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Everything posted by Confuscious

  1. This gives the whole story a new twist. I wonder if the sister will be arrested as well for supplying the Cyanide. A "Family Business"?
  2. Many "Serial killers" have passed the review, but it was never established what was driving them to keep killing. I remember the case of the "Human Cannibal (in Thailand)" who used to kidnap young children and eat their heart while it was still beating. But not any of them gave a valable reason for their actions.
  3. That has always been my thaught. If any official department starts an action, there has been a whistleblower sending the information to them. Expect to read in a few days about a corpe found burned to death in an orchard somewhere nearby.
  4. Charlie Chaplin, Buster Keaton, Mister Bean, and many others made movies without speaking 1 word. Yes, their face and their limbs could speak more than 1 thouend words. Take care about how you look at somebody. Not everybody sepaks the same "Dumb" language as you. RIP to the poor deceased guy
  5. From the clip: "If you can not or nor want to support your Thai girlfriend, go back to your country and find a girlfriend there because ASIAN CULTURE is about supporting your girlfriend."
  6. 1. My post was in answer to why he is allowed to stay in the country based on previous attacks. 2. It is not clear now if the attack was not because of a rude comment of the singer (self defense). 3. He is from a "rich and powerful" family, so the odds that he will get deported will be minimal.
  7. OMG, half of the police/tourist police harass 300 tourists in Pattaya to find nothing wrong and claim the they are protecting the country ... But 2 tourist police officers wants to help a LADY with her suitcases at the airport and Pol. Gen. Damrongsak Kittiprapas orders an urgent investigation .... What an amazing country .... NOT
  8. Yeah, some people believe in a man that walks on the water or know how to turn blood in wine ... Luckely, Thai people don't believe in such things ....
  9. Translation: Police Superintendent Wichai Meekhwan is waiting to see who brings the biggest "brown enveloppes" to close this case ....
  10. 1. He is not on drugs. 2. He is not overstaying his visa. 3. He did not entered the country illegally. So, "YES", he is allowed to conitnue his stay in Thailand.
  11. "SOM NAM NAA" old guy. Be more careful how you treat other beings next life ....
  12. Did they check the employees for "Protitution" as well? Or do they need to call in another team to check for "Prostitution"? AMAZING THAILAND
  13. At the end 9f last century, woman started to fight for their right of independency. I remember seeing on the television clips of woman who had started a successful business and "man" had turned into house slaves (cleaning, wash dishes, babysitting, etc..) But when i look at thaivisa.com, all the woman in there ask for a man who want to support them. Did woman indepency went wrong in Thailand?
  14. The OP is not about the Bible but about the current developments and how you think about it. - AI has already been seen as a danger to mankind by several AI developers and they have called to stop that. - A few super rich people joint to the New World order to control population. - A few super rich people want to explore new planets to create their own world. For every of these actions, there are reactions (Karma) which can be nefast to us. What is your opinion on that?
  15. So, for most of you, because it's in the Bible it is nonsense. What if it was written by Nostradamus? Artificial intelligence has been recognized as a threat to humanity by several of the big thinkers on earth and have even named the danger that robots with AI could see humans as a danger and destroy them. That's the reason why they start to call a ban on the development of AI.
  16. Long ago, when I was very young, I was enrolled in a Catholic school where Monks were teaching. Thus, the majority of the teaching was Catholic based (The Bible). One phrase I remember very well was: "When Mankind wants to imitate the creation of our Lord in Heaven, the Lord will destroy Mankind". We see in the last 50 years how Medical Interventions are capable to modify Gods creation (change sex; Replace sick organs; replace Limbs, etc.) with success. We can see also how Mankind is able to alter the brain and in some way create something more sophisticated as Mankind (Artificial Intelligence) which is far superior to our Intelligence. As last, we can see how Mankind is exploring other planets to create a new place to live for some "Rich" people. From the Bible: - “As for you, Daniel, conceal these words and seal up the book until the end of time; many will go back and forth, and knowledge will increase.” (Daniel 12:4). - Psalm 8:5 tells us that “we are made a little lower than Elohim,” who is God.There is no room for artificial beings to rule man or for mankind to live on other planets that God did not give us dominion over. - Moreover, the purpose of the heavens is to “proclaim His righteousness, and all peoples see His glory.” (Psalm 97:6)And one day very soon, God will “show wonders in the heavens and on the earth, blood and fire and billows of smoke. The sun will be turned to darkness and the moon to blood before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the LORD.” (Joel 2:30–31)Yeshua (Jesus) also confirmed that before the Day of the Lord, “the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light; the stars will fall from the sky, and the heavenly bodies will be shaken.” (Mark 13:24-25; Isaiah 13:10, 14:4)In the past centuries, “blood moons” or lunar eclipses during which the moon appears red, have occurred on Jewish high holy days and at key events in Jewish history, as it did in 2014 and 2015. And we will be seeing more in the near future.
  17. In my country, a yearly "Medical Fit" must be presented for EVERY DRIVER (car, motorbike, etc.) If the doctor does not seems you fit to drive a vehicle on public roads, your DL is annulated. In my opinion, a "Medical Fit" advice should be required in every country for drivers who carry people (Bus, songtaew, etc.) I would like to know what the insurance company says about this accident. Will they pay to the people who are hurt?
  18. Take care with what you write. This forum is PRO PRAYUTH / PAD and publishing negative remarks about them can get you a ban ...
  19. Why is a 65 years old guy allowed to be a bus/taxi/songtaew driver? Did he have a medical certificate?
  20. Everywhere in the world, there is a peak of accidents on New Year. Nothing anyone can do to prevent it. Only people with common sense and a good pack of luck survive these Holidays.
  21. Som Nam Na khun Surachai. Lucky that you are not involved in another accident and leave "Compulsory Insurance" others with their damage. In Thai they say "Som Nam Na" and in English they say "GO F..K YOURSELF".
  22. I feel pity for the poor dog who might have jump into the water to save his master. Thanks to Buddha, you will come back as a rich man.
  23. Indeed, a current leak switch costs about 150 baht, and if you can not put it it yourself, add 250 Baht for a (qualified) service man.
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