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Posts posted by JESSVANPELT

  1. The Bay shopping center was originally suppose to be open in December 2015, according to their website, so I wouldn't say it is 'on schedule'. But, it should eventually get finished. The construction fence has come down in front and that's a good sign.

    The bay website says there grand opening would be in 2016, if work went as planned? Anyway i agree It will open.

  2. While on this subject; what do you folks out there think about the very large property on the corner of North Rd and 2ND Rd Pattaya, opposite BEST supermarket, that was "developed" around the mid 90's; and about 15% occupied till last year; now all knocked down and another "development" under construction on the same site,(including on the adjacent land that was the stupid JJ Market for a short while).

    Terminal 21 is being developed there it will be larger then CentraL

  3. Jomtien which had a boom in projects a few years ago now has several abandoned construction sites. Speaking with someone who owns multiple properties and close connections to a particular large developer, he claims that there are a few resort style condo projects in serious trouble and likely to not be completed now.

    I don't want to name those projects but they are very big ones and I would hate to think how investors would have a chance at seeing their money again.

    Rule number one in Thailand never buy off plan........its a fools way to get screwed, there is no way an individual investor is safe unless buying a completed project.

  4. Tourist arrivals are up double digits year to date. over 5% alone in May. This no different then any other low season form Song Kran until Mid October ( the rainy season) things have always been slow.

    I have read THE BUSINESS CLOSING THREADS ETC, AND I Have yet to read anything from a poster that has the least bit of credibility. I frequent the area from Pattaya Tai to Pattaya Nua, Beach road to Sukhumvit, and there is not a thing going on that would single a problem.

  5. its work has stopped for over a year do to them building unapproved and getting caught, now they need to fix the parking situation and downsize the overall space.

    As for anymore then that, I don't see many around, no more then usual and there are the ones that have been empty for years.

    Sorry I was thinking of a condo project.

    I did in fact walk by there yesterday and there was work going on, its typical after the rough work is complete there is a pause before the finish work gets done, as its normally a different groups of workers and a new bidding process may have to occur before they start, but it is on schedule

  6. They did not break a gambling law they broke a law a not allowing more then 120 playing cards.

    Section 8. No person shall possess more than one hundred and twenty playing cards or sell playing cards irrespective of their quantity, unless those playing cards have been produced by, or have been stamped with the seal of, the Excise Department.

  7. Tipping is not an Asian trait, don't do it. If you see a Thai doing it, they are showing off! [emoji39]

    Seriously, as said, if it's already on there (smart rest/hotel) but you're impressed with the service, bung it in their hand. 10%ish.

    Tipping is not an Asian trait, Where did you get that from I have been living and working in the majority of Asian countries and they all tip unless its a fast food place or carry out.

  8. Yes, but the key difference is that Chinese tour groups in Thailand use travel agencies, hotels, restaurants, buses, gift shops, entertainment venues and girt shops etc. owned by Chinese business interests with most of the money repatriated back to China. Thai people work for them at the minimum wage. At the moment, most Chinese tourists travel in group tours and they are taken to Chinese-owned businesses. Maybe in 3 - 5 years Chinese tourists will start to travel independently and there will be more benefits and spin-offs to Thai and other foreign businesses. At the moment, I think you would be wasting your time trying to set up a business to attract the Chinese tourist.

    In part you are correct, The Chinese are a shy culture, so they do travel in arranged tours for the most part. The tour groups do have a tendency to go where there customers can communicate, so yes that would be a venue where people speak There Language, but if you look deeper you will find that it is in fact a mix of Thai, Chinese/Thai, Indian and Korean establishments which they cater to for the most part. And as for the money going back to China, purely your own thought, no basis for it to leave the country as more then 10 % of the population is chinese here now.

  9. " however isn't China the last to suffer from the economic crisis of 2008/9? "

    the big problem is after the 2007 financial crisis everyone relied on China to be the financial shock absorber for rest of the world, a role which it certainly can no longer fulfil and so now there are no shock absorbers left anywhere. (It was hoped by now USA would be back to carrying out this role but we can definitely dismiss that one)


    Well that is it, they are looking to everyone to ease or eradicate the burden, due to them financing the resolve of the latest recession.. but wasnt that financial resolve/debt incurred with huge interest rates?

    China is fast becoming a scarey power of finance, almost the controller. Them suffering can only be good for western growth.

    You've got to hand it to the chinese. they have managed to finance a debt to help keep either own country in business.. their economy relies hugely on the spending of other, if others arent spending China hasn't a resolve.

    Of course only time will tell if it was a wise decision for Pattaya’s authorities to put all their eggs in one basket and rely on continued patronage from Chinese tourists in large numbers. But it’s impossible to ignore the increasing warnings from so many which lately seem to be coming out on a daily basis.

    Richard Duncan was former Global Head of Investment Strategy at ABN AMRO Asset Management and he explains why China’s hard landing has already begun

    he says “China’s economy resembles a spinning top that is running out of momentum. It is wobbling and gyrating erratically,”


    One must understand that its only been a few years ago since the Chinese people were allowed to travel beyond there borders, they as many have several members of that population which are interested in travel and Thailand is cheap destination. So you will see for the next 10 to 20 years a multitude of Chinese tourists in Thailand, in far larger number then we saw the Indians or Russians.Ans to correct another point Pattaya is not pursuing anyone they don't do that ..if any one does its the Thailand Tourism Authority.

    And anther error continually stated in this and other forums is the Chinese don't open money, a complete falsehood, the eat and rent hotel rooms like the rest of us. No you won't see them in your pubs, but they drink as much as the rest of us do.

    So if you own a bar or restaurant and your feeling the low season blues get used to it and figure a way to entice customers that live here and stop complaining about the change of times.

  10. Jingthing, I have a question after a couple of days to think about this topic. My question is of those foreign business which have recently gone out of business how many had been in business for more then two years?

    I use two years as a personal barometer as in my experience its within two years that most businesses have failed, if they are started by an except who has never ran a business and is talked in to doing so by his girlfriend or its a retiree with a big ego and fatter wallet. Most don't know how to plan for the low season, most pick poor locations and unfortunately most know nothing about running a business.

    The only other thing that occasionally occurs is sometimes a landlord may raise the monthly rent making it impossible to make a profit, so they are forced to close or relocate. ( thus the poor planning of the owner not getting a longterm lease).

    just some thoughts I thought I would share.

    Those who have been open more then three years and now being forced to close would be of great interest, as to what types of business they had been.


    I would say a lot more Farang business are going under at present than two years ago.

    Running a business in Thailand as a foreigner is just to hard.

    if you can afford to stay here and not run a business to live, that's the best thing.

    Don't start a businesses for the wife girlfriend or boyfriend, nearly all can't even run a bath

    and most will Fxzxzxzxup a cup of coffee.

    Also there is way to-many business doing that same type of business, big over supply of these in pattaya.

    I feel the pie is not getting any larger, despite the resent influx of the Chinese

    but more people want a slice of the same pie. (no hab more pie mister)

    i feel you need to own the premises 100% you run your businesses from, if not overheads will kill you off.

    greedy landlords, are woeful in Thailand. (landlords have the best income in this town)

    Pattaya has shown how fickle it is, now the Russians have gone and the Chinese have come.

    They don't want the westerner anymore. Immigration and work permits issues are going to get more difficult in the future for non Thai business people.

    Run a business in this town, no way,

    Golf, Beer Chang, Red wine and ladies way more fun for retirement. wai2.gif

    Thanks for the comments and I don't disagree. but i was not asking to compare with two years ago. I had asked if they had been in business more then two years. A lot more going out of business? where? I Socialize in central Pattaya and don't see many changes.

  11. Jingthing, I have a question after a couple of days to think about this topic. My question is of those foreign business which have recently gone out of business how many had been in business for more then two years?

    I use two years as a personal barometer as in my experience its within two years that most businesses have failed, if they are started by an except who has never ran a business and is talked in to doing so by his girlfriend or its a retiree with a big ego and fatter wallet. Most don't know how to plan for the low season, most pick poor locations and unfortunately most know nothing about running a business.

    The only other thing that occasionally occurs is sometimes a landlord may raise the monthly rent making it impossible to make a profit, so they are forced to close or relocate. ( thus the poor planning of the owner not getting a longterm lease).

    just some thoughts I thought I would share.

    Those who have been open more then three years and now being forced to close would be of great interest, as to what types of business they had been.


  12. I have been living here for more then 10 years and this year does not seem any different then most, the worst was right after the coupe.

    Typically we have those first time "never been in business blokes" who come here think they found heaven and let there girlfriend open a bar , beauty salon or laundry...it does well through high season and opps.... low season catches them unprepared and thus belly up!

    it happens with the Thai's also i have never seen so many coffee shops open and close in the past 4 years, all ran by Thai's.

    same same every year.

  13. The GoGo's still overcharge, both for the drinks/beer and "barfines" and of course, what the girls ask for to date. It's an illusion created to fleece the unknowing male tourists. I'm surprised to read some think it's different than any other facade created to make people think it's "different". That one "bar" on the corner charges/collects/scams barfines for girls who don't even actually work there! not that they do at any of the other joints either...All of it disgusting and a bad mark on a great city, Pattaya.

    Collecting bar fines for girls who don't work in the bar?.......are you new in town? what do you think freelancers do? they have an arrangement with many bars just to hangout, and if they get lucky both the bar and the girl make money. And why is it important?

  14. Not all other countries use a yellow painted curb for no parking.

    Why are we not questioning the ease to rent a car by a foreigner who needs next to nothing to do so?

    And we all know regardless of all the laws that are in place there is never enough police to support them.

    Why do the police stop only motorbikes? Because they are the easiest to stop and the police are also driving motorbikes.

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