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Everything posted by Myran

  1. How the hell is anyone supposed to answer this question when you give absolutely zero details? WHERE did you see this message? "pre-registration or member code" FOR WHAT?!?!?!?!?! Jesus <deleted> Christ.
  2. Just wait until the book is released. Then he'll reveal that he was actually tossed onto deadly spikes from a 50 meter tall building, forced to sleep with starved crocodiles, and molested by the reincarnated corpse of Jimmy Savile.
  3. "that matter, which comprises everything in our universe cannot come from nothing" No one has made this claim. "that it came from God, our creator. That's plain common sense thinking." It's the opposite of common sense. You could make up a billion stories about how the world came to be that don't involve the scientifically accepted theories, and all of them would be equally viable as your god. "diseases, natural catastrophes and the like, are his way of trying to wake us up." Why? If he's almighty, then he can easily prove that he exists and make the world a much better place without taking away anyone's free will. You're willing to accept these huge leaps in logic by calling it faith. What would you say to a parent that lets his children run out on a busy highway or play with a loaded gun and justifies it by saying: "They have free will"?
  4. Mate, mate, mate. You threatened people with eternal torture for not believing the utterly unproven thing that you believe. That's what religion does to some people: it makes them evil, and at the same time allows them to think their good. Never forget that this is what you think about people who don't agree with you. Absolutely disgusting.
  5. Fairly obvious what he means, unless you set out to misunderstand. He's talking about moving away from the trans ideology, not trans people. Not saying I agree with him, but it's quite ridiculous to intentionally misunderstand and misrepresent what he's saying.
  6. "Who said the universe was created for me and a few others?" You, since you believe that the universe, Earth, and everything else was created for the benefit of humans. I can't imagine a more self-centered idea. "I never said my understanding of science was anything to do with biblical" No, I did. In the sense that it's incredibly wrong and based on ideas that people came up with 2000 years ago to make up stories for things they didn't understand. "I'm saying God made everything" Based on what? What makes the Christian story about the world's creation any more believable than the thousands of other creation stories that other religions claim are true? "And again, since it's not getting through, there isn't ANY evidence the universe wasn't created" There we have it. An absolute classic when Christians have nothing to bring to the table. There isn't ANY evidence that the Millenium Leprechaun didn't accidentally conjure the universe into existence through a particularly violent bowel movement. We can make up a million different stories that can't be proven to have not happened, and all are equally as viable as your god. "Yes, by God" Haha, what? Did you seriously just claim that lack of evidence of intelligent design is proof of intelligent design? "Do you not know that assuming you know anyone" No idea where you're getting that from. I'm not assuming to know you. I presume to judge all fallacies and ignorant things you write as signs of your unintelligence and brain washing. "My arguments are as valid as yours" No, saying "God did it!" is not valid, while pointing at actual scientific evidence for things such as cosmological history, evolution, and similar concepts are valid. "Neither of us has real proof that God" Again, this is absolutely ridiculous and only puts your god on the same level as the flying spaghetti monster, Bigfoot, and other made-up creatures. The burden of proof lies solely with the one making fantastical claims. "You look around every day of your life and you see the miracles of life and the universe. They just happened?" I haven't seen any miracles. I've seen some pretty amazing things and incredible coincidences, but nothing that points towards a god existing. "When you die, remember what I've said when you come in front of God" I'll happily spit in your evil god's face when I meet him, knowing I'm so much better than him (not that it'll ever happen, since there nothing points to him existing). But I'm sure you two will have loads of fun talking about children being kept as sex slaves, tortured and tormented for years. If you ever meet such a person, don't forget to tell them how much your god loves them, that they were tortured and raped for a very good reason, and that they have a reserved spot at god's table (unless they have been lazy, envied anyone, or felt pride, in which case they're going straight to hell for eternal torture). "Satan, I have another one for you" Remember lines like this when you claim that you're a good person. That when someone doesn't share your beliefs, you think they should end up in hell and be tortured for eternity. Never forget that this is what you, a self-proclaimed "good person", thinks. Truly evil on an absolutely frightening scale.
  7. "Kinda arrogant, and maybe a little narcissistic." Hahahaha, coming from the guy that thinks the ENTIRE UNIVERSE was created especially for him and a select few. "The earth's movement is called an ellipse" It's really encouraging to see you using Google and actually learning some real facts about the world, instead of relying on a book of fairytales. Keep it up, buddy! "you would vanish from this forum very embarrassed" Hilarious. You've demonstrated time and time again that your understand of science and the natural world is on a very biblical level. "But it still remains a perfect distance away to allow life to flourish, unlike other planets in our solar system." There's literally trillions and trillions of stars in the universe, so the chances of having a few million planets at a good enough distance from their respective suns to support life are fairly big. Earth might be unique in that life has developed, but it's far from the only planet that could support life. "If the earth adapted to this, how did that come to be?" No idea what you mean by this. Environmental factors don't exist in a vacuum, but affect each other. Water in a naturally cold climate will be frozen and water in a warm climate will be liquid and/or evaporate. Was either natural environment created for the purpose of having water in a specific form? Of course not. They're just environmental factors affecting each other. "How do you know how many gods there are if they don't exist?" Because there are records of these gods and their respective religions... I thought it was fairly evident, but I'll spell it out to you since you seem to have some issues with taking in information: I don't believe in any of these gods, including yours. That's another really funny part of you religious people. You're literally saying that 4999 gods are made-up and not real, while I'm saying that one additional one is made-up and not real. "I know what the Big Bang is about, but what made it happen?" We don't know that, but we're working on it. I know it's tempting to shove "the god of the gaps" in every nook and cranny that science hasn't found an answer for yet, but it's really getting ridiculous. "How is that different than my thinking" Evidence. "which God put there so we would have faith in believing in the afterlife" Jesus Christ. "You see all this stuff that points towards the human body NOT being intelligently designed? That's proof that the human body was intelligently designed." How can you take yourself seriously? Your arguments are absolutely laughable.
  8. Big surprise, another wall of poorly formated nonsense, full of anecdotes and nothing to back up your claims. If your god is almighty then he could stop torture, murder, rape, and a plethora of other horrible things in the world with the flick of a finger. He chooses not to, and you justify that by calling it "free will", all with the goal of you personally going to heaven. That's not the mark of a good person. Quite the opposite. "and it just happened to occur just the exact distance from our sun" I repeat: Earth's distance to the sun fluctuates GREATLY. It's not at some magical distance where one slight shift would cause it to not be able to support life. And I again point you to the allegory with the puddle. The pothole wasn't created to perfectly fit the puddle, the puddle adapted to the circumstances. "Just how do you think this world came to be?" You can read up on the Big Bang here, on a level even you should be able to understand. As to what existed before that, we don't know, and that's totally fine. We're not gonna scream "Science did it!" and pretend like that is the end of it. We're going to create hypothesis and theories, and see what the evidence points at, like grown-ups. Even if the Big Bang should be proven to be false, you're not one step closer to proving that the Christian god created the world. You have 5000 other gods to compete with, with vastly differing and contradicting ideas as to how it happened. "You haven't said one word to support another possibility." I have, but you're to thick to take it in, apparently. The information is there for you to read and possibly understand. I can't force you to. The Big Bang, evolution, cosmology, etc. There's a reason religion is referred to as a "steadily shrinking bubble of ignorance". "If you don't believe there's a God, why do you call him..." Because this imaginary, evil monster is what you worship and defend. Imagine defending John Wayne Gacy or Ted Bundy, saying: "They probably had their reasons! It's beyond your understanding! It's all about free will!" "All from one explosion many years ago, and out of this explosion came not just all the planets and stars in the universe, but all the species on earth, and the intricacies of the human brain and it's wonders of creation itself?" Thank you for proving without any reasonable doubt that you have no idea what you're talking about ???? Again, read up on what the Big Bang actually was and how it lead to the formation of stars, planets, etc. You can then move on to evolution for elementary students. I'd advice you to take a closer look on the deficiencies, flaws, and vestigual elements of the human body, since many Christians have this weird idea of it being "perfect". "A Myanmar monk was dead for three days, and about to be burned at the temple, when he came back, and mentioned he saw Buddha in hell. Hard to explain." A Hindu was dead for several days and said he met Vishnu, Shiva, and the rest of the gang, who told him they are the only gods in the world and that all other religions are wrong. Hard to explain that. I guess we have proof that Hindus were right all along. Because that's how anecdotes work, right?
  9. Again, wall of text with zero substance. As usual, I might add, with religious people with absolutely zero to back up their claims. "Because I can't prove God exists doesn't mean he doesn't." You can't prove a purple, invisible, intangible unicorn isn't pooping on your head, therefore we might as well assume it exists and make sure to worship it, lest we end up in poopy unicorn hell. "You've said you have never had faith. Why is that? Were your parents atheists also?" Nope, they had a slight belief in "something bigger" because they were brought up in Christian homes. But I was encouraged to make up my own mind, making it easy to come to the conclusion that religion is a bunch of fairytales people came up with thousands of years ago to explain what they saw in the world, since they didn't have the means to explain what it actually was. "I went to a Catholic school for 8 years" Say no more. You're brainwashed and you have my deepest sympathies. "Some teach that we have different lives, with also no proof." Hahaha, so that's where you draw the line in regard to proof, eh? "If he indeed made everything, he has the right to make his own laws" And you have the right to decide whether or not the incredibly evil, petty, violent, murdering, enslavement-endorsing, and overall nasty god of the Bible is worthy of praise and worship. You have decided that it is so, not because you're a good person, but because you want to be rewarded. Really says a lot about Christians, that they would worship something so incredibly evil and not just turn a blind eye to, but actually try to justify all it's evil, disgusting deeds, just for their own benefit. I'd rather spend my life focused on my actual life, for there is zero reason to believe there's gonna be anything after it. On top of that, I do good deeds and help others not because of the promise of divine rewards, but because I'm actually a good person.
  10. "after < 1 month of dating" "but do feel I love her" You can't love someone that you don't know, and getting to know someone on that level takes considerable time. Considering you're just a month in and already giving her money and getting invited to the family, it doesn't really sound promising. Only you can decide what works for you, but it's not a relationship I would take any further.
  11. "Overstaying is when someone stays past the date of their legal visa without permission from Thai Immigration" Imagine being a news site in Thailand aimed at foreigners and not knowing the difference between a visa and a permit to stay.
  12. Anyone except the comma and period keys should do ????
  13. You constantly come up with these walls of text that has absolutely zero substance. You're typing hundreds of words where the only take-away is: "Nuh-uh! I already knew that! And God did it, only a fool couldn't see that!". With absolutely nothing to back it up. Faith has zero value in this context. Faith is believing something despite there being no reason to, besides the fuzzy, warm feeling it gives you inside. I have never had any faith and have not "stopped believing". What made you not believe in the other 4999 gods that are claimed to exist, and why is your fairytale more believable than the thousands of others that also claim to be true? You would be claiming that Hinduism has the right answers equally as vehemently, had you been brought up Hindu. It has zero to do with any evidence or proof you've seen in the world. As to justifying your god murdering and torturing children with the diseases he has created, I won't even comment. It's so wicked and absolutely disgusting.
  14. Hahaha, you just keep on giving ???? Natural "laws" arent' prescriptive, but descriptive. They were created by humans to describe phenomena we witness in the world and provide the most plausible reasons for why they happen. "Having a gaseous atmosphere doesn't mean it can support life, and I assume you knew this?" Yes, I absolutely knew it. You didn't, which is why you incorrectly claimed that "they don't even know if they have atmospheres". But congratulations on looking it up and actually learning something factual about the world. "how the earth is exactly the right distance from the sun for life to exist" Look at a pothole filled with rain water. How amazing is it that the pothole has exactly the shape and volume to perfectly fit that specific puddle? Truly a miracle and proof that someone created that pothole intelligently for just that puddle. It's the only explanation, right? "There are sadly many like you out there, that can't think for themselves and have to be followers of other humans." Says the person following a 2000-year-old book of fairytales (written by humans), with laughably incorrect descriptions of how the world works. "Having some evidence means they have a clue, having proof means proven. [...] His proof is in what we see daily." Step aside scientist with verifiable and testable evidence, fred is here with actual proof ???? "If you think all of the universe's and world's wonders, the different species" Don't forget cancer slowly torturing children to death every single day, people being raped and horrendously mutilated and killed, bacteria eating away at someone's flesh – all the while, your almighty "god" could stop it at any second with the flick of a finger, but chooses not to. Truly a being of immense love and warmth. Imagine worshipping such a twisted and evil creature. Keep at it, mate. I feel for you and all other religious people who have been brainwashed since birth. It's not actually your fault, but you should realize that there's a way out.
  15. Again, you show your complete lack of knowledge. A scientific theory isn't the same as Barry in the bar going, "I've got a theory 'bout that!". In order to qualify as a theory in science, there needs to be loads and loads of evidence backing it up, which of course is the case for the Big Bang. Gravity is a theory as well, but that doesn't mean we don't know how it works. We don't know what preceded the Big Bang, and that's totally fine. Science doesn't claim to know everything, unlike religion ("God did it!"). "How did this Big Bang happen, if it wasn't from God?" From a unicorn sneezing and farting at the same time. Or any other thing you can dream up that has exactly the same amount of evidence as your god (zero). And I don't have to assume what you know, since you won't seize to demonstrate your ignorance. "Some assume there is the possibility of life on planets outside of our solar system. This without seeing the planets or knowing if they have an atmosphere." What on Earth are you on about? We have other planets in our own solar system with atmospheres, and we were able to measure atmospheres on other planets using the Hubble telescope over 20 years ago. And of course we're going to make the assumption that there might be other planets out there that can support life. You're just complete illitarate when it comes to science and the actual world. It's downright laughable ????
  16. You clearly have no idea what you're talking about. No scientists are claiming there was nothing before the Big Bang. Big Bang is a theory on the initial expansion of this universe, not an attempt at explaining the beginning of existance.
  17. You should check your keyboard. Your post is full of rows of periods and commas.
  18. Absolute nonsense. There are tons and tons of bad reviews of everything in Thailand. It's when you go over the top, like claiming that the employer treats his staff like slaves, that you might end up in trouble.
  19. I regard it as a way to mark incorrect information, so people don't accept it as fact and act on it. A comment like: "You can still get Covid extentions, don't worry about it." can easily trick someone into believing it's true, but if it has 18 confused emojis, that's a clear indication that something's fishy and might make the person ready more replies in the topic.
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