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Posts posted by Sceptict11

  1. In societies where women have a low social status rape tends to be common.

    In patriarchal rural societies it is often difficult if not impossible for such assaults to be reported.

    In some societies even reporting rape is dangerous to women as they may be blamed and punished for engaging in an "illegal" activity.

    The problem will not improve until women are valued as equals and girls have access to education by right.

  2. It is true that the work permit application must be signed by the applicant, ie the employee, even when the company handles the application and submits it to the Department of Employement (DoE), acting in the capacity of a messenger, so to speak.
    After the useful discussion we’ve had so far I suggest that we now help the OP, miaarjhan, to apply for the work permit herself if she chooses to go this route.
    Step 1: get together all documents necessary for submission with the application
    This web page is a useful starting point. In some provinces, the requirements may be a little different. Check with the DoE in that province.
    Step 2: fill out the form for the work permit application
    Unfortunately, the link to the work permit forms on the website of the DoE is again dead, but I have this copy of the work permit application form I saved in 2009 (5.4MB). Get an original form from your local DoE.

    The OP,miaarjhan , originally asked if it where possible to obtain a WP without having an identified employer.

    Can a WP be obtained on such a basis ?

  3. I notice that TV requires a GD "freelancer" urgently.


    Applications are invited from within Thailand.

    Whilst the advert is somewhat sparse in detail I presume Western ( or non Thai) "freelancers" living in Thailand need not apply. A work permit would not be available for such a person.

    Am I wrong in my assumption or should the advert have been drafted more skillfully ?

  4. I've had a triple entry from Toronto, got it July 2012, its last entry plus two extensions for each entry ran out six months ago, then I got a double entry via Herbert at Kota Bharu, extended by 30 days each time. So you're saying Herbert is WRONG (wow lol) and I can get another? Maybe I should ask the competitor...my understanding is that both consulates at Kota Bharu and Penang prefer you to go through brokers, and you might only get a single entry. Not sure about Manila. Herbert implied last time he might not be able to get a double-entry, or even a single, but he got me a double.....but this time he said it's not possible at all. Guess I'll call around, I have a week yet......either to find an agency that CAN do it, or find a course or (gasp) a job....

    thanks. A bit more encouraging than he was.

    Take note of ubonjoes words about tourist visas ! " You can use them for as long as you can get them."

    Many of the nearby countries actively discourage serial or back to back tourist visas.

    If you wish to stay in Thailand long term serial tourist visas or 15 day border hops are not the solution.

    You will eventually run out of options.



  5. It's not necessaily sugar, it's refined carbohydrates such as bread, cakes, burgers, pizza's, ready meals. fast foods, sandwiches, soft drinks such as sweetened green tea, cola's - difficult to know where to stop! Part of the problem is the adoption of western foods, another part part is reduced amount of exercise, a massive problem here in the making.

    But the problem can be solved through a healthy diet and exercise, boring I know but it's your choice, eat healthily or die young.

    Type II diabetic for the past year, now reformed!

    Yes, so how much is the cause related to nutrient deficiencies, rather than excess carbohydrates?

    An excellent question, my guess is that the problem is more about excess carbs rather than nutrient defficiency, isn't it about overloading one part of the system rather than depriving the majority? Also, were it defficiency wouldn't there be more evidence of other common diseases amongst diabetics?

    What do the published experts say?

    Here is an article which may be of interest


  6. This is badly worded but it must refer to the change of nationality from "angrit" to "britis", following a Ministry of Foreign

    Affairs directive in about 2007. I was obliged to go through this painful rigmarole to apply for Thai citizenship. The problem was that the district offices software was amended to only give out the nationality of "britis" some years ago, while Immigration kept on inscribing "angrit" in PR documents. That meant you were "angrit" on some documents and "britis" on others which was not acceptable to the Interior Ministry in applications for citizenship. Getting the police station to change the nationality in the alien book was the most difficult part of the procedure. Immigration was also very difficult and insisted on doing a 1.5 hour interview to re-verify all personal details. The Labour Ministry was the easiest, making the change on the spot. The whole ridiculous process took me three months to complete and involved several visits to Immigration at Chaengwattana and my local police station and several phone calls to both to chase up. I hope they have the process more streamlined now. Those who have tabien baans issued before the software was amended will need to get them changed too. Good luck.

    Am I missing something or is it a typo ?

    What exactly is a "britis" ?

  7. "The Visa is valid for 6 months from date of issue until activated on arrival Thailand (stamped). So you can get it ahead of time and enter Thailand within 6 months of Visa being issued. The actual Visa date will then start from when you arrive into Thailand."

    Make sure you understand that the visa is only valid for 6 months as from the date of issue !

    The visa date does Not start when you arrive in Thailand.

    When you arrive in Thailand you will be given "permission to stay" for 60 days another 30 days can be had on application to a local immigration office at a cost of 1900Bht.

    Your second entry to Thailand MUST be made prior to the visa expiring (use by date)

    You second entry can again be extended.

  8. My mom went yesterday to the Thai consulate in Amsterdam and applied for a multiple entree visa, she didn't get one as they said that the new police since this year was to give only single visas sad.png so that was what she got, a single visa only!

    What type of visa?

    Tourist visas are issued by number of entries.

    The police or immigration have nothing to do with visa rules. It is the Ministry of Foreign Affairs that does that.

    Suspect what was meant was "policy" not "police" smile.png

  9. I think this will be like the foreign police volunteers who should have WPs but are unlikely to be arrested by the police for not having them. Anyway it is a positive sign that a governor is taking the initiative and might lead to more legal or quasi legal ways for foreigners to volunteer.

    If this initiative forces out the scam "volunteer" programs which relieve many young people of cash I fully support the concept.

  10. Unfortunately we fall under Bahamian employment law, not US employment law. Althought we are based in the US, the various ships that we operate are flagged in the Bahamas. And therefor fall under Bahamian law.

    Not to insist, but when ships are docked in port (internal waters - check definition in link below), they fall all under all the US and State laws. Your case is further enforced from you having an US work Visa but not the passport in your possession while on US soil. I understand you may not want to stir trouble with your employer, but they are in the wrong by holding your passport while in the US. If you don't believe me, just have a chat with the local Port Authority.


    Agreed, and even in the Bahamas they are not allowed to keep it against our wishes.

    We are only in US waters for eight hours, twice a week. When we arrive/depart US waters my passport is required to be in my possesion (or in our case, held by the ships HR unit). So I still cannot send my passport off to an embassy whilst on contract here. If I did, I would not be allowed back on the ship (to enter the Bahamas or leave the US).

    I am able to access my passport at any time. But I'm not able to travel without it being on the ship. The easiest way for the company to make sure all 860 crew have their passports is to have them all in the HR office.



    It was me who originally raised the question of the legality of your company retaining your passport.

    Having read your explanation (above) I think (only think!) I now understand your problem. smile.png

    It would seem you are an ideal candidate for a second (justifiable) passport if your country of origin allows.

    Best wishes

  11. If you want to test your speed from Thailand to a server abroad , I can recommend using this site :


    It is a very accurate speed test out of Thailand.

    Now I normally use a 6MB line from TOT , it only cost me 599 baht .

    I see no point in subscribing to a more expensive package since the speed is so slow anyway .

    Between 6 and 9 pm I only get 0.2 to 1 mb speed outside of Thailand so it is impossible to watch any streamed content.

    During daytime and late at night I will get speeds up to 4 MB to Europe and US , more than enough to watch TV channels.

    As a backup I use my phone with DTAC 3G and connect it to my PC as a wifi modem .

    It is actually better to use than TOT during the evenings since TOT speed is so slow then .

    Its now 22:50

    Results 1.9Mbts Down

    562Kbs Up


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