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Thait Spot

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Posts posted by Thait Spot

  1. And who does he expect to treat the casualties of Monday or does he not care?
    Maybe he is then at the frontline and help there with first aid?!
    he is a permanent secretary to the minister of health, not a paramedic.

    And he is encouraging doctors and nurses to Abandon their hypocratic oath (if they adhere to such a thing in Thailand) at a time when severe civil unrest is threatened. A totally irresponsible position to take

    More rubbish

    Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  2. And an other one in clear defiance of the constitution.


    Duties of the Thai People

    Section 74. A Government official, official or employee

    of a Government agency, a State agency, a State enterprise or

    other State official shall have a duty to act in compliance with the

    law in order to protect public interests, and provide convenience

    and services to the public in accordance with the good governance


    In performing the duty and other acts relating to the

    public, the persons under paragraph one shall be politically


    No respect for the government, no respect for the law, no respect to their own constitution

    and then they talk about democracy crying.gif

    Thais disguise their selfishness calling it Thainess.

    Doctors, when voluntarily abandoning their duty to caring for patients are doing potential harm to those in need of medical assistance.

    The first tenet of ethics in medicine, universally sworn and practiced is: Do not harm.

    But... TIT.

    Thais are not prone to recognizing their mistakes voluntarily. First they try to save face. Second, they use outlandish logic to justify their misdeeds and lastly, they are unwilling to pay for the consequences of their actions.

    This is Thailand where money and power can get the best justice and protection that money can buy.

    Aren't you jumping to a rather ignorant assumption that he is asking for the doctors and nurses to stop work?

    He has asked the civil servants to come out

    Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  3. And an other one in clear defiance of the constitution.


    Duties of the Thai People

    Section 74. A Government official, official or employee

    of a Government agency, a State agency, a State enterprise or

    other State official shall have a duty to act in compliance with the

    law in order to protect public interests, and provide convenience

    and services to the public in accordance with the good governance


    In performing the duty and other acts relating to the

    public, the persons under paragraph one shall be politically


    No respect for the government, no respect for the law, no respect to their own constitution

    and then they talk about democracy crying.gif

    So, explain Tarit

    Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    • Like 1
  4. Good for him. When you do something that is sure to earn the full admonishment of the government - particularly this government - it is not an easy thing to do. It is called bravery. And the fact that he is not standing down is really courageous. And commendable. Civil disobedience is a right.

    Certainly not a right in this case. He misused his authority to encourage others to abandon their duty to the people. Disgraceful

    I see on Facebook today there are pictures of 2 large, luxury houses. One is in Khao Yai and the other in Hua Hin. They were allegedly bought on 2012 by Tarit.

    Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  5. 999 were a new wave band during the 70s and 80s.

    One song of theirs was "Emergency"

    We've heard it all before

    We've learning to ignore

    You must confess this awful mess

    Isn't just a bore

    It's more than we could bear

    But you don't really care

    Kiss of live to save our life

    All you do is stare

    Sell yourself for cheap

    Make our mother weep

    Loosing pride is hard to hide

    And harder still to keep

    I'm back in full attack

    Never give in until they crack


    Raiders strike but where

    Panic in the air

    Running scared oh im so scared

    It gets you everywhere

    Heard it on the news

    Rebels get accused

    Fighting for another cause

    But why and where and whose

    Carry out their plan

    Release us if you can

    Whats your worth to a pile of earth

    Youre just another man

    Black jack wanna quack

    Never get your money back

    Pack attack in the back

    By a bloody maniac

    Better see industry

    Take it fast and make it last

    Go away make them pay

    Never make the same misstakes

    Sometimes care sometimes not

    See 'em bleed and see them rot

    Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  6. A plea for the army to get involved with reform negotiations is yet another sign the administration is still very nervous about the army and is desperate to delegate its attention. The subtext of all these daily announcements has really all been about that. It is odd though that Yingluck would feel it would be particularly soothing to call for reform when she's actually seated next to Thaksin's cousin - the head of CAPO, deputy prime minister and foreign minister. The optics suggest a fundamental lack of vision. And to talk about a reform process taking " years " is also not a particularly good sign of movement of any kind beyond the speed of growing grass. But the key question is this - what does she hope to accomplish by this election ? It will be woefully short of MPs and will be constitutionally unable to convene. In fact, the first time in Thai history that that particular constitutional crisis has occurred. How in the world can she act on reform or anything else for that matter when parliament cannot convene ? At what point, one wonders, will that actually dawn on the Pheu Thai administration ?

    Doomsayers like you will not help the process. There has to be comrpomise. The PM has opened a door here...why do you want to slam it shut. Most rational people would like to see no violence and a solution ( even partial solution) to this nonsense

    But the funny thing is that if the military did get involved in some distinct role you then you and a few others

    would scream and yell and kick that the military should never ever be involved.

    Which way do you want it?

    Unequivocally, I want General Prayuth 'at the table', because without his participation I am fearful that these characters will never stop. I PREFER YL to see out her term.

    How on earth can she see out her term when she's dissolved the house?

    Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  7. If people could vote online in the privacy of their own homes or sms their vote using their ID card and house book number to confirm their ID then the cost would be far less than the cost quoted by OAG.

    As for Chainarong's comment " PTP has been wasting money since they had power" I'm sure your correct there has been a waste of money.

    Would you agree Mark's time at the head of the government use all monies wisely and transparently with no one pocketing some for themselves?

    Didn't he have the opportunity to eradicate corruption while he was in power?

    Didn't he try to gag the media to limit information to Thai people and the world that gave negative reports during 2010?

    So what happened? he had his chance and failed spectacularly, and that's why the Dem's can't win an election!!!post-4641-1156693976.gif

    why stop at Mark?

    Why not compare the PTP administration to the Marcos family? Or Pol Pot? Or Saddam Hussain? You could write to the Pope and ask for beatification for them

  8. 6 'personal' weapons belonging to police officers? What were officers doing carrying non-issued weapons? What was the intention if carrying weapons that were not issued to them?

    Thai police officers generally have to provide or pay for their own firearms, that's what.

    So, in the event of police and protesters being shot, who accounts for weapons at the scene? and who accounts for shots being fired?

    Seems to me to be a free for all with no police accountability

  9. Propoganda plain and simple - shame Thailand's media can't be independent.

    Typical response.

    When the Nation publishes an article that you like, you praIse it.

    When it hits the nail on the head you deride it.

    Which part of it do you disagree with?

    Bitmaveric has not disagreed with the article, he stated that it is written in way of Propoganda, one sided, he has asked for the media to stay Neutral a fare comment as a lot of people believe what the media shows them. At the end of the day the media also decides the outcome for the people.

    I shall assume that BM has delegated some form of authority for you to answer on his behalf!

    I'm not convinced that propaganda is something that the English press is a particularly effective media for.......

  10. She has asked the lunatic Suthep from day one to talk and sort out the problem, Suthep has always refused to try and settle the mess he caused like an adult but wants to carry on like a spoilt little rich kid throwing a tantrum.

    Suthep wants to talk publicly.

    Not behind closed doors in a sneaky manner

    Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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