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Everything posted by delgarcon

  1. AIS using LAN cable up 680 down 665 ping 5, using WIFI up 299 down 211
  2. I just completed this quiz. My Score 60/100 My Time 149 seconds  
  3. USA. $63,795 = AUS $97000 , a lot of difference, 50% more
  4. I watched this last night and it was brilliant. Jeff Lynne is such a nice guy and everyone on and off stage had such a great time. I loved the female cellist who really turned me on with her cello between her legs. A terrific concert for all ages.
  5. Just finished watching season 3 of Clarksons Farm and it was well worth the wait. This series is brilliant tv imo
  6. What do you prefer? He calmly reenacted cleaning his sword? He's a fruitcake and he murdered the poor girl, who gives a <deleted> whether he was calm or not!
  7. Make sure that you can live comfortably on your pension and savings. In Thailand there is no welfare system and if you fall ill (which is quite likely at your age), your going to have to pay for decent treatment.
  8. The van looks like a 9 seater to me and yet there were 16 injuries. Not really surprising that it ended up in a ditch.
  9. I cant believe the amount of replies to this "I've got a rolex thread". Surely the op is not stupid enough to ask his question? There again maybe.....
  10. I met an American woman in the South of France a few years back and we really hit it off for the few days we had together (no sex) and I decided to go and see her in Chicago later that year. We corresponded in the meantime and our e-mails got more and more interesting until one day I couldn't resist and I came out with probably my best one liner. "When I see you in Chicago, just remember my tongue will be your slave!" I was laughing out loud when I wrote it and she laughed too, fortunately!
  11. I just tell them that I'd like to give them an Aussie kiss and when they ask what's that? I tell them it's the same as a French kiss , only down under. Gets them every time.😄
  12. The last pack I bought were brewed in Pathumthani, Thailand. Glad you mentioned it, I'm on my last couple of cans.
  13. I have a sentimental reason for drinking San Miguel. Back in 1974/75 I had a bar cafeteria in Benidorm and I stocked up with San Miguel at 4 pesetas a bottle and it was a half decent beer. I buy San Miguel Lite from Makro now and it's still a half decent beer.
  14. Have a look at Koh Raham restaurant and Bar. A nice place to have lunch and you can swim off of the rocks, where the water is cleaner and maybe a little deeper, although as I mentioned, the tide id very low at the moment. https://www.tide-forecast.com/locations/Ko-Pha-Ngan/tides/latest
  15. I think that the reason you've had no replies is because there are no beaches near the pier where swimming is pleasant at the moment. Water too shallow and too hot! If I wanted to swim in the sea, I would head to Thong Nai Pan, on the other side of the island. All transportation is available at the pier, the least expensive is 200 thb for a scooter for the day.
  16. Well, you wouldn't tell your mates would you!
  17. July 14th 1st match
  18. Especially if he's a Jewish congressman!
  19. I had both cataracts removed under general anesthetic by Dr Prin at Bumrungrad hospital and I beg to differ with Sheryl for once. Dr Prin is an amazing Dr and he saved me from almost certain blindness. He is expensive but fortunately the French SS picked up 50% of the tab.
  20. If you are a naughty promiscuous male, often indulging in oral sex with partners that you are unaware could possibly be infected with HPV and are worried after reading this article, schedule a discreet health screening with MyMediTravel. MyMediTravel offers exclusive health screening services with leading STI/HPV specialists and also experienced oncologists. Remember, determining that you are infected with HPV at early stages, can help save a lot of future agony and money I reckon CharlieH is trying to earn a bit of comm!
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