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Everything posted by Confuscious

  1. Personal Accident Insurance. A Personal Accident insurance will cover any damage caused by an ACCIDENT, including car/motorbike accidents. https://www.muangthai.co.th/en/personal-accident-insurance
  2. The "girl" was too busy with playing on the phone and fixed to the screen. She didn't even turn her head each time the spoon was brought to her mouth.
  3. The English Embassy, if the have any decency, should take note of this and bring this to the INTERNATIONAL NEWS. The English Embassy should escalate this case of malfaicance of the police to the (international) courts. The English Embassy/Expat community should organize a visit to the Police and the Mair of Phuket and publish this case on al Social Media Channels. Making this case known public all over the world would make the Police and governor being shamed. I see here an opportunity for ASEANNOW to organize this march.
  4. So, THE BRITISH WOMAN was driving the van???????????????????? Is that the level of reporting of Thaiger??????????????
  5. But you are making unfounded accusations. Strange that the mod's allow this.
  6. Anotai, described as of unsound mind but able to communicate coherently, lives in the area with her brother, who was absent at the time of the assault. The hospital later disclosed that she is HIV positive. STUPID COMMENT FROM SOMEONE WHO CAN NOT READ
  7. In a way, pity that the rape did not succeed and he would have catched HIV too.
  8. My more than 2 decades in Thailand: 1. A few years ago, it started to rain heavy and water levels on my street started to rise. As I had already witnessed a few floodings in my street, I drove my car to the main street (higher grounds) and took a motorbike taxi home. The next day, my street was flooded (about 40cm) and I waited for the water to receede to get my car back. At the evening, the water in the street was at a normal level and I went for my car. I was sure that I parked my car at a 7/11 shop, but it was not there anymore. Went the street up-and-down 500 meters, but not a sign of my car. Went to the police station nearby and told them my story. The policeman in charge took a policecar and we went the street up-and-down again. Found my car, located about 1km at the next 7/11 2. On a Saturday, 1st day of Songkhran, I went with my daughter to the horse riding school. It was located on an isolated place, far away from the local traffic. In the evening, as I was driving home, a cooling pipe burst and the cooling water drained out. In the middle of nowhere, on a holiday weekend and it was starting to be dark. A pick-up, full of people in the back celebrating the water splashing, passed me and saw that I was in trouble with my car. The driver stopped and came to look if he could offer some help. After explaining to him what happened, he called a tow vehicle and waited with us. The tow vehicle arrived about 10 minutes later and the driver of the pickup gave instructions to tow my car to the dealer. I paid the tow vehicle and the pickup driver invited me and my daughter to celebrate Songkhran with his family. We had the best Songkhran ever and sleeped at his house that night (on my daughters demand). The driver of the pickup was a high police officer. 3. Long ago, I was already divorced and had the custody of my daughter, a new law was out which implied that children should have an ID-Card at the age of 9 years. We went to the local City Hall for an ID-Card, but it was denied as the clerk insisted that the mother was needed to file for an ID-Card. I presented the divorce documents where I had the FULL parenthood, but for her the presence of the mother was needed. We went to the main City Hall for an ID-Card, but it was denied for the same reason. The clerk showed me a civil law book that stated that until the age of 16 years the mother had to be present for all oficial documents. After a few weeks, trying every possible step, we went to the Immigration Police and asked for their advice. The Immigration Police officer went with us and 2 other Immigration Policeman to the main City Hall, had a word in private with the clerk and returend a few minutes later. The clerk wrote a few papers, took pictures of my daughter and 15 minutes later we left the City Hall WITK an ID-Card for my daughter. To keep it short, my encounters with the police have been very pleasant compared to the Police in my country.
  9. The little girl knew exactly on which "buttons" on the screen to click -> problem solving, ingenuity, The little girl was glued to the cell phone screen -> attention span, Maybe not the kind of skills which were needed to actually be compared to a mature person, but certainly more advanced at her age as I was when I was 4 years old. Agreed, I had other skills, more social oriented as this little girl. I remember my own daughter, when she was 8 years old, she asked me to download a program on her computer to do her "Speedpaint". The program (Japanese) was very similair to Adobe Photoshop, but more oriented to "Speedpaint". I downloaded it from a Torrent site, checked it for viruses, and installed it on her computer. Later that day, when she started her computer, she started to make a "Speedpaint" movie without reading a single manual. Longest Speedpaint evar.mp4
  10. Print the documents in fax format (TIFF) and send them with your phone to a fax number. No problem.
  11. I go every day eat lunch and enjoy a cup of coffee at some mall. Today, while eating lunch at Central Plaza's food park, a woman and her daughter came to sit at the table next to me. We greeted each other and had a little chat. The daughter was 4 years old. While spoon feeding the daughter, the child was playing on a cell phone. Her little hands holding the phone while her little tumbs were pushing the screen at random places with precision. I tried to imagine when I was 4 years old and somebody would give me a cell phone if I would know what I had to do with it. No manual. No instructions. No buttons or switches. Are children in this century more advanced as the children from 60 years ago? Without doubt more tech savy.
  12. Fully understandable. If she had also plastic bag over her head, it would be an obvious suicide case. But no plastic bag over her head sound suspicious. Thai police = walking amoebe
  13. Don't understand what the fuzz is all about. Goldthorpe has found the love of his life, whe loves him to the moon and back, and is planning his wedding somewhere in Isan now. Let him enjoy his retirement age. Soon he will be posting here about how to get a Retirement visa ...
  14. Wish Adrian good luck and success in getting the parenthood of his daughter and get her away from the so called "mother".
  15. So, he was found hiding in the back seat of a car which arrived after the arrival of the police??????????????? 1st class reporting again? Or a magic trick?
  16. What is always missing in such reports is te follow-up. Will he get a slap on the wrists and send back on the streets the same day?
  17. Personally, in my opinion, cars worth more than 1 million baht should have 1st class insurance. If they don't have that insurance, they should accept the maximum sum paid out by the insurance of the 2nd party. In such cases where the driver who caused the accident is clearly in fault (like this), the driver should face a restriction to drive a certain time.
  18. The correct answer was: SNAKE BITE. No spider or Centipede.
  19. Well, when the PA-Insurance pays me just to look at young nurses, that's an offer I can't refuse.
  20. If an "Intelligent Bureaucrat" would come up with this, all the Visa-Agents would be jobless in no time and the Side-Hustling of the Immigration Officers would be gone. More chance to see the Eastern Rabbit and Santa Claus on the same day.
  21. Very difficult for me as I lost the ability to write in 1995 due to a stroke with Right-Side disabled. I got about 85% of my right side back with exercises at the hospital, but the fine movements were lost forever. That's the reason why I chose to complete TM7 by typing on the computer and printing it out.
  22. I was once rejected from my application because I had printed the TM7 in BLACK ink. Must be in BLUE ink. I went to the copy shop in front of the Immigration office and asked to print the document with the information in BLUE INK. Went back to Immigration and presented the documents for review. TM7 was still not accepted because when the girl at the copy shop chose to print it in color, the original document was printed in a shade of Gray and it had to be BLACK> Took a Blanco TM7 and filled it in by hand on the spot. Presented the documents back to the officer and it was refused because I had filled my address in THAI. Must be in English. I wanted to reply to the officer how the many people who are from Burma or Cambodia do fill their TM7 in? Are they all fluent in English? Why is the TM7 in English and in Thai when we are only allowed to use English? But I tought that it would be wiser to not ask such a question to a walking amoeba. Filled my TM7 with BLUE INK in ENGLISH and I could proceed with my Visa extension.
  23. Despite all the negativity in this forum and other forums, there are good people amongst the Thais. Willing to help sellfishless a foreigner in need. In my more than 2 decades in Thailand I received help from Thai citizens and officials where my own citizens wouldn't lift a finger. Grey comes in many different shades.
  24. I used Shopee once on a reference from the supplier of my Blood Sugar strips. On the application it was possible to receive the goods at the nearest 7/11 and pay there. No need to wait at home for delivery. Very convenient. Don't know if this still possible.
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