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Posts posted by Sceptict11

  1. An O/A visa is valid for one year dating from the point of issue.

    On arrival in Thailand you will be given a one year "permission to stay".

    During this year you may enter/exit the country (whilst the visa is valid) as many times as you wish.

    Each entry will give a one year "permission to stay".

    Exiting the country immediately prior to the visa expiring and returning whilstst the visa is still valid will effectively provide a 2nd year stay.

    During this second year it is necessary to secure a re entry permit if you wish to leave/return.

    Toward the end of the second year application can be made for an extension of stay based on retirement.


    Any stay of 90+ days requires a report to be made at immigration.

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  2. There is a new requirement to get a non-o visa if you're over 50. As well as a letter from the bank showing that you have over 800,000, you now need a second letter from the bank showing that the funds came from outside Thailand. The immigration officer showed me the requirements and also showed me a sample letter from Bangkok Bank.

    I also found out that you need to apply with at least 15 days left of your current stay (not 20 as someone mentioned). And it also said that both letters from the bank need to be dated the same day that you apply for the visa. So get letters then go to immigration the same day.

    If you're using the income method, as well as a letter from the Embassy, you also need supporting documents that show where this income is from.

    I'm not sure how much of this is new, as this is the first time I've done this.

    No such new requirement exists. There is no requirement to have the money transferred from abroad.

    Which immigration office are you talking about?

    Bangkok Immigration. I have the requirements form here. That's what the form says, and that's what the immigration officer told me. She even showed me a sample bank letter.

    Would you please scan and post that requirement form ?

  3. There is a new requirement to get a non-o visa if you're over 50. As well as a letter from the bank showing that you have over 800,000, you now need a second letter from the bank showing that the funds came from outside Thailand. The immigration officer showed me the requirements and also showed me a sample letter from Bangkok Bank.

    I also found out that you need to apply with at least 15 days left of your current stay (not 20 as someone mentioned). And it also said that both letters from the bank need to be dated the same day that you apply for the visa. So get letters then go to immigration the same day.

    If you're using the income method, as well as a letter from the Embassy, you also need supporting documents that show where this income is from.

    I'm not sure how much of this is new, as this is the first time I've done this.

    Which immigration office ?

  4. I wonder how much weed he had?

    Someone told me recently that you can get life in prison for possessing a small quantity for personal use. He cited an example of a farang girl who (apparently) got put away for seven years for possessing a couple of small joints.

    Is this so - or is it just rumour? Would any one care to comment on how heavy handed the law can be in this regard?

    Mess with "drugs" at your own risk in Asia !smile.png

    One female volunteer presently on death row in Indonesia and another currently on trial.

    • Like 1
  5. when I did that run a few years back, I hired a motor, it was a very enjoyable trip and quieter roads, but did experience one problem being that they only gave me a 30 day entry stamp in my passport and said it was all they ever did... perhaps you should check that out before if not desirable...

    Sorry I cant help with coach or bus service...but I can recommend the stay over in the Anderman Club.... I paid for the best part of the expenses at the Casino..... of course you could lose too smile.png)

    The Malasia run is best by coach and bus from Nathon down to Had Yai then to Penang... takes longer because it slower.. much more comfortable..

    If you do the "run" to Ranong or to the Anderman club with a valid visa you will receive a permission to stay for 60 days !

    The same applies to Malaysia..

    However if the visa is not valid only a 15 day "visa exempt" entry will be available at any land border .

  6. shes been to Camillian hospital, her registered govt hospital, but the guy who looked at it just said "give it time, it'll get better". I feel that would be the response at most govt hospitals, especially as this falls into more of the cosmetic category. Im thinking more along the lines of a private hospital like Samitivej or Bangkok Hospital.

    Sounds as if the g/f received good advice.

    if you wish to attend a private hospital then as long as you arrange to see a Dermatologist at a major hospital and not a "clinic" she will receive similar good advice.

  7. Last night during the rain our roof sprang a leaksad.png

    Today I climbed on the roof and fixed the problem.

    Should I now be awaiting Arrest? Fine? Deportation ?

    Nothing will happen ! xsmile.png.pagespeed.ic.4tUibSscbZ.webp

    People need to regain a sense of proportion

    With your last sentence you have the immigration officers in mind, right ?

    I have absolutely no fear of immigration officers but some of the comments made here terrify me !sick.gif

  8. "Im a kiwi that arrived some time ago.... I havent applied for either a retirement or an education visa yet. So far Ive been able to stay here legally by using either the 14 day exemptions or heading across to Vientainne and getting a double entry visa.

    Ive done the Myanmar crossing at Mae Sai quite a lot and on last trip was told by Thai Immigration that only 1 more crossing. I will abide by that and probably go to Laos again.

    Does anyone know of the rules or how many times one can use the 14 day exemption/visa before having to leave the kingdom? Perhaps I have inadvertantly 'abused' the system? That is not my wish but heck....I do love this place!" (sic)

    You have broken no laws but you have abused the "spirit" in which visa exempt entries and tourist visas are offered.

    in my opinion you need to become "legal" if you wish to remain in Thailand for an extended period. If your over 50 then you can apply for an extension of stay (assuming you can meet the financial requirements) or look at the possibility of an ED visa which will again involve a not inconsiderable cost,

    Continued "border" hopping will eventually result in very few options being available.



    Meant to say serial border hopping on visa exempt entries or back to back tourist visas will give the immigration officials reason to believe you are not a tourist but rather someone who is working illegally.

  9. I suspect my Thai wife would be horrified by your husbands lack of thought !

    Don not judge all by the performance of one xsmile.png.pagespeed.ic.4tUibSscbZ.webp

    I'm not thats why i am saying it often happens not always

    "Observational " research is a valid tool.

    However many 1,000's of observations need to be recorded by trained observers against an agreed protocol which has received ethical approval.

    At the conclusion of the observational period the results have to be subject to rigorous statistical process before any valid conclusions can be drawn

    Casual, ill informed. non professional and infrequent observation mean very little.

    One individual health care professional who observes an instance of poor practice should take opportunity to educate and support the perpetrator.

    Casual, non professional observers of what they consider to be "bad" practice should ask a polite question along the lines of " Is it not necessary to wear gloves for this procedure".

    However, I accept that this can be difficult if one is seeking health care in a place where an individual does not speak the language.

    There is a saying which relates to reaching a given destination -------there are many paths and non of them is wrong !

    • Like 1
  10. Here read this link if


    The same pertains to a marrage extention you can use your income along with savings and even your thai spouses income to meet the 400.000 baht

    This is bogus and misleading information.

    An extension of stay based on marriage requires 400000 in the bank or an income of 40000/month

    The money must be in the name of the applicant only.

    Spouse income is NOT taken into account.

  11. Has alcohol consumption any affect?

    Or does this not count in this case?

    Alcohol delays the processing of body sugar by the liver, it rids the body of alcohol before it processes sugar and it's a dangerous process - if you have Diabetes you should not drink alcohol except in small and measured ammounts. Google diabetes101 and read all from start to finish.

    Everyone: we have to be able to do better than this, these questions are being raised and answered daily, George even has a thread running currently where we repeat the same information over and over, can we not do better than this?

    Whilst not wishing to disagree with what you say excess alcohol has a physically damaging effect on both the pancreas and the liver. Both organs play an important role in maintaining "normal" blood sugar levels.

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