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Thait Spot

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Posts posted by Thait Spot

  1. Well, well, well.


    Maybe something is beginning to dawn on some people. Their great strategic thinker is not interested in democracy, challenges or listening to other's opinions. It's his way or the highway.


    The PTP MP's who were actually elected and the Red Guards will find out that this means nothing. Thaksin thinks, PTP does (as its told) - sums it up nicely. Now they will see his true clours - only his family and cronies will have positions of power, few of whom were actually elected. This will be the same in government and civil service. Will these sheeple see through this cunning but openly obvious plan before it's too late?


    Interesting to see how history so often repeats - a small faction manipulating and ruthlessly exploiting the masses to take control. What's worse, the US and EU treat him like he is already in power!


    And I wonder if jatuclown is still so keen to give his unwavering support?

    Give him a pack of lard and he's anyone's

  2. Now that the PTP parade is in disarray our fellow posters who fervently supported this mess have disappeared maybe to reappear with a new name in support of the opposition.

    Indeed. TRT one was enough for those with the eyes to see and the intelligence to comprehend.

    Some needed 2

  3. attachicon.gifThaksin weeping 5006403_copy.jpgattachicon.gifdid.jpg

    The Dream becomes a Nightmare.

    Brought to you by Thaksin Shinawatra

    Stringent US checks pose image problem for Thailand.

    Farmers urge govt to hold off on price cut.

    Farmers profits slashed by sudden cut to pledging price.

    Nationwide rice stocks to be inspected for missing 2.5m tons from Thai govt stockpiles

    8,000 tons of rice worth 100 million baht missing from Phichit warehouse.

    Rice scheme demonstrates populism's dark side

    And now, the end is near.......

    and so I face

    another rice scam

    • Like 1
  4. Someone there knows full well when the dozens of trucks came and took it away,

    and which border it crossed to it's new home if that's the case too.

    Can't sell it at the Thai Governments Set price?

    Steal it and sell it to the Cambos or Laos to move on again at real world market price.

    And they have been paid handsomely to play dumb, or died for not doing so.

    I make it around 400 * 20 tonne trucks.

    Nobody noticed?

    This scheme gets worse every day

  5. So let's get this right.

    They brought 21.7M tonnes for 352Bn

    They have 156Bn of rice left - although they don't say if this value is the purchase price or projected selling price. Let's figure it as the purchase price.

    156Bn is 44.3% of 352Bn - meaning they sold 55.7% of the rice or approximately 12M tonnes for 59Bn - which by my calculations is about 4,900 Baht per tonne.

    Is my maths incorrect here?

    If my math is correct 21.7 million tonnes purchased at 16,221 baht per tonne is 352Bn. I was under the impression that the maximum pledge was 15,000 per tonne for homali, and lower for other grades.

    20,000 for Hom Mali

    15,000 for tamadar

    It was supposed to be 15,000 for HM but Yingluck was playing pantomime with a PTP rally and made a mistake by saying 20,000 - the outcome is this......

  6. So we've heard from our photo journalist who seems to mostly walk around in red-shirt midst to show how objective he is in his judgments. That's nice. Then we have someone suggesting PAD = Siam Pitak = white masks, therefore suspect. Following we have someone chasing the opinion that innocent red-shirts trying to drive passed were harassed.

    None of this matters a single iota! When the white shirts started to protest at Ratchaprasong with hardly two dozen persons the immediate reaction was condemnation. Pheu Thai, government speaking out that such protest was undemocratic, no longer needed and an insult to Thaksin. Following we had peaceful red-shirts protesting very close to the white masks. Obviously those red-shirts were provoked. I mean PM Yingluck herslef had said 'democracy finally regained after nearly a decade'.

    So, back to topic. It has been reported that some white shirt guards may have grapped some tools to be on the watch for innocent red-shirts who might try to drive past on motorcy's. Pictures of all this 'whitemask' violence to follow. In the mean time one may have a look at the justly rage of provoked red-shirts in CM and other cities.

    Democracy, Pheu Thai led government style. Allegedly or should that be transparently?

    Nice distortion, as usual...

    if you may have noticed - over the past two years i have done far more stories on assorted yellow shirt events than on Red Shirts. My latest story was on both sides with far more images on (and time spent with) yellow shirts.

    Past Sunday i have spent exactly one hour with the Red Shirts, and 5 hours with the Yellow Shirts - first during the white mask march, and the remainder at Sanam Luang.

    Thanks for *again* using this discussion to personally attack me.

    Fair play Nick - you have the balls to go out their and do your job. Concentrating on taking photographs regardless of the potential dangers from any side. That earns you respect and reiterating your experiences and conversations is useful in helping contextualise what looks to be a worsening situation. Regardless of who they support or don't support and whatever their views, I hope people would not personally attack you or anyone else who puts their life on the line for their profession. Mind your back and keep your eyes open!

    Thank you very much smile.png

    I try not to put my life on the line though - i believe that being killed as a journalist equates to having failed in our profession, which is to communicate and to continue to do so. For me, at least, it's not about the adrenaline, but in making in a potentially hairy situation the right decision which should always be safety. That's why i rarely team up with colleagues, if i can avoid it, and prefer to work alone, not to be drawn into the adrenaline filled picture taking rush that so often happens in bad situations (and often gets photographers killed).

    I got a family to come back home to.

    But yes, it is a worsening situation, which i watch with concern. I would prefer it that this conflict would be taken out at the ballot box, and not on the street, and that the government opponents demonstrate on issues instead with the aim of overthrowing the elected government by any other means than via elections.

    Don Muang has shown that they can win, fair and square, if they do decide to make the effort.

    When these adrenaline junkie journos get too near the heat and are injured or killed, are they partly to blame?

    I don't believe the link between the yellows and the Dems is a particularly strong one whereas the reds/PTP are in the same bed for sure. As for these masked people, if there is a link to the Dems then it must be minuscule and certainly not deserving of your rather patronising closing statement. Do you think they made the effort for the Bangkok Governor? For the Chiang Mai by-election?

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