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Everything posted by Confuscious

  1. Like the horse of Troje, YOU, the Thai government, did open the gates widely for your Chinese masters. YOU, the Thai government, made living in Thailand a breeze for your Chinese masters. So, stop whinnig now about the Chinese. All this is YOUR OWN FAULT!!!! SOM NAM NAA
  2. Every time I do a transfer with Phone Banking or Quick-scan, I receive a message on my phone to APPROVE the transaction. Without my approval, nothing is done. I guess that 99% of these complaints are done by persons with a single, not working, braincell or persons who are trying to scam the bank themselves.
  3. In Facebook, but I think it's all over the Social Media, are advertissements on a daily basis about the latest gadgets at super low prices or advertissements for a job at home with great earnings. Anybody with 2 brain cells know that they are scams. Still, judging the comments asking about the shipping or other enquiries, one must admit that 3/4 of the population don't have the required 2 brain cells to be fit to read Social Media outlets.
  4. I remember a strange sound at night. Something like a cry for help. Guess it was the dragon in a fight. Damned cats, i hate them.
  5. This morning, while cleaning my patio, I found this beauty. But a bunch of ants had murdered him/her before she could cross my patio. It was about 40cm long when I found it. It looks like some kind of dragon, but I don't know anything about tropic animals. So, if somebody can tell me what kind of animal it was (before dying) and some details about it, I would like to hear it. TIA
  6. It is easy to point a finger at the insurance companies, but if you read why they were refused, the insurance companies have acted legaly and bear no blame. A trip to Pattaya, or ant tourist side will show the behavior of these tourists and NO insurance company will cover them. Driving at high speed, on a main road, with 1 or more girls on your lap, is NOT a way to holiday in a foreign country.
  7. When people don't learn something for their own safety, it's the task of the Government to make Laws and see that they are being respected. But when you have a government which consist mainly of self-appointed Military and Police officials (the owners of the minivan transport services) who claim they will end this business for the xth-time, you know why they fail to stop that business.
  8. The same in the early years of the EU. Belgium wanted to introduce a "Peage (= tax)" on their highways like France did and the reaction of the French was crazy. I always wondered why the British (and other nations) lost so many lives to free the coward French in WW2. Trying to save a snake and when it is saved it will bite you.
  9. In cases like this, I am totally against the dead penalty. The perpetrator is a young man and he can help society by donating all his organs to save other people lives, and his limbs and skin can be donated to a Medical University while he is still alive. Chinese method
  10. You forgot where you are. Thailand is a "Mai Pen Rai" society where dying is no big deal as the Lord Buddha said that we come back in a next life. So what? Drive as there is not tomorrow ....
  11. i don't know, but it seems that the governments are not happy with all this social media thing and are trying to put a halt to it. Tik Tik is banned in many countries now; Twitter was taken over by musk! The taxman is inquiring into these sudden millionaires, etc. My guess is that a lot of them will end very poor as happened to a lady in my country who got a letter from the taxman to pay over 100.000 Eur in not declared revenues
  12. I was in Soi Buakhao a few weeks ago and watched some disabled people on a motorised wheelchair with a girl on their lap roaming the streets up and down. They were going pretty fast on their modified wheelchair. Ready to join the "Fund Me" app.
  13. That will change very soon. My country (and several other countries) has got access to the financial details of their citizens and is analyzing "Sudden Wealth" to cash unpaid taxes.
  14. I am not sure when this begun, but I think it was inherent with the upcoming of the Social Media and Media providers like Facebook, Instagram, Tik Tok, etc. I can hardly browse any of website without being shown a short clip (Tik Tok, Instagram, etc.). Sometimes it is rather funny, but after seeing the #101 version of someone who comes out of the shower, sees a body in his bed, makes love to her, goes to the kitchen, meet his wife and is baffled, it is not funny anymore. And every time, there is a button "Donate" or similar. A few days ago, I was presented with one of these clips, and it was my friend who is already 75 years old, posing in his naked upper body in a split screen clip where he was simply moving his head in a "Yes/No" movement on the right window to the speech of the person in the left window. Of course, there was a button to "Donate" for his clip. Some (Most) of the website are filled to the brim with advertising which you can eleminate by a "Donation" (buying). But is anybody really answering the "Donate" button? 2 weeks ago, there was a show of a famous Social Media dog (Tik tok) in Terminal 21 which attracted thousands of people. According to some people, the organisers would have paid 100,,000 baht to have the dogs on show. I know some guys who are making real good money of this "Donate" button. Is this the future of our society? Begging for money?
  15. Europ Assistance is an insurance paid by the health care for European citizens on holiday. That's the part of the involvement of Europe in this. "Chose" is a typo and should be "Chose". But as most of you are out of Junior school, i guess you knew this already.
  16. They guy is a BRITISH citizen and the insurance company who refuses to pay for a repatriation is a BRITISH insurance company. Nothing to do with THAILAND. Sucks that the UK chise to leave the EU?
  17. When the UK was still in EU, British holiday makers could go on holiday after taking an insurance with "Europ Assistance" (an insurance of the health care providers) which would repatriate him always. But the UK chosed to leave the EU ...and go for "Go Fund Me".......
  18. There is no excuse for holding someone against their own will and forcing them into prostitution. No matter what their age is, it is the same as Kidnapping. The people who have done this should be locked up and condemned to forced labor. The younger people are hardly indebted. It are their parents or the people who are supposed to take care of them who get indebted and if they sell a kid because of this they are as guilty as the people who take advantage of them and shall be punished as well..
  19. Lucky we have now anutin screaming that foreigners are filthy pigs who take only 1 shower a day
  20. Thaksin is not a dumb man. He is old and needs a lot of medical care. If he dies in a cell, he will be a "Martyr" and Thailand will go down in a never ending war between the North and Bangkok (fuelled by Thaksin's family). If he is treated well, he will cost the country lots of money and he will have control over his followers from the country within, which will throw Thailand back to 2006. Any way you can chose, it as win-win for Thaksin. Thailand was much better off with Thaksin abroad.
  21. https://youtube.com/shorts/xyyMgSbr11U?feature=share3
  22. Huh????????????? I thought that Italian was a sign language. You need to use your hands, and sometimes your arms to speak Italian.
  23. My girlfrieend send me pictures of the house today. It looks really nice and cosy. Ready to move in.
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