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Everything posted by champers

  1. Have a big development at Wongamat too, also mostly empty. There is a sales set up in Royal Garden Plaza for the Jomtien place, just inside the Beach Rd entrance.
  2. See contact details above. Your avatar puts me in mind of Elon Musk so I'm guessing you must be monied up. The online dating seems to be a seperate business; Dan has his fingers in many pies.
  3. Interesting thread. Dan About Thailand also owns ASEAN Now and put it up for sale last week. Maybe online matchmaking is more profitable.
  4. I chose to live in Pattaya because of the easy availability of potatoes.????
  5. The Bread Street chain in the UK is not overly expensive, it is nowhere near Michelin standard and isn't aiming to be. Starters are mostly under a tenner, mains are mostly £20 to £30 and the 12.5% service charge which irks some customers is optional. His other venture mainly sells pizza but also the likes of wings and ribs. Hardly fine dining. By Bangkok standards both are affordable for many. Branches will likely pop up in Phuket, Krabi, Samui and even Pattaya. Good luck to him.
  6. Do you prefer boys with big hooters?
  7. If you have always avoided him how do you know he is "a tool"?
  8. Oldham. Derby.
  9. There's a lot of it about now.
  10. The police will be able to see the criminals .... and vice-versa.
  11. Fair point, but haven't Pheu Thai had a couple of re-births and name changes since the coup to oust Thaksin in 2006?
  12. A by-election in Rayong on Sunday saw MFP increase their vote by 11,000, with 60% of votes cast. A landslide in 4 years?
  13. The injured guy looks like he is the victim of the classic ladyboy weapon of choice - stilletto heel to the head.
  14. Slappers in Pattaya. Who knew?
  15. Alas, any halfwit can post any old cobblers. They hide; not very successfully; in plain sight. I blame school holidays.
  16. Subscribing requires nothing more than pressing a button. The bar/club on Treetown that Buzzin Trevor was involved with failed pretty miserably. Nick Deans bars on Soi 7 are very quiet unless he holds a birthday party for someone.
  17. The Northern end of 2nd Road is also a good place for East Asian investment. A lot of Western businesses have fallen by the wayside there, not least and not only all the bars in what was Drinking Street.
  18. Fail to plan, plan to fail. If a place like Bling got it so wrong it is reasonsble to ask why.
  19. Maybe traditional Western owners of such places need to give thought to catering to the Chinese and Korean markets. Soi 7 has a new Chinese bar.
  20. Chinese owned Panda group; who used to have a bar, a gogo and a nightclub on Walking St; are going to occupy a new development on 2nd Rd near Soi 5 and the aforementioned Korean nightclub.
  21. And a Korean nightclub next to the Runway site on 2nd Road.
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