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Posts posted by Sceptict11

  1. The pain associated with Bilary Colic rarely requires hospitalization and does not require a "strong course of anti-biotic" (whatever that means).

    The vast majority of patients will recover from a bout of bilary colic with the help of analgesia +/- an anti-spasmodic.

    Repeated episodes of bilary colic are best treated by elective cholestectomy.

    Some rare cases (which are relatively easy to identify) will require urgent surgery. Ultrsound +/- CT or MRI scanning are both useful tools for identifying these cases

    To suggest someone is walking about with necrotic gall bladder is of course barking nonsense !

    Severe pain every day for two weeks sounds slightly more serious than a 'bout of bilary colic'.

    Repeated episodes, are usually considered repeated over years, not repeated over days.

    If it 'rarely requires hospitalisation', maybe you can tell us why the OP has been booked into hospital?

    If you read the OP's post ....................

    "Quoted price for all that has been done, the laparoscopic surgery and 3 days in hospital, private room 40,000bt. I go in Monday--wish me luck "

    He actually does tell us why !

  2. bunnydrops The treatment you have recieved and that which is planned is fine ! No need for concern.

    Sad how often scaremongering posts are made. I guess as a result of ignorance and the over use of Google.

    The pain associated with Bilary Colic rarely requires hospitalization and does not require a "strong course of anti-biotic" (whatever that means).

    The vast majority of patients will recover from a bout of bilary colic with the help of analgesia +/- an anti-spasmodic.

    Repeated episodes of bilary colic are best treated by elective cholestectomy.

    Some rare cases (which are relatively easy to identify) will require urgent surgery. Ultrsound +/- CT or MRI scanning are both useful tools for identifying these cases

    To suggest someone is walking about with necrotic gall bladder is of course barking nonsense !

  3. "I think I will stop to go to see the traditionnal doctor, because for many years now I'm dissapointed on how they treat things..."

    Sounds like a good idea !

    For real sickness those useless "traditionnal" (sic) doctors will remain non-judgmental in their willingness to assist. Those same doctors will, however, continue to fail when asked to "cure" non existing illness.

    Disordered thinking can however be helped by specialist doctorssmile.png

  4. Are there ways to get this letter - without travelling to the odious Embassy in Bangkok?

    Looks like you missed my comment immediately above yours:

    If you do have to get a letter then you can email/fax the British consulate (Bangkok) a copy of the main page of both the old and new passports and they will post you a letter free of charge.

    Just to update, the British Embassy WILL NOT send you a letter, they wont even respond to your e mail!!!

    Followed up with a phone call to the embassy to be told i must go in person.

    So i went today, took both passports - nothing else needed, you actually fill in the letter yourself at the embassy then they put a stamp on it and sign it free of charge , in and out in around 20 minutes so not too bad - can't say the same for the traffic though!!

    To which address did you send your email to which never received a reply? I successfully obtained my verification letter after I had emailed the Embassy at [email protected]. The [email protected] address referred to in post #10 is, I suspect, a general one.

    Something wrong the the highlighted email address !

  5. partington

    Unfortunately some actually do believe in Quackery.

    Once on the Quack pathway any attempt to provide rational/objective/science based evidence will be rejected by the "victims" !

    Any thing which challenges belief in the "Quackery" will be held up as "proof" of the medical/pharmaceutical profession ignorance.

    The "victims" will willingly pay large sums of money to enrich fraudsters !

    No point in prolonged debates just nod the head and let the "victim" pay !cheesy.gif

    NB. Big Pharma has not paid me to write this smile.png

    • Like 1
  6. "Unfortunately we can only do that once the infection re-appears and perferates the eardrum again. No signs, no symptoms, no point."

    Sorry to disagree.

    It would seem your daughter has suffered recurring bouts of otitis media. Each re-occurrence risks compromising her hearing.

    It could be argued that whilst the child's ear is "quiet" opportunity should be taken to resolve any underlying problem.

    I have stolen the next piece from Sheryl's post !

    "Sinbin, you say your wife took her to the doctor -- did you also go? I ask because in Thai culture it is very hard for patients to question doctors. Before giving up it may be worth you going back, records in hand and insisting in seeing the senior doctor in charge of the clinic."

    ​I absolutely agree with that advise.

  7. Candida is part if the normal flora of many parts of the body. It will overgrow on occasion in specific locations, usually due to either antibiotic treatment or immunosuppression/immunocompromise, and that is easily treated.

    I have and still am on antibiotics for 2 weeks for a stomach problem and have developed a problem with candida. I have tried eating natural yoghurt and honey to correct the imbalance but it's not going, can you recommend something I can get over the counter?

    totster xsmile.png.pagespeed.ic.4tUibSscbZ.webp

    Where these antibiotics prescribed by a doctor or just bought from a pharmacy ?

    How do you "know" you have a problem with candida ?

    Why not just secure proper medical advise from a Doctor ?

    The antibiotics were prescribed, unfortunately I have to trust the doctor as (as always) they are reluctant to give the names of the drugs prescribed. I have also had 2 injections which I believe a large doses of antibiotics.

    Candida - I have had it before, so I know the symptoms.

    totster xsmile.png.pagespeed.ic.4tUibSscbZ.webp

    What ,exactly , are the symptoms ?

  8. I see on downloading form Abd1 from Hull consulate website today that it states that if it's your first non O the requirement is 3 months uk current account statements showing either equivalent of thb 65k monthly income or lump sum thb 800k whereas for subsequent non o applications you have the extra option of showing similar amounts in copy of thai bank book. Liverpool and Birmingham as of today still appear to show no financial requirements on the paperwork available for download. Cardiff tackle it differently, including a section on the non o application form where you must give details ie name and address of a guarantor either in the uk or thailand who will cover costs of repatriation if required.

    I suspect that all the UK consulate will soon be requiring the same as Hull .

  9. Sorry if I sound confusing...(as I am)

    and thanks for the answer...

    When mentioning 'Multiple Entries', is it a 90 days or a year one?

    single entry requires no money to be shown

    Not quite sure what your asking but a "multiple entry" O visa provides entries for periods not exceeding 90 days for one year. In other words the visa requires the holder to leave the country every 89 -90 days.

    No need for apology !

    i have just realised that I should also have said that after each 90 day period you have to leave but can immediately return for another 90 day period. Used to best effect a multiple entry visa can provide for up to a 15 month stay

  10. So this would indicate the Embassy has it in for Hull alone? I wonder why?

    Because Hull always gave the Embassy the finger?

    But it that were the case, I would imagine a quick phone call to the MFA in Bangkok from any influential person at the embassy could have had Hull closed down in the blink of an eye?

    I think (but may be completely wrong) that Hull has some sort of special influence owing to its history. Maybe someone else knows a little more about this?

    Historically the Thai Consul in Hull had a "special" relationship with the Kingdom dating back for a long time.

    This "special" relationship has apparently endured over the years but would now seem to have soured for whatever reason.

    I cannot now remember the detail but will attempt to research the facts.

  11. Oh !

    Sorry to learn about that.

    I wonder if your daughter was seen by a Senior member of the medical staff ?

    We are limited in the advice which can be given here as I am sure you will understand.

    I have read this thread from the beginning and clearly your daughter has a problem .

    Jrtmedic observed early in the thread that there has to be a cause and diagnosis associated with your daughters continuing and chronic problem.

    The CT scan report appears to be diagnostic but it may well also be the case that if the eardrum has healed the problem may not be visible due to scarring .

    It is unlikely that "ear wax" was the cause of the CT findings which went beyond the diagnosis of Cholesteatoma and also identified a chronic infective process and a mastoiditis which would be consistent with the finding of a Cholesteatoma.

    Your next move should ensure your daughter is seen by a Specialist ENT surgeon not a junior doctor or someone still in training.

    I am unaware of the skills/qualifications of the ENT surgeon(s) at the Bangkok Korat hospital but ideally you should seek someone who has had postgraduate education in the West.

    Make sure you take all test results and the CT report (and CD) with you when attending any future appointment.

    Sorry not to be able to provide more assistance.

  12. Candida is part if the normal flora of many parts of the body. It will overgrow on occasion in specific locations, usually due to either antibiotic treatment or immunosuppression/immunocompromise, and that is easily treated.

    I have and still am on antibiotics for 2 weeks for a stomach problem and have developed a problem with candida. I have tried eating natural yoghurt and honey to correct the imbalance but it's not going, can you recommend something I can get over the counter?

    totster smile.png

    Where these antibiotics prescribed by a doctor or just bought from a pharmacy ?

    How do you "know" you have a problem with candida ?

    Why not just secure proper medical advise from a Doctor ?

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