plausible deniability. We all know Thaksin gave the orders, then she told the cronies those orders and they do everything on the Shin's behalf....detritus
    To me it proves that she is much smarter than everyone else.

    She implements the strategy but diffuse the responsibility between many people, has MPs acting as a screen between her opponents, herself and the government, lets the ministers handle the problems, separates clearly the tasks and responsibilities of the PT MPs and the PT government, makes the departments in charge reply to the opposition's attacks, ... and this makes so that she walk out smiling from all situation, making her critics go crazier each time :D

    Sent from my HTC One using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    Its a positively Mafioso organisation

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  11. Yes, anyone unfamiliar with the 'Thai Way' read right: graft charges for trying to make a partly appointed legislature fully elected. Has so many westerners outraged and up in arms, via the keyboard

    I think that if you look more carefully you will find that it's for how it was done, not generically drafting a law.

    So you agree, as the Constitution Court stated, that the PTP in proposing this amendment

    "sought to “overthrow the democratic regime of government with the King as Head of State under this Constitution or to acquire the power to rule the country by any means which is not in accordance with the modes provided in this [2007] Constitution.” ?

    Please tell me how this would occur and while you're at it tell me why the CC took no action against the PTP for this treasonous act? You're either overthrowing a State or you're not, there is no halfway house.

    To most intelligent enquiring minds this would indicate a Constitutional Court that has gone way beyond their remit and constantly making more and more contentious interpretations of the Constitution.

    That is why the PTP treat the CC with disdain.

    The PTP is quite aware that the CC is one of the few remaining endependent organisations and resents this.

    For the record, saying that the chnages are unconstitutional and kicking the bill out is not punitive.

    Cheating on the vote and hacking about with the act whilst it is going through parliament are 2 completely different matters - both of which show the governments contempy for democracy and should be punished to the maximum.

    The CC is about as independant and impartially judicious as my mother in law...

    Additionally, the only contempt for democracy being shown in the the current circumstances is being shown by, you guessed it, the Democrat party............

    They who should know better.............

    The legal authorities, the ones that count, clearly disagree with you.

    Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  12. I'm sure the EC will say that selling rice can continue

    And that further loans are not permitted at this stage.

    Agree, and then the "caretaker" governement will say to the farmers,, "oh well, sorry everyone but parliament was dissolved so we are not permitted to look after you again,, it a different party gets in not sure they will continue with this,,, but if we get in again we will continue support, etc, etc,,"

    Just really bad politics, Disgusting. As always the people in charge make money, the ones who will always lose when the poiticians play these games are the little guys, the farmers. The crash is coming and the poor farmers will be the ones who suffer.

    Its still down to the government to sell the stockpiles to fund at least some of the payments and they're doing an awful job with that

    Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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