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Everything posted by Myran

  1. A white lie now and again is hardly the end of the world, but this sort of thing is far from reasonable. She's obviously up to no good, whatever it is. I'd confront her by saying you know what she's been up to over there, and then see what she confesses too.
  2. Ah, my bad. Then a VPN or proxy on the computer might be the culprit. Some browsers, like Opera, have built-in VPN's. On the management page for your Google account you should be able to see all devices that are logged in. Perhaps you can spot something that looks amiss there (like a device being logged in from a different country).
  3. As Jai points out, you likely have 2FA activated. That shouldn't trigger all the time, though. Only when you log in from a new device or a new place. Perhaps your new phone has a VPN activated?
  4. Sad, but the gun nuts don't care how many men, women, and children fall victim to this madness, as long as they get to keep their boom-boom sticks.
  5. Yes, it's the same account.
  6. She's probably better off being distanced from that child-sniffing creep.
  7. Looks like Giant Taro.
  8. Extremely irresponsible to ask something as inaccurate as ChatGPT and then present the rubbish it produces as facts.
  9. Was it the same guy who mowed his own lawn and got deported/imprisoned/extorted? Stop spreading this nonsense. It never happened.
  10. Asians and westerners have very different hair, so unless you go to someone with lots of experience cutting westerners' hair, chances are it's not gonna be perfect. The bit more expensive places in tourist areas are usually the best choice.
  11. To piss off sad old farts who can't seem to mind their own business.
  12. Sounds absolutely mental, bordering on child abuse. Getting enough sleep is extremely important for a child's development and having to wake up before 5am is absolutely not good.
  13. Reminds me of the time my neighbor fell penis first into another womans nether regions while she happened to be lying in the bed his wife usually occupied. Talk about bad luck.
  14. I've never experienced this behavior. It sounds like a mix of delusion, oversensitivity, and confirmation bias on your part. The few foreigners I've seen treated with some sort of disdain by Thai people where themselves acting anti-socially or entitled in some way.
  15. "room was covered in smog" Incredibly unlikely.
  16. Did you read the article? The headline and article spells out that he was trying to evade immigration officials. Nowhere does it imply that the was attendind immigration offices, border crossings, or other places where you might happen upon immigration officers.
  17. Where's the scandal? He isn't allowed to kiss people because he's a governor?
  18. Sounds like a bubble worth living in.
  19. No one would mistake a bottle of 7-Up for water after opening it. The fizz clearly gives it away. Funny anecdote, but you obviously didn't put it in your coffee.
  20. "as his popularity has brought worldwide recognition to Kanchanaburi" Who should be the first to tell them that no one outside of Thailand has any idea who this guy is?
  21. No. Stop speeding and it won't be a problem.
  22. Because I like it and love when busy-bodies throw a hissy-fit over it, just like my socks in sandals.
  23. Koh Chang is pretty nice.
  24. Which is why you encourage them to not set their minds on picking your house, by making it the riskiest one to enter (well-lit outside, doors/windows that are harder and noisier to break up, etc.).
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