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Everything posted by champers

  1. Bus to Ekkamai; which does stop at a couple of BTS stations; costs 139 Baht one way. Why choose a minibus?
  2. This scenario is only playing out in the over-vivid imagination of the OP. Doesn't happen in real life.
  3. So more vigilant than when him and his sister left the country.
  4. MFP do not have to officially join Pheu Thai's coalition (PT won't have them in anyway) but they have choices to make about how they vote as a bloc. Keeping Pheu Thai in power versus allowing the generals back in? Which is worse? They are playing hard to get and their support will be at a cost. What is their price (I don't mean financially)? They can afford to play a long game, looking 4 years ahead. Good luck to them.
  5. Depends on how good you are .... or aren't.
  6. No. When the original bars were demolished there was talk of a condo being built. I used to go to Winstons bar when that was open there and not all the bars nearby were ever very busy. The whole old complex got tatty and very rough around the edges and I predict it will be like that again 6 months after the new complex opens in October.
  7. I don't see that as a bad thing. He is as out of touch as the generals. Thailand will manage without him, I am sure.
  8. Sure. MFP voting for a Pheu Thai candidate for PM will mean that no senate votes are required. 238 Pheu Thai coalition+150 MFP = 388. As for the cabinet, there will be no need for the military backed parties, according to Pheu Thai. They reckon they will garner enough support in the house to pass legislation. Even MFP may vote in favour of Pheu Thai legislation if it aligns with their own thinking.
  9. MFP backing a Pheu Thai PM candidate will keep the junta parties out.
  10. Did I read somewhere on here that many have diplomatic immunity (through daddy)?
  11. Quite a clever move. Pheu Thai telling MFP that even though they are not in a coalition they are free to vote for the Government in Parliament (including for the PM candidate). Voting against will harm the Government and will damage the economy, Pheu Thai could argue. Military not welcome so Pheu Thai appeasing their base. Still a tough call to get past the Senate but we wiil see next week.
  12. A 13 year old thread so any up-to-date reccomendations, please, for companies currently trading.
  13. Or have a police force here that goes and arrests people instead of sending an RSVP.
  14. Apparently they are working round the clock.
  15. A vlog I have seen today on YT says it should be finished this month.
  16. Forbidden fruit is easy to find here. That is why many come to Pattaya from less liberal countries.
  17. Beware of mis-steered navy frigates.
  18. You'd get doolally watching all those machines spinning round.
  19. I am in.
  20. Blue concrete is the new green grass.
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