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Everything posted by Myran

  1. I will revert to the same condition as before I was born, which is to not exist. Nothing magical or special about it, so make the most out of the time you get.
  2. Yeah, <deleted> heterocentric, bigotted, vile, neo-nazi dumbasses such as myself, for making an observation based on a potentially positive outcome. I've learned my lesson and will stay the hell away from commenting on anything regarding homosexuality. Thank you, Jingthing, for gatekeeping these topics and making sure only the right people are allowed to have an opinion and comment.
  3. Gonna be interesting to see whether or not foreign males married to Thai males will have to show financial proof for the marriage extension (since female foreigners married to Thai males don't have to).
  4. "his device for recording parcel data malfunctioned due to sweat dripping onto the screen, causing the package to be marked as received without actually having been delivered" ????
  5. I recently spilled wine on one of my favourite T-shirts. Damn Brexit!
  6. Myran

    an awful day

    Of all the things that never happened, this never happened the most.
  7. What is up with all the nonsense topics being posted on AN as of late? Are some members being paid or incentivized to post as many topics as possible to increase activity, or what's going on?
  8. Myran


    It's posted in the "Phuket" part of the forum, so probably Phuket.
  9. "The widespread response to the post highlights the need for standardized pricing" No, it highlights the need to ask about the price before you go ahead with the service.
  10. So you act like a cuck and are then surprised when people treat you like one?
  11. 400,000 in the bank two months before extension. Doesn't matter where the funds come from.
  12. "this natural quarry" Ah, where the minerals extract themselves from the earth for commercial use. Amazing how Mother Nature works.
  13. Sounds like he should be investigated then, if he was so quick to believe that he had taken part in money laundering.
  14. The expression is Caveat emptor.
  15. Probably. The area leading up to the pier is downhill as well.
  16. Yeah, because if there's one thing that really gets foodies going, it's sustainability.
  17. Very good, indeed. One can only hope that this will be a turning-point for the country, where the old dinosaurs from all sides are tossed out and a new generation with higher morals takes over. Wishful thinking, but let's hope.
  18. Yeah, and why eat at restaurants when you can eat at home? And why stay at hotels when you can sleep at home? And why take the bus when you can just drive yourself? And why have the kids in a nursery school when you can take care of them yourself? And why go to a doctor when you can just Google the symptoms and self-medicate?
  19. No, it's a summary. The sources are listed at the bottom of the article.
  20. Good luck with that. They'll plant as much as they can and then complain when it doesn't work out, demanding that the government bail them out, as usual.
  21. I sincerely doubt he was evicted for no reason.
  22. If she can afford to buy cannabis she can afford to take care of herself.
  23. Have the conditions this guy's dad is claiming actually been verified or are people just assuming that they're true? In the original article linked in the OP, it also says that he had to sleep in his underwear, not naked. Neither does it mention him being denied his medication, just that it was taken off of him, which sounds quite reasonable when you're incarcerated. Not saying that what they're saying isn't true, but it seems people are accepting it as fact even though it's just second-hand information from this guy's father.
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