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Everything posted by champers

  1. You'd get doolally watching all those machines spinning round.
  2. Blue concrete is the new green grass.
  3. If they don't sell and stay boarded up for months on end you have a point. But, where there are sellers there will always be buyers for these types of places, so just keep your eye out for a new owner and a new name for the premises.
  4. Central Festival and Terminal 21 are good for the aircon and have numerous food choices. Always seems to be something going on in or around both places. If she is here in November there is Loy Kratong and; later in the month; the fireworks. A well planned day out into Bangkok would be on my list. Jim Thompson house, River City, boat to Icon Siam, temples and palaces area.
  5. Some posters need to be able to call out people as "newbies". Removing inactive members wil make their lives so much less rewarding.
  6. It was in the Labour Party manifesto at the last election and now they are more sympathetic than other parties. Vote Labour! ????
  7. Those whiteys look like a boy band. I see no pitbulls; why post a pic of them?
  8. In 2019 when Prayut was appointed PM the EU ambassador to Thailand was among the first to congraulate him. For me, it was akin to congratulating a bank robber on his new found wealth.
  9. No big rush to come to his aid; a lot of standing around looking embarrased. And these are his colleagues.
  10. Be sure to ask to see their range of craft beers.
  11. But ... does he have shares in a media company? Does the Army's TV Channel 5 count?
  12. ???? No milk today, The cow has gone away, The cow was all forlorn, The bull had got the horn.????
  13. Pita is 42 and can afford to play the long game. Pheu Thai in charge for 4 years with a cobbled together and unsavoury coalition will not harm Pita's future prospects; same if Prawit or Anutin become PM. MFP will likely have to form a new party and be in opposition but they have done it before and the payback could be a landslide win in 2027.
  14. If a Thai could read English he would do better than being a taxi driver. As a passenger get your hotel to send their address in Thai. Most don't need asking.
  15. Massic Travel have a very good reputation; they are behind 2nd Road. If it is so simple to arrange all travel yourself why do people still use them?
  16. Are all undesirables over 50 and of retirement age? Asking for a 40 year old friend.
  17. People bought it for the Magic Roundabout B side. It was very rude and never got played on the radio or TV.
  18. It won't serve the country well, that's for sure.
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