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Posts posted by Sceptict11

  1. Sorry, but I think you have either an imaginary ailment or one that you have wrongly mis-diagnosed. Candida is part if the normal flora of many parts of the body. It will overgrow on occasion in specific locations, usually due to either antibiotic treatment or immunosuppression/immunocompromise, and that is easily treated.

    The idea that people are walking around with some sort of disseminated candida infection is simply not valid scientifically. It is however promoted by various purveyors of quack remedies.

    yes but this is what happened to me, I had 2 tooth extraction with infection and 2 antibiotics treatments on an interval of 30 days

    but even before this event my level of candida was higher than normal

    I feel it because when I drink more than 4 beers, the day after I have a very boring day, like a double hangover, and some vertigo appear if I drink more than 6-7 beers, this happen because the candida convert alcool to acetaldehyde (arround 8 hours after I've drunk alcool)

    Just as a matter of interest what is a "normal" level of candida and how is that measured ?

    How do you know that your level of candida is "higher " than "normal"

    What are the symptoms ?

    I have heard of getting drunk but this is the first time I have known "candida" to blamed for intemperate behavior.

    It is , in all probability , your abuse of alcohol which is causing the "problem " NOT candida

    Your solution is to stop drinking alcohol !

  2. It cannot be solved quickly since the fungus candida albicans convert the sugar in the body to alcool, and then to ethanal (acetaldehyde that the body cannot eliminate)

    I had the same problem 3 years ago after beeing intoxicated with anti-cockroach spray, I have followed a plant treatment, and begin to feel good after 2 weeks, but the full treatment take months (I didn't followed until the end because I like too much chocolate and drink beer...)

    Much to complicated for for me to understand !

  3. Candida Albicans usually only causes a "thrush" problem and is responsible for oral and genital infection.

    Very easily treated !

    "Detox" is expensive "quack" treatment which "cures" nothing !

    ​Occasionally immunocompromised individuals will develop a systemic candidiasis which results in serious illness. Treatment for this condition is only available whilst a hospital inpatient.

    What exactly do you believe your problem is ?

  4. From the BBC website ..............

    "If the government does shut down on 1 October, national parks and Washington's Smithsonian museums would close, pension and veterans' benefit cheques would be delayed, and visa and passport applications would go unprocessed."

    Extract from the Gettysburg Address

    "and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth." !

  5. A re entry permit allows exit and re entry during an already approved period (permission to stay date)

    It does not provide any additional time in country.

    On return you will be permitted to stay up to the date already stamped in your passport.(permission to stay date)

    You will not receive any extra time !

  6. Your status as a "retired" member of the armed forces gives no special privileges in relation to immigration law.

    Tourist visas are intended to facilitate tourism but your passport seems to suggest that an abuse of the system has taken place.

    The Tourist visa and visa exempt entry's are not intended to facilitate long term stays.

    I would suspect you will experience difficulty obtaining tourist visas in any of the nearby countries even if you can "prove" you are not working.

    Your options are limited. You nay be able to gain an ed visa you do not have to study Thai but you will have to prove attendance if you wish the visa to be extended.

  7. If you have a visa entry suspect Nong Khai immigration will issue (believe separate office from crossing). If you have an extension of stay you should obtain from office you obtained extension.

    so if i get second entry entry for my visa in immigratrion office will i be allowed to stay in Thailand up to 60 days more when im back from trip ?

    You told us that you had a single entry tourist visa . When entering Thailand a 60 day permission to stay was granted by immigration. This can be extended by 30 days on application at a local immigration office.

    You cannot obtain a second entry from immigration !

    If another 60 day stay is wanted you must leave Thailand and get another tourist visa. On return to Thailand another 60 day permission to stay will be given.

  8. I have 60 days 1 entry tourist visa. If i apply for another entry and make a trip how long will I be allowed to stay in thailand when im back? 60 days more?

    You need to apply for a new VISA not another entry. For this you will need to go to a consulate/embassy in a nearby country.

    Tourist visas provide for a 60 day stay which is extendable at an immigration office for a futher 30 days at a cost of 1900Bht

  9. I doubt much will be lost if another month or two is allowed to go by.

    The girls "normal" pattern of menstruation may well become re-established.

    If , however , a normal pattern is not re-established within the very near future then medical advise MUST be sought.

    Its a pity that the parents seem to harbor some antipathy toward the medical profession.

    The rejection of "drugs" would seem to indicate a somewhat extreme stance.

    I am left wondering under what circumstances would medication be acceptable ?

  10. Yes it's a crappy newspaper and there's probably lots of inaccuracies in the article so treat it as anecdotal, but it does point there being an increase in diabetes in the UK, specifically amongst Asian residents:



    A totally unreliable source for health care information.

    People originating from South Asia are known to have a higher incidence of diabetes ( and heart disease) !

    This is not news !

  11. There has for many years been a body of opinion which argued against routine PSA testing especially with the finding of a digitally unremarkable prostate on examination.

    As you are now aware testing can and does raise dilemmas for both clinician and patient. Once an "elevated" PSA is found there has (and still is) pressure for continued investigation which in turn can lead to prostetectomy.

    I can only state my own belief ( This is not advise)

    I will never have a routine PSA!

    If my prostate is ever found to be "abnormal" on examination (Not BPH) then I may agree to an MRI scan and a "template or saturation biopsy" (a procedure which samples more of the prostate but requires a general anaesthetic to achieve.)

    Finally would I agree to radical treatment ? The honest answer is I do not know!


    Thanks smile.png

    I wonder if there is a requirement for a 6 month passport validity at land border crossings ?

    Perhaps one of the experts will advise.

    well, as the computer picked up on the lack of 6 months and red flagged me, i would assume it is the same at EVERY entry point. experts can offer all the opinions they want, im just sayin that I was denied entry because i didnt have 6 months left WHEN I TRIED TO USE A SECOND ENTRY. and the immigration officer at the provincial immigration office confirmed that this was the policy.

    Not necessarily.

    There are some differences associated with land borders one being the 15 day visa exempt entry. 30 days visa exempt (for qualifying passports) at airports.

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