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Posts posted by marcusd

  1. there should be public beheadings on the anti-corruption day.

    (I am just joking, but an anti-corruption day, but letting the worst corrupt politicians run around unchallenged is just nonsense)

    Now that you mention this, I can see a bunch of (allegedly) corrupt politicians run the 'ice bucket' gauntlet.

    Still the previous PM only talked about 'really taking care of corruption'. The current PM seems to be a bit more pragmatic in his approach.

    The last Pm did take care of corruption - and make sure that it survived and flourished and no one stopped it.

    • Like 2
  2. Thailand has a population of 65-67 Million and recorded 3900 deaths last year.

    Australia has a Population of 23 Million and recorded In 2012, 1,901 males (16.8 per 100,000) and 634 females (5.6 per 100,000) died by suicide, a total of 2,535 deaths.

    It is how the figures are attributed that really count.

    I Australia they may take a car driven deliberately to cause death as suicide whereas in Thailand it may be CAR ACCIDENT...

  3. Did you mean 'witch' runs to her room, or 'who' runs to her room. Condescending either way.

    You should think about the ways in which you express yourself in future posts because, as your rhetoric suggests, you're selfish indeed.

    Who. I am sorry I am not a native English speaker.

    Well, from me the woman can't expect too much sympathy.

    If she wanted to kill herself she would have better done it her own place.

    Most people that commit suicide have done many attempts before actually being actually successful. Also this woman made a previous attempt (a few years ago, she took pills). People tried to help her.

    Some people just can't handle life, and no matter how hard people around them try, it's all suffering for them. It's so easy to feel sorry for the person that committed suicide but I believe it's often a choice made during years of suffering. For them it's the best and (from their perspective) the most logical solution. And when they die, their suffering stops, so they have got what they want. So, why do we have to feel sorry?

    I don't think it's a brave thing to do. It takes less than a minute to hang yourself and die. But the family and friends, they will carry it with them all their life. They will always feel guilty, they will feel like they should have done more to prevent it.

    You might call it a cry for help, but it's sometimes more than that. It's like the final and most extreme punishment you could give the people that love you. It's an extreme but also selfish cry for attention. The girl that killed herself must have understood how the boyfriend would feel after he would find her ... it's like the ultimate revenge. Again, I think it's a selfish thing to do.

    Don't misunderstand me. Everything should be done to prevent suicides. But I have little sympathy for people that kill themselves.

    The only case were I can show sympathy is if the suicide is a form euthanasia and the people around yourself have been explained beforehand about the reason why it was necessary to take the step and they understand why you need to take that step.

    I think it best you stop posting on matters like this or else you may find KARMA IS A BITCH. The comments you make are insensitive and downright NASTY and you are now up for trolling.

    MODS stop and lock this post - it is too sensitive for most

  4. The girl that killed herself was the girlfriend of one of the people that hires a room with us.

    She decided to kill herself while her boyfriend was at work.

    She called him at work before doing so. But he didn't believe her.

    When he came back to the apartment, he found her hanging and they called us.

    According to friends of the boyfriend the woman had a history of mental instability.

    But the boyfriend was also extremely cruel to her, and I just got to know that sometimes he let her sleep in front of the locked door of his room, in the hall.

    It was all a big show (lots of cars of Chinese temples with flashing lights) and everyone around knows what happened. 17 rooms moved out (afraid of ghosts).

    The last video images on the CCTV system shows a little struggle and the boyfriend is running after the girlfriend, which runs to her room.

    I've told the police about this but they never asked to see the CCTV recordings.

    You can call me selfish, but the girl is dead, and after 2 weeks I am still suffering because of the decision of this woman (that was not even the person that hired the room and did not live there permanently).

    Suicide might be act of disparity it's also a very coward and selfish thing to do.

    We may think of this as SELFISH but suicide is a cry from the inside for HELP - a help that the person feels they cannot obtain for many reasons.

    Here it would seem to me that she was so alone and afraid and in love.

    You may feel that you are suffering and this is normal but do not blame the victim.

    Suicide is something we have no answers for.

    When you cna TRULY understand every mind, every thought, every person in depth, then you can understand suicide.

  5. This is most sad. Family pressure. modern day keeping up with the neighbours, pressure of material wealth and success.

    All of this is adding to disaster. AND there is NO psychology in the health system worth noting.

    I went with 2 friends with HIV to a major hospital in Chiang Mai. One poor lad was having MAJOR reaction to the medicine which in my opinion was becoming life threatening. (I am experienced for many years as this was my profession. Prior to moving to Thailand...)

    I ordered him to STOP the Medicine and we booked to see the SPECIALIST AREA at the Hospital. He was improving dramatically when stopped, however the Doctor said his appointment was scheduled for another 2 months and he should not listen to me and he should NEVER stop medicine unless THEY SAID SO. The doctor castigated me and said "this is how we do it in Thailand" and then I went ballistic. Lets just say the doctor was pulled into line.

    the point I am making is there are many pressures of NOT QUESTIONING or doing anything against what they are told and this is all worrying to many and causing more problems in mental health than it solves socially.

    If you are trying to say that this has something to do with Thailand's suicide rate then it may be why Thailand has a lower suicide rate than many countries in the west where things are questioned such as the UK and US.

    I would not trust the figures as how they are reported makes things appear differently. In the west we often attribute drugs deaths to suicide. Here they do not.

  6. The only way to control this problem is to introduce checks and balances, rules, controls , guidelines and measures , along with harsh penalties, nothing short of twenty years, with no parole, this wont stop people from trying to get rich off the public purse, but will slow down the process and likely hood of being caught sooner this applies to all area's including provincial government.coffee1.gif

    The only way to rid Thailand of corruption is to rid Thailand of Thais

  7. Why is imported property that is subject to tarrif duties/import taxes allowed to be stored in private warehouses instead of a government customs facilities where there would (theoretically) be assurances of adequate security and accountability? For the average person in Thailand purchasing property that is imported there is very specified handling of the property by customs to assure collection of taxes before release. Thailand needs to reform whatever deficiences there are that allowed these supercars (and no doubt similar high value properties) to disappear as quick as it writes blank checks for budget expendictures.

    Unfortunately about 2 months ago when these cars vansihed, there was another person in power with cronies at the wheel

  8. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    Shame the mongrels always dub the English movies and change back all the time. I changed to TOT IP TV because one month English and the next week it was all thai dubbed and same movie! I am NOT paying for their crap service when there are so many alternatives CHEAPER too.

    You tell em Marcus! And tell those darn kids to get off your lawn too! Dag nab it!

    Yeah those kids are bad. No worries though I feed em RATSAK. :)

  9. "He said he filed a complaint with the Interior Ministry’s Damrongdhama Center in Lop Buri, but it did not accept it."

    Now this part really grabs me. WHY NOT accept a complaint and investigate and see where that all goes? Looks like General Prayuth has a lot of work to do cleaning things up

    • Like 2
  10. Better get used to cabinets like this from now on.

    L'enfer est plein de bonnes volontés et désirs.

    -Saint Bernard of Clairvaux

    Yeah we had better do that--frustrating isn't it.

    I would like to know why tho is frustrating and how it will really affect any lives of the majority of TV posters?

    I would suspect not one iota at all

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