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Everything posted by Myran

  1. "after < 1 month of dating" "but do feel I love her" You can't love someone that you don't know, and getting to know someone on that level takes considerable time. Considering you're just a month in and already giving her money and getting invited to the family, it doesn't really sound promising. Only you can decide what works for you, but it's not a relationship I would take any further.
  2. "Overstaying is when someone stays past the date of their legal visa without permission from Thai Immigration" Imagine being a news site in Thailand aimed at foreigners and not knowing the difference between a visa and a permit to stay.
  3. Anyone except the comma and period keys should do ????
  4. You constantly come up with these walls of text that has absolutely zero substance. You're typing hundreds of words where the only take-away is: "Nuh-uh! I already knew that! And God did it, only a fool couldn't see that!". With absolutely nothing to back it up. Faith has zero value in this context. Faith is believing something despite there being no reason to, besides the fuzzy, warm feeling it gives you inside. I have never had any faith and have not "stopped believing". What made you not believe in the other 4999 gods that are claimed to exist, and why is your fairytale more believable than the thousands of others that also claim to be true? You would be claiming that Hinduism has the right answers equally as vehemently, had you been brought up Hindu. It has zero to do with any evidence or proof you've seen in the world. As to justifying your god murdering and torturing children with the diseases he has created, I won't even comment. It's so wicked and absolutely disgusting.
  5. Hahaha, you just keep on giving ???? Natural "laws" arent' prescriptive, but descriptive. They were created by humans to describe phenomena we witness in the world and provide the most plausible reasons for why they happen. "Having a gaseous atmosphere doesn't mean it can support life, and I assume you knew this?" Yes, I absolutely knew it. You didn't, which is why you incorrectly claimed that "they don't even know if they have atmospheres". But congratulations on looking it up and actually learning something factual about the world. "how the earth is exactly the right distance from the sun for life to exist" Look at a pothole filled with rain water. How amazing is it that the pothole has exactly the shape and volume to perfectly fit that specific puddle? Truly a miracle and proof that someone created that pothole intelligently for just that puddle. It's the only explanation, right? "There are sadly many like you out there, that can't think for themselves and have to be followers of other humans." Says the person following a 2000-year-old book of fairytales (written by humans), with laughably incorrect descriptions of how the world works. "Having some evidence means they have a clue, having proof means proven. [...] His proof is in what we see daily." Step aside scientist with verifiable and testable evidence, fred is here with actual proof ???? "If you think all of the universe's and world's wonders, the different species" Don't forget cancer slowly torturing children to death every single day, people being raped and horrendously mutilated and killed, bacteria eating away at someone's flesh – all the while, your almighty "god" could stop it at any second with the flick of a finger, but chooses not to. Truly a being of immense love and warmth. Imagine worshipping such a twisted and evil creature. Keep at it, mate. I feel for you and all other religious people who have been brainwashed since birth. It's not actually your fault, but you should realize that there's a way out.
  6. Again, you show your complete lack of knowledge. A scientific theory isn't the same as Barry in the bar going, "I've got a theory 'bout that!". In order to qualify as a theory in science, there needs to be loads and loads of evidence backing it up, which of course is the case for the Big Bang. Gravity is a theory as well, but that doesn't mean we don't know how it works. We don't know what preceded the Big Bang, and that's totally fine. Science doesn't claim to know everything, unlike religion ("God did it!"). "How did this Big Bang happen, if it wasn't from God?" From a unicorn sneezing and farting at the same time. Or any other thing you can dream up that has exactly the same amount of evidence as your god (zero). And I don't have to assume what you know, since you won't seize to demonstrate your ignorance. "Some assume there is the possibility of life on planets outside of our solar system. This without seeing the planets or knowing if they have an atmosphere." What on Earth are you on about? We have other planets in our own solar system with atmospheres, and we were able to measure atmospheres on other planets using the Hubble telescope over 20 years ago. And of course we're going to make the assumption that there might be other planets out there that can support life. You're just complete illitarate when it comes to science and the actual world. It's downright laughable ????
  7. You clearly have no idea what you're talking about. No scientists are claiming there was nothing before the Big Bang. Big Bang is a theory on the initial expansion of this universe, not an attempt at explaining the beginning of existance.
  8. You should check your keyboard. Your post is full of rows of periods and commas.
  9. Absolute nonsense. There are tons and tons of bad reviews of everything in Thailand. It's when you go over the top, like claiming that the employer treats his staff like slaves, that you might end up in trouble.
  10. I regard it as a way to mark incorrect information, so people don't accept it as fact and act on it. A comment like: "You can still get Covid extentions, don't worry about it." can easily trick someone into believing it's true, but if it has 18 confused emojis, that's a clear indication that something's fishy and might make the person ready more replies in the topic.
  11. A white lie now and again is hardly the end of the world, but this sort of thing is far from reasonable. She's obviously up to no good, whatever it is. I'd confront her by saying you know what she's been up to over there, and then see what she confesses too.
  12. Ah, my bad. Then a VPN or proxy on the computer might be the culprit. Some browsers, like Opera, have built-in VPN's. On the management page for your Google account you should be able to see all devices that are logged in. Perhaps you can spot something that looks amiss there (like a device being logged in from a different country).
  13. As Jai points out, you likely have 2FA activated. That shouldn't trigger all the time, though. Only when you log in from a new device or a new place. Perhaps your new phone has a VPN activated?
  14. Sad, but the gun nuts don't care how many men, women, and children fall victim to this madness, as long as they get to keep their boom-boom sticks.
  15. Yes, it's the same account.
  16. Extremely irresponsible to ask something as inaccurate as ChatGPT and then present the rubbish it produces as facts.
  17. Was it the same guy who mowed his own lawn and got deported/imprisoned/extorted? Stop spreading this nonsense. It never happened.
  18. Asians and westerners have very different hair, so unless you go to someone with lots of experience cutting westerners' hair, chances are it's not gonna be perfect. The bit more expensive places in tourist areas are usually the best choice.
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