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Everything posted by Myran

  1. "When I moved in, I started seeing damages that were not listed" Then you should have checked better before moving in.
  2. Naw, does the brigade need their safe space? Talk about being a snowflake, throwing a hissy-fit over an image.
  3. What on Earth are you people on about? "Singular they" has been used for hundreds of years to refer to people in (you guessed it) singular. It's not some recent invention of the woke movement, as you seem to think. The fact that you thought it was incorrect really says alot about your English skills.
  4. It is relevant as an answer to the incorrect statement that en education visa is a non-o.
  5. I stated that an education visa is not a non-o. That's it.
  6. Suits him right. So many of these livestreamers seem to consider the world their personal playground and everyone in it their props, shoving cameras in people's faces and pulling of "pranks".
  7. Have Kasikorn started to issue virtual cards again? People haven't been able to apply for them for a couple of years, with constant promises from Kasikorn that they would "soon" be available again.
  8. "Ends Tragically" I beg to differ. Seems like the best possible outcome.
  9. I managed to have my stamp transferred at a different immigration office, but I had to contact the office where the stamp was issued to have them "update the stamp in the online system". The people at the old immigration office that I talked to over the phone had no idea what I wanted done, but eventually I got an immigration officer at my new office to talk to them, and they sorted it out. Not sure if that's something Phuket/Trang will do, but it seems to be doable in general.
  10. What an absolute man-child. If you're breaking the lease, you forfeit the deposit. The fact that you're "legally allowed" to break the lease doesn't mean you get the deposit back.
  11. Post a link to these news. And not just some clueless blogger or similar.
  12. Not sure what the procedure is for something as big of a purchase as a condo, but my wife signed as guarantor when a relative bought a car on finance, without showing anything related to her finances (she basically didn't own anything at that point and didn't have an income anyway).
  13. Sounds like he's the guarantor, so he's absolutely liable for it if she doesn't pay.
  14. No, that's not what hacking is.
  15. Then the airline got hacked, not your cards.
  16. Someone getting a hold of your card info and using it does not mean that they have been "hacked".
  17. "6 senators who were senior armed forces figures were absent because of other important duties" If their other duties are so important that they can't attend to their duties as senators, perhaps they shouldn't be senators?
  18. Absolutely. You can also refer to Ferraris as Fords, oranges as apples, and Tom Hanks as Flippity-floppety-floo.
  19. "I have a car. It does a weird thing when I try to do the thing. Thanks in advance."
  20. The Thai people should sue the 159 abstaining senators, who are obviously incapable or unwilling to do their job.
  21. That is how your ilk are depicted in the video. Not foreigners in general.
  22. "That is how we are percieved in Thailand. Because it is the reality." Correction: that is how you and your ilk are perceived in Thailand.
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