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Posts posted by Sceptict11

  1. Indeed cheaper than a multiple non-O, but that is not an 8 month stay on tourist visas.

    i never stay XX months just in thailand, even with the NON-O i was >3 months in Myanmar (over the course of 15 months). but this is not the issue. the issue is

    that i got non-o for the reasons i stated, and was offered one again the year after. case closed as far as i'm concerned. the know-it-alls on this site can go find the consulate. the OP can try exactly as i stated.

    Just as a matter of interest which visa allows more than 3 months in Myanmar , what is the cost and where is it obtained ?

  2. It makes no since to me that you chose the 3 entry tourist visa over the multiple entry non-o. Overall cost for a 3 entry is higher than multiple. Visa 3000 baht plus 2 extensions totalling 3800 baht is 1800 baht more than multiple entry (5000 baht).

    in my case totally untrue but u're not thinking out of the box of course as is classic on TV.

    Figures show each entry on a tourist visa is 1,000 baht and each extension for 30 days is 1,900 baht, while a multiple non-O is 5,000 baht.

    Simple math shows the multiple non-O is cheaper.

    I paid 150 euro for non O year.

    triple TR 90 euro. these are the prices i pay at the consulate.

    2 months, exit.

    2 months, exit.

    2 months, exit combined w/ travel 1 month in myanmar.

    fly back in without visa.

    8 months, right...

    Name the Consulate

  3. Doubke whoops, I assumed the father, actually we don't know which for sure.

    Either way what I was getting it is that however much the parent thinks the girl fully confides in them there may be things behind this that she isn't willing to confide and the important thing is to get her to a doctor, assurred she can speak in confidence to same.

    It may not be necessary, but it is possible that there are factors behind this she doesn't wish to share with a parent.

    Absolutely agree !

  4. Black just means the blood is old and in itself is not a concern.

    Clear jelly like discharge is completely normal and will be especially noticeable at the time of ovulation.

    However prolonged menstruation like this is abnormal and warrants a trip to a gynecologist.

    I disagree though with the idea of you going along, may inhibit disclosure of important things to the doctor. Have her Mom or other female relative - one that she is close to, most apt to confide in -- go along. And unless she requests otherwise, let her see the doctor in privacy.


    I had assumed Mum was the OP!

  5. It makes no since to me that you chose the 3 entry tourist visa over the multiple entry non-o. Overall cost for a 3 entry is higher than multiple. Visa 3000 baht plus 2 extensions totalling 3800 baht is 1800 baht more than multiple entry (5000 baht).

    in my case totally untrue but u're not thinking out of the box of course as is classic on TV.


    If you don't do extensions then it would be 2 border runs that are not free that only gives about 180 days total which is short of 8 months meaning an extension at the end.

    Two border runs would give you about 270 days with a O visa.

    The t-r-o-l-l word seems to be forming

  6. It makes no since to me that you chose the 3 entry tourist visa over the multiple entry non-o. Overall cost for a 3 entry is higher than multiple. Visa 3000 baht plus 2 extensions totalling 3800 baht is 1800 baht more than multiple entry (5000 baht).

    The whole story makes no sense.

    Especially as it is claimed multiple entry "O" visas can be obtained for "Other" reasons as determined by the applicant.

  7. I suspect my Thai wife would be horrified by your husbands lack of thought !

    Don not judge all by the performance of one xsmile.png.pagespeed.ic.4tUibSscbZ.webp

    I'm not thats why i am saying it often happens not always

    sarab00n ... is English your first language?

    What on earth is your problem with me and my language now? Do you come on these forums to deliberately aggravate people and prove them wrong, and try and find an outlet for your high and mighty opinions? You took one look at my post and think you know everything about me, and now you are checking my grammar to find fault with me too? Who do you think you are? People like you make coming on here and hesitatingly asking advice about a serious issue without getting judgement and criticism clearly impossible - especially since you took one look at my post and decided you knew exactly what kind of mother I am, and that you know better. It seems like a lot of the responses are just trying to find a problem with everything I've said. Thanks a lot for putting me off posting on here ever again. For everyone else who gave a helpful and thoughtful response, thank you i appreciate it and to sceptict i really hope i didn't offend you or anyone else by seemingly calling Thais dirty, I certainly don't judge one person on the actions of many as you have suggested I do. And I deliberately tried to choose my words carefully to avoid it being interpretted that way but it honestly seems like everyone is so quick to attack and pick posts apart to find something wrong with the phrasing or whatever. I am seriously put off the forum after this - can't you give people the benefit of the doubt instead of being so quick to attack?

    Whoops !

    I can assure you that both I and my wife are very difficult to offend !

    If you care to review my comments with an open mind I am sure you will agree the remarks made by me were non offensive , not personal and reasonably objective.

    There is always a risk associated with commencing a debate on an open public forum. There are always those who , for whatever reason, are less than helpful in their replies.

    Whatever !

    I wish you well and hope you are not deterred from seeking information/advise in the future.


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  8. ...But you only need a work permit, IF you get a job!...

    What comes first, the work permit application or the employment contract?

    The logical sequence would appear to be as follows:

    1. Work permit application, with all required documents, including the Form of Employment Certification signed by the prospective employer.
    2. Approval of work permit application.
    3. Employment contract.

    What about

    1 Job offer with known contractual obligations (employer and employee) subject to

    2. Approval (with the employers assistance) of a WP

    3 . Job (employment) contract referenced to 1


  9. Alcohol damages the brain, liver and pancreas.

    Evidence exists which suggests excess "pot" use increases the risk of developing psychotic disease.

    Injecting "substances" exposes users to the risks of blood born infections ,septicemia, overdose,thrombosis, cellulitis and necrotizing fasciitis ( to name a few of the problems)

    Cocaine use exposes individuals to the risk of sudden cardiac death .

    Many "designer" drugs expose users to hyperthermia , dehydration and death !

    The OP contends that the tabloid type article referred to equates to the most "horrific" thing read about !

    Believe me there are indeed worse !


    All the above can be reliably referenced and to be honest I have no inclination to dig up the references.

    It is late now and I am tired but a quick google search will inform if there is doubt about what I say

  10. which consulate: any consulate i guess since O means OTHER and anyone with solid OTHER reasons can apply for it.

    desires: staying in thailand for a longer period without having VISA issues/stress.

    motivation: i'd like to stay in thailand for a longer period to learn more about the country and its people AND to take a well-deserved break (sabattical).

    no specific amount of cash was asked. consulate said "the more u have the better" so i showed them a savings account which contained >20.000 euro but <100.000 euro. before you think the wrong thing: NO tea money was paid, only 150 euro for the visa. this was a simple and very straightforward operation.

    Thanks but my BS antennae is twitching ! smile.png

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  11. The OP,miaarjhan , originally asked if it where possible to obtain a WP without having an identified employer.

    Can a WP be obtained on such a basis ?

    Without an identified employer, no work permit can be applied for. Starting with post #3, the OP turned this topic to the question whether she can apply for the work permit herself with an identified employer, an established international company which has asked her for 30'000 Baht to do the application for her and which is very interested in employing her (post #22)


    I missed that although I do now recall reading the point.

    However, unless the prospective employer was co-operative in supplying the necessary documentation would a self application be doomed to failure ?

  12. Most everyone tries some booze. Some people are wired to become addicted. So everyone who tries booze is reckless then? I don't think so.

    Again it is a choice !

    I am sure most "try" some booze.

    The signs associated with abusing alcohol are clear to the individual, friends and family.

    Continuing to abuse alcohol , to reject the advise of friends, family and in many cases profession assistance is a personal choice .

  13. Many years ago I was a university student.

    Some of my peers believed that "experimenting" with drugs was a smart and clever occupation.

    Those of us that thought otherwise were ridiculed.

    We were not the ones who failed to obtain good degrees

    The smart and clever condemned themselves.

    There are very few who can combine a successful career with substance abuse.

    It is a choice

  14. It is not an "epidemic" it is a choice !

    It will not affect anyone who does not choose to indulge .

    I don't think it's that simple. People may choose to try some drugs in the first place. But then there is addiction and some people appear to be wired to become addicted more easily than others, especially to highly addictive drugs in the first place, and yes that definitely includes alcohol which kills more people globally than any other drug.

    I would not contradict anything you say !

    If individuals choose to "try" then they must accept the potential consequences.

    You could "try" jumping off a cliff on the basis that some survive such experiences , unfortunately most do not.

  15. I got a 1 year non-immigrant O without any problem. I'm not married to Thai, do not have thai Gf, etc. I applied for it at a Western consulate, explained my "desires" and all they needed was 1/ proof that I had enough cash to support myself (which I have) 2/ motivation letter as for WHY i wanted this visa. nothing more, nothing less. the visa was multiple entry, so I left every 3 months and stayed a total of 15 months with it.

    Why not share this undoubted good fortune with others ?

    Which "Western" consulate , what " desires " and how much cash ?

    What motivation ?

    Many would be grateful smile.png

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