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Everything posted by arithai12

  1. Obviously. Like getting two bags of silicon in their breasts, or botox in their lips, or getting hip surgery, or (for men) taking steroids. It's their choice, no discussion. But if somebody asks me, all of the above puts me off completely (well, speaking about women). And that's my business.
  2. Unfortunately, in this country (as in many others) one can call "Provolone" anything they want. If you want the real thing (Provolone, or other kinds of imported cheese) better stay away from the big chains. Even Rimping sells "cheese" made in strange places of very dubious association with the stated label. They do sell occasionally the real thing (be it italian, french, german cheese) and you can see it by the price being exorbitant. If the OP wants an italian Provolone, best go to an import/distributor such as the one I mentioned earlier. If he's happy with Ploboron made in Khon Kaen, then I shut up.
  3. Why Not restaurant in Nimman (import/distributor and retail).
  4. arithai12


    Pity. Thanks for the info.
  5. ok ok, catchy. now, please look up the time required to heal a fractured bone at 20 and at 80 y of age.
  6. I am perfectly happy for you if you (or the other poster) manages to do it online and swim and nap. I do understand that for many IO is a long drive away. But in my case, e.g., the (satellite) office is inside the biggest mall in Chiang Mai, I go there at least a couple of times per week for shopping or eating, so the extra time to visit the IO is zero, the waiting time is usually zero, and I like to have a small rectangular strip of paper stapled to my passport instead of carrying around a whole printed page. Also nice to have an interaction with a smiling officer or maybe another foreigner and to boost the business of that office. Is it ok if we are both happy with our different ways?
  7. You may well be right, but the fact remains that the resort is illegal. If you look at pictures from other sources, it's clearly an eye-sore in a beautiful natural surrounding. And btw, from what I read again from other sources, many or most of the protesters have actually no direct interest in the matter, just friends and tribal support. So, what would you do?
  8. I wonder how much Frau Ursula pays to heat her home and to fill her tank. Also, NS2 was initially closed by the Germans some months ago, not sure what they are complaining about now. I thought the super bright EU leaders had everything arranged to import from Qatar and such. For double the price sure but that's secondary. The Italian PM Draghi famously stated a few months ago "do you want aircon or freedom"? He's been shown the door. A big friend of Frau Ursula btw. I am sure they are both very welcome in their next UN or NATO posts.
  9. Maybe. btw, which uncertainty? Isn't "1" the one? Or maybe, it's the dramatically rising cost of energy compounded by the announcement that NordStream2 will not stream as much as hoped this winter. Domino effect on all western markets. The bill should be picked up by the one country that is really behind this prolonged so-called Ukr-Rus war. The US dollar affected less due to the aggressive defensive policy of its central bank, but its economy still feeling the pain and entering recession.
  10. ok you have decided that it's more money-efficient for you to do it this way, go ahead, why do you have to antagonize everybody else that has taken a different decision? Do you really think that we are all stupid and only you have realized that it's possible to make the 800k be more productive? Accept that different people have different priorities in life.
  11. but you didn't ask any questions. Except possibly "3. are there any other options", the answer to which is "probably not" (there are other type of visas but apparently out of your friend's budget). In turn, a lot of things are unclear from your post that prevent giving advice on this forum, and in fact you/he seem not to want any. I just hope that your friend knows very well what he is doing.
  12. In my experience, they send the new card to you by post well before the previous one expires.
  13. He should be home in time to enjoy the Oktoberfest.
  14. You shouldn't have any problem, welcome back soon. However, the above sentence struck me. The reasons for staying longer are your own, no criticism, but around the time you mention prices were very reasonable. I remember because I bought a ticket myself. Basic eco with LH one way was about 10,000B. Prices sky-rocketed from July.
  15. I don't understand your comment, what does it matter? Good for you if you decided to integrate so well. Although, depending on your race and nationality, I have some doubts that you will ever be accepted as a real Thai. I am European, been here 10 years, I still experience that if I go out for dinner with my non-Thai (but Thai-looking) wife the waiter will never talk to me even if I am perfectly able to order, only to her. Having a Thai passport wouldn't make any difference. And a question to you: assuming you are now Thai citizen, have you actually given up your previous nationality or keep dual passport? In the second instance, please don't preach to us, you cannot be assimilated and integrated on demand. So yes, I am a guest, lucky to be, hope to remain for a long time, and back to OP I'd never dream of doing what he did.
  16. We don't know if he has citizenship or PR, if not then he is a guest. Even people with Elite or Smart whatever are still guests with an expiration date.
  17. Sorry about your bad experiences with vaping, especially about the companion you have for your meals. But vaping saved my mother, a 50-y long 2 packs/day smoker. She is off cigarettes for good since ten years, no relapse, and stopped vaping too without any addiction issues. To be fair, she would vape away from other people, although she was using odorless stuff. I remember that, as a non-smoker, I completely hated smokers in Europe. I would eat in a restaurant, and back home even my underwear would stink. That never happens with vapers. Anyway, all this is moot. Thailand bans vaping? Right, like they ban riding a scooter without helmet.
  18. "a couple of months" is plenty, go and visit both, it's not that far. btw, throw in Laos as well, it's worthy.
  19. There we go. If we want to be objective, then we should mention also what Biden expressed, from the same country behind the coup that brought the drunk puppet Eltsin to power while Gorbachev was vacationing. But I'll stop here since I want to respect Gorbachev's memory. I was often there in those years, I know they were really harsh times for the common citizens, but the alternatives were even worse and he took the right decisions, IMO.
  20. All governments' statements are carefully worded, ghost-scripted and often far from the true feelings of the person in charge. This thread is about Gorbachev, try to stick to it.
  21. When "cities" were built, they didn't have paved roads and trains and electricity and skyscrapers and they didn't need to commute to work and didn't have global commerce. A flood did not do as much damage as it does today.
  22. Unfortunately, she is right. This is Thailand and sooner or later we learn to do it the Thai way, which sometimes is orthogonal to the way we were brought up. Your best option is probably to report to some local authority, especially if you can document that they are burning toxic. btw, I disagree -respectfully- with your opening statement. My experience is that the air quality has been improving, not decreasing, in the past couple of years - or so my PM2.5 detector leads me to believe.
  23. Were they exploded close to you? Do you glow in the dark? 'cause when they burn rubbish they do it not far from our condo and we have to rush and close all windows.
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