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Everything posted by delgarcon

  1. Maybe living in Thailand was the lesser of 2 evils.
  2. If I do decide to do it myself, is it as simple as dropping it off at the inspection station with the required documents and will *they* deal with the thai bureaucracy for me? Yes. They check it on the spot and give you a date to go back for the green book and insurance
  3. "I have ZERO interest in visiting France, just because the French artists do NOT measure up to even one lousy Van Gooo Peach Tree." I worked for a French tour operator a few years ago and more recently part owned a minivan company in the South of France, before coming to Thailand and you would be amazed at just how worthwhile visiting France is.
  4. Anyone got a copy of the requirements here?
  5. When you use a bookmaker with or without using a VPN, you need a user name and password to log in and when you bank online, again you have a username and password and in my case I even get a phone message with a code before I can continue a transaction. I also have an antevirus and Malwarebytes installed on my computer so I feel pretty safe.
  6. I've been betting from Thailand for 13 years without using a VPN and Bet365 blocks me if I try to use one. No need to conceal my identity apparently.
  7. Thailand
  8. I use bet365 and Betfair without having to use a VPN
  9. As long as one admits to be living in Thailand, pensions will not be increased. Before the incumbent PM agrees to a spend of a billion pounds, he/she will calculate the number of votes this is likely to bring him/her and they will of course, add up to zilch.
  10. Not true, they will accept a properly printed download.
  11. You should be fully aware that I was answering a question with fact.
  12. Ive had my pension stopped and reinstated twice due to late Life Certificate, as you say, chivas is talking his usual bollacks
  13. We know that we will never get the pension increases legitimately, because most of us can't vote. So, there are those of us who accept their lot and there are others who wont let the bas,rds get away with keeping the increases that we believe we've earned. I'm a gambler by nature and having weighed up the pros and cons I decided long ago it was worth the risk and I wasn't wrong. Those of you who haven't got the bottle, don't beat yourself up, there's maybe a place in heaven for you😄, but don't keep on about passport control, that's a dead horse.
  14. A few years back I visited one of these health centers in the UK. I gave them my NH number and got 3 months of meds buckshee.
  15. No its not and regardless of what the numpties believe, I'll carry on getting my full pension my way😉
  16. I don't believe they would because it would be a waste of time. The passport holder is the the only person that has the arrival and departure records inside the extra pages.
  17. Work it out superal. You download a copy, print it, get it signed and return it to your partner in crime who then puts it into the brown envelope and posts it.
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