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Everything posted by champers

  1. Just 13 senators voted for Pita; hard to see him winning over enough in a second vote. About 50 senators didn't even bother turning up.
  2. Could a Pheu Thai candidate do better? They need to pick one first.
  3. Thai PBS3 TV channel doing a live count of PM votes now. Pita trailling at the moment 221 against 244 (abstensions and votes against combined). The gap against him appears to be growing.
  4. Nobody on here will be manning the barricades. Anyone tempted to should desist; photo recognition seems to work here.
  5. Current PM is not an MP. Didn't stand for election as one this time either.
  6. Someone's been to a tupperware party?
  7. Cowards. Democrats my posterior.
  8. To be fair to him, he has not spoken publicly against MFP since the election and seems to accept that the people have spoken and spoken against him. He had a good run in the spotlight and latterly on the global stage. I think diplomats; from countries of influence and with capital to invest; have spelled out that any rebuttal of the democratic process he put in place will turn him and others in the hierarchy into pariahs on the global arena. Thursday wìll be very interesting. It will either be a big step forward or backward.
  9. Oops! Duplicate post.
  10. I believe the bigger TT currency places have them. There is one on 2nd Road just after junction with Pattaya South Rd (coming from Jontiem on RHS). No idea on charges.
  11. I enjoy cooking and the finished product is as I like it. My skills don't really extend beyond chop it up, chuck it in the pan or slow cooker and stir as required. A risotto needs constant stirring but the results are worth it. A slow cooker makes cheap Thai beef (chuck) taste like food from the gods. There is a thread for Western food cookery that is a bit neglected but some good simple recipes on there.
  12. The Coconut Bar never closes.
  13. In Pattaya there is a marked increase in the number of Chinese here. In my condo complex, on the beach, parasailing, they are young independant travellers. It was predicted that their numbers would steadily rise during the year and they are.
  14. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://thethaiger.com/hot-news/crime/cyberpunk-data-thief-allegedly-an-army-sergeant&ved=2ahUKEwj7pYGImf3_AhWBQPUHHdxXA6EQFnoECBYQAQ&usg=AOvVaw22pqgyIA_xz4n1zuJw-KNA Just one example from many. A similar hack 12 months prior too.
  15. I will not input data into a Thai Govt database unless I am compelled to do so. The one that everyone was advised to use during Covid (I forget the name) had all it's data harvested recently. I never used that and I am sure many others didn't for the same reason - they doubt that their data will be kept safely.
  16. I don't mind going to the office to do my 90 day. I combine it with a trip to a restaurant, coffee shop or bar in Jomtien that I might not normally visit. I might give the new Sharples Fish and Chips on Thappraya a go next time. Not open yet but should be on my next trip in.
  17. Run by Minor Group, a proper company, not City Hall.
  18. The whole queueing outside for hours under a hot sun thing is a nasty media headline waiting to happen. At best it seems there is a lack of competent leadership in the building, at worst it is just plain cruel.
  19. Went to do my 90 day report yesterday and a new structure is in place on the right as you enter. 90 day reports and extension of stays are done in this new facility. It is clean, airy and cool with good aircon and with smiling and polite staff. I handed my passport over and was told "wait 30 minutes". In reality I was out in 10. It was early morning, it is low season but still it was a pleasant and stress-free experience. I should imagine it was also less fraught in the main building. No queues outside, no snappy security that I could see. Long may it continue and a big well done to whoever initiated the improvements.
  20. I am not convinced by the OP. Is it just me? The OP is a bit "paint by numbers".
  21. Sorry, I meant local tourists down from Bangkok for the weekend. They are less in number because the Government scheme to subsidise hotel costs has finished.
  22. What's the Sheilas like? Do they have the Ashes on the telly?
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