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Everything posted by Confuscious

  1. 1. The story says clearly that "she was hanging around the Cannabis shop to beg for food". Not to buy Cannabis. 2. In my country, the court can block all your assets (including your bank accounts) when you have a case hanging. Even money which has been sent to your BLOCKED account is not disponible. 3. I doubt that her sister would be so glad to send again 10,000 USD, but this time to the account of a complete stranger.
  2. How convinient of you to see this woman as a "beggar" but have mercy with the family of a British/UK national who is in ICU at a Bangkok hospital after he/she crashed his/her motorbike, without wearing a helmet, adequate protection or even an insurance, without a proper driver license and asking/begging for money on "gofundme".
  3. She was consesting to have sex with him and she was aware that he was filming the whole thing. Maybe she was payed for filming this. Why does she complain?
  4. The last few weeks, my Facebook is filled with advertisings whih are clearly scams. Selling a high-end item for a few hundred Baht. What makes it worse, is that all these advertisings are SPONSORED by FaceBook!!! Every normal person would directly see that this is a scam and not click on it. Yet, when I look at the many replies, I see a lot of Thai people answerring "Interested", "Transferred the money today". Are Thai really so dumb and gullible that they don't smell a scam that is biting them in the <deleted>? Sorry to say it, but they deserve to be scammed until they learn to read and think.
  5. I have my doubts about the whole story. First, he denied everything. Only, after a long interrogation, he admitted the crime. It's well known that police interrogations are not always "clean interrogations". Second, if he burried the body of the dead boy to conceal his crime, why would he have let the girl run away and not killed her on the spot too. Assuming that he would have killed the girl later, maybe at home after ....., what's the use of keeping the whereabouts of the girl secret? Doesn't add up to me and smells like the admittance of the crime like the 2 Burmese guys ...
  6. Ahhhhhhhhhh When I read the headline, I was thinking that Phuket was going to sterilyze all the Thai males in Phuket.
  7. The look on the Brit his face speaks everything: "I <deleted> up my holiday and now I will have to pay a lot more for that scratch. Stupid me." If you can not behave like a human being, stay away.
  8. My boss once said to me: "I drive an expensive sports car, I live in a big villa, I go on expensive holidays several times a year. etc. Yet, I don't have a penny in my pocket that I can call my own. When you want to have a good business, loan money as much as you can and enjoy your life. When the money source ends, close your company and start another one". Most of the super rich people are living under this rule (Jeff Bezos, Elon Musk, etc.)
  9. There is no answer to your question. Ruke #1: (written in every Governmental website) "Every signle officer can make additional rules according to their feelings of that day." What is "True" for immigration office "x" doesn't mean that it is "True" for immigration office "y".
  10. I guess you never saw a friend or member of your family dying of an overdose? Or being addicted to a drug and killing or stealing to buy his drugs for has addiction? Stupid answer
  11. Well, ................................................. Is that not exactly how 99,99 of the ASEANNOW members meet their wives. 99,99% of the AASEANNOW members are married to PHD degree or CEO of an important industry in Thailand and some of them also abroad. ...........................................................................................
  12. Reminds of the "Tandy" stores in my country in the early '70's. They were selling openly FM receivers which were able to receive the whole FM band from 87,5 to 140 MHz. Yes, it was illegal to possess an FM receiver which is able to receive anything above 108 MHz. Everything above that frequency was reserved for Police, Ambulance, Taxi, etc. It was kind of funny to see how "stupid" people were buying these receivers and were repocessed and fined the next day.
  13. What's the use of the "Re-affirmation" anyway? A few months ago, I booked a room with Agoda. At 2am, while I was sleeping, Agoda send me a "Re-affirmation" of my booking, stating that if I don't send a "Re-affirmation" in the time frame of 1 hour my booking was cancelled. Lucky, I booked the room with "Pay at the hotel" and didn't lost anything. The next day, I got a mail from Agoda that I should pay for not showing up and I forwarded the message that THEY CANCELLED the booking and THEY should pay. Blocked all messages from AGODA and that was it. Lot's of other and better companies.
  14. A few years back, a taxi hit my car. The insurer of my car, Viriyah, send my car to the repair station where they told me that the repair would take 5 a 7 days because the sensors on the bumper were not in stock. I asked Viriyah for a replacement car and the forwarded ne to another insurance company which is doing the replacement cars. Sorry, I forgot the name of that company. The company gave me clearance to rent a car for 5 days, but with the max at 500 baht/day.
  15. If they are not fat enough, they can still go to a doctor and get filled with Bottom. More and more girls/Woman are getting their <deleted> filled with Bottox to have a bottom like the African woman. Seems that they are proud to look like this.
  16. I know several young people who burns more calories in 1 day as the average person on 1 month. Yet, they are really obese. This is only because of their feeding habits which consists of lots of sugary food (bread and cake shops, sugary drinks such as bubba tea, etc.). Food and drinks which were hardly available to the common Thai citizens a decade ago.
  17. I live in Thailand for more than 20 years now. In the first, let's say 10 years, the Thai people I've seen were mainly poor people, living under poor conditions. In Korat, where I was living, there were only 3 shopping Malls and not many Thai people were going there. There were almost no "fat" people and the available food was mainly local food. Now, the shopping Malls are almost every day filled with people. People are also walking around in Markets and other public places. But the main part of these people are really FAT and ugly. Wearing mini skirts and other clothes showing their fat hanging out. Their daily menu has changed from local food to KFC, Mc Donalds, etc. What is your opinion on this? (Please, keep this discussion civilised)
  18. Yes, a lot of crap on Facebook and other Social Media sites. But I hope that the new EU regulation against Social Media sites will come true and Thailand will adapt a similar regulation. The new EU regulation will hold the publisher of FaceBook responsable for everything published in FaceBook. Will be fun to see this regulation come true ...
  19. So is Prostitution; Sex toys; Porn Movies; Etc. But if I would get 1 USD per prostitute in Thailand, I would be rich man
  20. Thai man have learned from the Islam: If you can not get a girl/woman, rape her and offer her at the court to marry her or get the death penalty.
  21. A few years ago, there was a similar accident in Belgium and the Ambulance was declared wrong at the court and ordered to pay all the damages. The traffic law was stating that emergency vehicles need to slow down when nearing a traffic light and can only drive trough that light if it is safe to do so.
  22. Wait for the autopsie... Maybe they will find cyankali in his blood ...
  23. Clearly a FAKE!!!! Why was the police allowing the guy with the camera/phone to make a movie of the police officer following the motorbike and film the police officer writing a ticket? FAKE
  24. This gives the whole story a new twist. I wonder if the sister will be arrested as well for supplying the Cyanide. A "Family Business"?
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