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Everything posted by arithai12

  1. I bet von der Leyen & co don't have a clue what is their shopping or heating bill in Brussels or how much it costs to fly them around, but sure let's eject members states who have objections about the role of the EU in the never-ending mess in Ukraine. The problem is, it's not only Hungary.
  2. Once upon a time I took a bus from Phuket Town to Ranong, it was 8 excruciating hours with my knees in my mouth and thankfully I still had a bladder of steel at the time. Perhaps connections have improved by now, but I would much rather fly to Penang or KL than repeat that ordeal.
  3. Can't miss a chance to bash right? The kids tried the (slightly pathetic, but then they are really young kids) cover up, and the police found out the real story immediately. So, what exactly is your problem with Thailand's finest in this case? What would you have done or the finest of your country have done differently and presumably much better?
  4. You will find several videos about the 1st class cabin on youtube.
  5. The police doesn't need to monitor social media, the so-called netizens do that egregiously and report to the police who is obliged to follow up. Just like in any country. You only need to look at the pictures to know that he lied, there are several vehicles around him. Why do I have the feeling that all shields up to defend the guy is because he is farang?
  6. I have seen burka-wearing women do that, so I think it's possible also with a covid mask. Just as an aside, I agree with your post.
  7. I think so, and I think it's already happening. In CM, it's more common to see people without mask. And in Phuket where I am now, it's the norm. This said, I don't think we'll get back to zero masks. Those at risk will want to play safe whenever possible.
  8. As I reported elsewhere, I flew AA domestic CM-HKT 3 days ago, no masks required (about 70% wearing it), also meals served during the flight. So the different experience might be actually just a difference in timing?
  9. Flew CM-Phuket 3 days ago. No checks at check-in or arrival. On the plane, many without mask and meals were served during the flight.
  10. You obviously are, good, but remember that this is not your personal thread, you didn't start it, and the actual OP was asking for comments in general so I think you are being harsh in calling people trolls when they are doing just that. Maybe you should start your own "story of my LTR". And since we are at it, here's my 2 cents: I really don't see the big deal in obtaining this LTR vis-a-vis the complications, at least for many of us who are already here since many years on regular retirement/marriage extensions. I think it's aimed at attracting rich newcomers. But clearly you decided it's good for you, wish you the best.
  11. When in their usual environment (=social stigma) they do not dare. When abroad, they feel "free". Not too different from Catholics that go to church every Sunday in their home country and despise prostitutes if they see them while driving with their wives, and then on arrival in Thailand they run to the go-go chapel at night.
  12. Chiang Mai is in Northern Thailand I think. No flooding there at least that I know of - it does rain on and off as it should in this season. Plenty of tourists. Ping river level very high, but still about 1m below critical.
  13. I disagree in general - and I am prepared to be flamed. For the person in question, the nearest IO might not be that far (she joined a University we just read), and since they would be the ones actually issuing the relevant papers they are also the best to give information. The notion that this forum can help people is true and sometimes it is indeed the case. Esp. for those living abroad or very far from IO and not so good with internet. At the same time, it is often also not true. Please refer to a current thread on "how to spend 800k" or along this line, and you will find a wild zoo of different, contraddictory, confusing, incorrect "help" posts from people who also do not miss the opportunity to insult each other. Amusing yes, helpful no.
  14. Not "to leave Thailand". But check what the requirements are for your destination, and also some airlines might have their own requirements at chec=k-in. As for your return to Thailand, at the moment they are checking when you land that you are vaccinated, or that you have had a negative test in the 72h prior (or give you a test right there at their discretion). Your hospital document should be ok. In case you want to be super-safe, an Intl Covid yellow booklet can be requested at the your local Dept of Health branch. In CM it's a matter of 2 weeks/ 50 baht, but YMMV.
  15. Search for "netiquette uppercase" and you will see that using uppercase is usually understood as shouting. In your case it was just one word so ... more like emphasis perhaps.
  16. I share much of your reproach about the Biden's administration, a shame indeed. But if you are implying that Trump was better, or a return to Trump would improve things, then I disagreee. Think of the mess he did with Iran. As for NK, Trump and Kim looked like enthusiastic buddies at first, but things cooled off after that. The thing is, the real foreign policy maker in the US is the Army and the weapons market, not much that any President can do.
  17. You too... good. I thought I was the only one. I mean, bad. Basically, we are obliged to like?
  18. If you can reach a place on 4 wheels, chances are it's not really "away from civilization and absorbed in nature". And if you find it, I am sure Mother Nature will love hearing the sound of your generator all night long. But if you like hiking a little, there are places which are equipped to take tents and I suppose caravans, with bathrooms and electricity, and then you can roam in the daytime. Example, Doi Inthanon has facilities at the mid-level headquarters, then you can lose yourself (literally, I think there was a japanese guy that they never managed to find again). Lots of plants and wildlife and birds there.
  19. If under the same booking, if you are no show on one of the segments usually you are removed for the subsequent segments as well. However, it is very well worth calling the airline and arguing to reinstate them. Good luck. If separate bookings (that is, two different 6 alphanumeric characters), then no problem.
  20. I think there is freedom of wearing it or not almost everywhere. If most people choose to wear it, but you don't have to, what's the big deal to you? Except inside a hospital, I have never seen someone stopped on the street or in a mall for not wearing it recently.
  21. dead horse comes to mind. Let's not forget 'peace of mind from knowing that your extension is legit'. And for those who care 'satisfaction from knowing you are not contributing to the corruption'. A friend of mine who didn't have the 800k got the extension from an agent, but had quite a few sleepless nights every time he was preparing to travel. Also remember the plight of those caught in the Phuket bust. All it takes is one Big Joke who decides to shake up one Immigration office.
  22. Speaking about CM, my experience has been that they wanted it until recently, but last time I asked the officer said no. So I did not report (and update TM30) after my last trip in early August. I just hope all officers sing from the same book.
  23. still better than those not donated by your country. any other negative thoughts?
  24. Typical keyboard warrior response. Now go and read the article in full, and realize that it's a private company with roots in UK (guarantee for inflated prices) complaining that schools don't want to adopt their system based on scanning QR codes and such. The Kiwi guy who wrote the complaint is of course making it look like the Thai schools are putting children at risk if they will not buy their system. Of course, he doesn't mention how much each school should pay and how would they have to cover the extra cost if most schools are already under-funded. "Common sense" is to count your kids in and out of the van and in class. Easy, cheap.
  25. Sad story, wish you luck. I find it a bit odd though that for a "4000B crime" you got 100y blacklist. Did something else happen at Immigration? Your wife and kids are of course free to go. And speaking of wife, how does she cope with all this? I think she should come to Thailand and set wheels in motion: talking to Immigration, contacting lawyers, perhaps trying to get attention on social media. The kids are legally Thai, I assume, the fact that they cannot have their father with them because of a minor offence which is not an offence anymore should have some weight. (assuming it was for personal use)
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