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Everything posted by champers

  1. You're not wrong. M&S are pulling out of Bolton town centre. The outskirts are the places to be. Like Bury.
  2. Low hanging fruit. What about those who hire them?
  3. When Amazon Coffee started out it was on the proviso that they only had outlets at PTT service stations. This proviso soon went by the wayside and Amazon seem to be Starbuck's main competitor now. Small and independant outlets have been shoved out of the way as a consequence. The state must prevail. SMEs? Pffftt!!
  4. That is likely true. I just wonder if the upcoming election will have any impact on decision making. Tourists and expats mostly don't have a vote.
  5. Edit. I see there is a topic running on this in Thailand News.
  6. In Bangkok the mayor seems to be taking a harsh approach to anti-social Songkram behaviour, maybe Pattaya and others will follow suit. See the Bangkok news forum for more detail.
  7. A report on 103FM this morning stated that from next Monday those who have unpaid fines will not be able to renew road tax or licences. Also, if stopped at a checkpoint and unpaid fines show up on the cop's database a further fine is payable. I think 2,000 Baht was the figure quoted.
  8. Per the above post, my estimate of a 60K crowd is wrong. 70K + will be on; Bolton have sold 33K, Argyle 37. Still a week to go. The Papa Johns Trophy final is on Sunday 2nd April and Sky will be broadcasting the game live. Two decent League 1 teams who both play proper football should give viewers a good spectacle.
  9. What part of Southgate's anatomy does Solly March have to kiss to get into an England squad?
  10. Ads covering the whole page for the Hong Kong sevens rugby is the new scourge. When I spend more time removing ads covering content than posting, something is out of kilter.
  11. I think 2 or 3 vids a week would be a better option for you and your viewers, Rooster. Monday, Wednesday and Friday for 3 maybe. You are making a rod for your own back - quality not quantity should be the watchword. Try finding something fresh and original to say every day in another month. Good luck either way.
  12. You are all heart. Maybe; when you get older yourself; you will have a better understanding.
  13. This has been reported in the Singapore press and no doubt in HK's too. Not good publicity.
  14. Please explain "pulling money together".
  15. In Pattaya 7/11 now have 2 outlets with upstairs seating overlooking the beach where one can enjoy a coffee and a cake .. or two. The small custard tarts, the lemon cheesecake and the banana bread slices come highly recommended. Their coffee is the best too, IMHO.
  16. The Secret Life of Mr.Roos by Hakan Nesser. A Swedish crime writer who more than fills the void in the genre left by the passing of Messrs Mankell and Larsson. Inspector Barbarotti is the wry cop looking to clear up the mystery.
  17. You would be risking your safety wearing that shirt. It only takes one Russian to take offence and what then? If you really want to fight against the Russians you could always go and enlist with the Ukranian army.
  18. 2. Central Food Court on bottom floor behind the Tops Supermarket checkouts. Lobster too, if that is your fancy, cooked from live.
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